Box 5, Folder 7, Document 5

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Box 5, Folder 7, Document 5

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Consultants for Multi-family Housing

Telephone 436 -6 1 34 : TELEPHONE 422-4479
Post Office Box 7164 P. ©. BOX 2068
Atlanta, Georgia 30309 May 9, 1968 ORLANDO, FLORIDA’ 32802

The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mayor of Atlanta

Dear Mayor Alten:

In behalf of Mr. Kahn and all who are working with us in the establishment of a com-
prehensive breakthrough in construction costs, I wich to express our sincerest ap-
preciation for the time and energy you gave us this afternoon. I realize your very
crowded schedule and the crisis proportions of your daily responsibilities.

As you know, the federal people, as well as all concerned citizens, are almost
desperately anxious to see a price breakthrough mace, so that the poor people can
have the dignity of ownership without it being a total subsidy condition. To bullid
public housing for $17,600 per unit is not the answer. The answer can only be found
in that which made America great in the first place - a frugal approach to life's
many opportunities for stewardship.

We have had an earnest desire to prove the potential of our construction techniques
in an urban setting. Vy previous letter was comprehensive in that regard. Iam
very sure that the federal people (beyond the regional HUD office) would be enthu-
siastic in their cooperation, and it is a conviction with me that Atlanta would gain
mueh from the fact of being the place where this honest and good American thing
transpired. The time crisis is upon us as it ie upon everyone, #0 that we cannot
affora to iet this eummer pass while only procedural affairs are cared for. We were
aot too late in our originalypresentation. We came in several weeks ago with a very
serious proposition aad are still ae sincere as we were then,

Again, please accept my gratitude for your gracious hospitality and my pledge of
continuing «upport in the days which face ue ail.

Riehard L. Fullerton

RLF *jl
ce; Messere, Kahn, Young, Scnarffenberger,
/Sweat, Alexander, Dougias, Burke, Jones,
Rapp, and Gammon


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