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Box 5, Folder 7, Document 10
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Housing Resources Executive Committee and
Low-income Housing Coordinating Group Meeting
April 11, 1968 -
The regular montly meeting of the Housing Resources Committee
and Low-income Housing Coordinating Group was held in Committee
Room 2, City Hall, at 10:00 a.m, Thursday, April 11, 1968.
Copies of invitational notices, agenda, list of those invited
and attending and reference documents are attached to the file copy
of these minutes.
The following Panels of the Housing Resources Committee were
not represented at the meeting: Legal, Public Housing, Social
Problems and Public Information.
Chairman flexarnder Presided.
In opening the meeting Mr. Alexander referred to the objectives
of the late Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr., and complimented Dr. Benjamin
E. Mays, Co-Chairman of the Housing Resources Committee, on his
eulogy address at the funeral of Dr. King.
Mir, Alexander then expressed the appreciation of the Committee
for the support it is receiving in the Chamber of Commerce and called
upon Mr. Curtis Driskell of the Chamber's staff who read a Resolution
adopted by the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce April
10, 1968 supporting proposed package zoning approach for obtaining
sites for low-income housing,
Mr. Alexander then made referenc to a new assignment for the
Land Committee, as indicated on the agenda, and explained inter-
pretation by the Director of Planning on utilization of the City's
recently adopted Land Use Plan, as relates to Low-income housing.
He then called upon Mr. Jones to comment on the Committee's
support on two recent zoning petitions.
Mr. Jones explained that the Executive Committee on March
14, 1968 authorized the Housing Resources Committee to support
rezoning requests in connection appropriately planned development
projects which conform to the 1983 Lande Use Map and that consequently
recent zoning petitions for a 15 acre tract on Jonesboro Road, S.E.
for a Turnkey project and for a 99 acre tract (East Lake Golf Course
No. 2) for a multiplicity of housing development types under
Turnkey and 221 d (3) had both been supported by this Committee in
letters to members of the Zcning Committee from Chairman Alexander
and stated that Mr. Alexander appeared personally in support of both
projects before the Zoning Committee at the Public Hearing! that
the former site is consistent with the Land Use Plan and the latter
is consistent with the Planning Director's interpretation of intended
use of the Land Use Plan; that both sites already have the essential
Community Facilities or evidence that such will be provided simultan-
eously with the proposed development; and that both sites have been
approved by the Housing Authority and have tentative approval of
HUD; that action taken by the Zoning Committee was to Deny rezoning
of the former site and to Defer action on the latter site.
Mr. “lexander proposed a meeting with representatives from the
School Board, Planning Department and others “affected such as Planning
and Development Committee and Planning Board, Housing Authority and
Citizenry to consider ways and means for taking zoning out of politics,
Mr. Alexander called for special report from the Legal Panel
on School Construction by Developers in low-income housing projects.
‘s the Legal Panel was not represented at the meeting the report was
ft this time the Chairman recognized and welcomed Mr. Cary
Hooks, newly appointed Director of FHA for Georgia. Mr. Hooks .
responded with assurance of FH/'s contined cooperation in the low-in
income housing program and gave a brief report on 221 d (3) projects
in Metropolitan /fAtlanta as follows:
11 Completed 1352 Units
13 Under Construction 972 i
5 Commitments Issued 704 a
1 Application in process 300 "
7 Preliminaygy ‘pplication 1043 i
He also commented on progress being made in the Appalacian
Program, which covers the area Carrolton-Rome-Dalton in Georgia.
Aliso that progress is being made on the Rockdale project.
Mr. Alexander commented on lwo-income housing being developed ~
in Gainesville and suggested that we here in Atlanta should give
encouragement and assistance if possible to Gainesville and other
neighboring cities to develope low-income housing, which would have
a tendency to ease the burden currently being placed on Atlanta.
Dr. Sidney L. Davis, Chairman of the Housing /‘ppeals Board,
was called upon for comments, He explained the urgent need for
some sources of assistance in dire hardship cases for bringing
dwelling units up to standards required by the Housing Code; that
to date all efforts in this direction have been unsuccessful and
that the Housing Code Division has about 500 cases in this categorys
ir. T. M. flexander, Sr., member of the Housing ‘/ppeals
Board, confirmed and expanded on Dr. Davis' comments. He pointed
out particularly the need for some City controls over unscrupulous,
fly-by-night contractors who are not required by the City or
State to meet any performance qualifications and who constantly
victimize unfortunate low-income property owners,
Mayor Allen responded by stating that he has only recently
called upon the Better Business Bureau to be on the outlook for
this kind of so called Home Improvement Contractor and to expose
the unscrupulous ones.
Mayor Allen then made reference to the Civil Rights Act
recently approved by Congress and to his request to the City
Attorney for report on its implication to Atlanta. He suggested
that the Housing Resources Committee call upon the Board of
Aldermen for:
(1) Establishment of a City-wide Relocation
Service in Atlanta; and
(2) Re-evaluation of Zoning for the entire City,
with view to providing, thru zoning, adequate space
for necessary housing. He also pointed out that
this may require Some changes in the Land Use Plan.
Subsequently, motion was made by Mr. Winn, seconded by Dr.
Mays and adopted unanimously that the Housing Resources Committee
Support the program proposed by Mayor fllen,.
lix. Alexander announced that implementation of the Housing
Resources Committee's action would be referred to one of the
Standing Panels or that an Ad Hoc Committee would be appointed
to carry it out.
Mr. Alexander then referred back to comment made by Dr.
Davis and Mr. T. M. Alexander, Sr. and announced that he would
refer to the Legal Panel the matter of:
(1) Extending the coverage of grants for Code
Enforcement in Hardship cases.
(2) Adoption of Code Enforcement Areas, which
we Should try to get designated in (Atlanta.
Dr, Mays said there shovld be a call made for Federal
legislation to make funds available to help code enforcement in
hardship cases,
Dr. Henderson commented on EOA Grants of up $2,000.00, but
which he concluded gre apparently limited to rural areas.
Mir, Alexander made a suggestion that Foundations in Atlanta
might provide some help and made inquiry if requirements for
selection of Code Enforcement areas had been simplified; apparently
they have not,
Mr. flexander then announced a special meeting for Wednesday,
May 17 of principals concerned with view to determining legal
implications and ways of establishing some local Code Enforcement
areas whereby needy owners could qualify to receive Federal
grants and loans, now authorized for Urban Renewal areas only in
Mir. William S. Howland reported that CACUR has experienced
considerable difficulty in locating suitable properties for
rehabilitation under Section 221 (h) particularly in respect
to the high prices being asked for existing properties in need of
major repairs and the schepticism of owners in disposing of their
properties to a non-profit corporation with expectation of buying
them back again after rehabilitation.
Mir, flexander announced his intention of setting up a series
of Panel meetings to reorient members and establish more specific
asSignments and objectives.
Announcement was made of the Housing Development Corporation
Status, i.e,, incorporation has taken place; office set aside for
its use in the First National Bank Building; funds have been made
available; administrative support is to come from CAP initially;
now look for a Director,
The meeting adjourned at 11:65 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
=: , ~ tF
P) paleo iyy 3 IAD
Malcolm D, Jones
Housing Coordinator
Encls; Resolution by Chamber of Commerce
Invitational notices and lists of those invited and attending
(with file copy only)
Housing Resources Executive Committee and
Low-income Housing Coordinating Group Meeting
April 11, 1968 -
The regular montly meeting of the Housing Resources Committee
and Low-income Housing Coordinating Group was held in Committee
Room 2, City Hall, at 10:00 a.m, Thursday, April 11, 1968.
Copies of invitational notices, agenda, list of those invited
and attending and reference documents are attached to the file copy
of these minutes.
The following Panels of the Housing Resources Committee were
not represented at the meeting: Legal, Public Housing, Social
Problems and Public Information.
Chairman flexarnder Presided.
In opening the meeting Mr. Alexander referred to the objectives
of the late Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr., and complimented Dr. Benjamin
E. Mays, Co-Chairman of the Housing Resources Committee, on his
eulogy address at the funeral of Dr. King.
Mir, Alexander then expressed the appreciation of the Committee
for the support it is receiving in the Chamber of Commerce and called
upon Mr. Curtis Driskell of the Chamber's staff who read a Resolution
adopted by the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce April
10, 1968 supporting proposed package zoning approach for obtaining
sites for low-income housing,
Mr. Alexander then made referenc to a new assignment for the
Land Committee, as indicated on the agenda, and explained inter-
pretation by the Director of Planning on utilization of the City's
recently adopted Land Use Plan, as relates to Low-income housing.
He then called upon Mr. Jones to comment on the Committee's
support on two recent zoning petitions.
Mr. Jones explained that the Executive Committee on March
14, 1968 authorized the Housing Resources Committee to support
rezoning requests in connection appropriately planned development
projects which conform to the 1983 Lande Use Map and that consequently
recent zoning petitions for a 15 acre tract on Jonesboro Road, S.E.
for a Turnkey project and for a 99 acre tract (East Lake Golf Course
No. 2) for a multiplicity of housing development types under
Turnkey and 221 d (3) had both been supported by this Committee in
letters to members of the Zcning Committee from Chairman Alexander
and stated that Mr. Alexander appeared personally in support of both
projects before the Zoning Committee at the Public Hearing! that
the former site is consistent with the Land Use Plan and the latter
is consistent with the Planning Director's interpretation of intended
use of the Land Use Plan; that both sites already have the essential
Community Facilities or evidence that such will be provided simultan-
eously with the proposed development; and that both sites have been
approved by the Housing Authority and have tentative approval of
HUD; that action taken by the Zoning Committee was to Deny rezoning
of the former site and to Defer action on the latter site.
Mr. “lexander proposed a meeting with representatives from the
School Board, Planning Department and others “affected such as Planning
and Development Committee and Planning Board, Housing Authority and
Citizenry to consider ways and means for taking zoning out of politics,
Mr. Alexander called for special report from the Legal Panel
on School Construction by Developers in low-income housing projects.
‘s the Legal Panel was not represented at the meeting the report was
ft this time the Chairman recognized and welcomed Mr. Cary
Hooks, newly appointed Director of FHA for Georgia. Mr. Hooks .
responded with assurance of FH/'s contined cooperation in the low-in
income housing program and gave a brief report on 221 d (3) projects
in Metropolitan /fAtlanta as follows:
11 Completed 1352 Units
13 Under Construction 972 i
5 Commitments Issued 704 a
1 Application in process 300 "
7 Preliminaygy ‘pplication 1043 i
He also commented on progress being made in the Appalacian
Program, which covers the area Carrolton-Rome-Dalton in Georgia.
Aliso that progress is being made on the Rockdale project.
Mr. Alexander commented on lwo-income housing being developed ~
in Gainesville and suggested that we here in Atlanta should give
encouragement and assistance if possible to Gainesville and other
neighboring cities to develope low-income housing, which would have
a tendency to ease the burden currently being placed on Atlanta.
Dr. Sidney L. Davis, Chairman of the Housing /‘ppeals Board,
was called upon for comments, He explained the urgent need for
some sources of assistance in dire hardship cases for bringing
dwelling units up to standards required by the Housing Code; that
to date all efforts in this direction have been unsuccessful and
that the Housing Code Division has about 500 cases in this categorys
ir. T. M. flexander, Sr., member of the Housing ‘/ppeals
Board, confirmed and expanded on Dr. Davis' comments. He pointed
out particularly the need for some City controls over unscrupulous,
fly-by-night contractors who are not required by the City or
State to meet any performance qualifications and who constantly
victimize unfortunate low-income property owners,
Mayor Allen responded by stating that he has only recently
called upon the Better Business Bureau to be on the outlook for
this kind of so called Home Improvement Contractor and to expose
the unscrupulous ones.
Mayor Allen then made reference to the Civil Rights Act
recently approved by Congress and to his request to the City
Attorney for report on its implication to Atlanta. He suggested
that the Housing Resources Committee call upon the Board of
Aldermen for:
(1) Establishment of a City-wide Relocation
Service in Atlanta; and
(2) Re-evaluation of Zoning for the entire City,
with view to providing, thru zoning, adequate space
for necessary housing. He also pointed out that
this may require Some changes in the Land Use Plan.
Subsequently, motion was made by Mr. Winn, seconded by Dr.
Mays and adopted unanimously that the Housing Resources Committee
Support the program proposed by Mayor fllen,.
lix. Alexander announced that implementation of the Housing
Resources Committee's action would be referred to one of the
Standing Panels or that an Ad Hoc Committee would be appointed
to carry it out.
Mr. Alexander then referred back to comment made by Dr.
Davis and Mr. T. M. Alexander, Sr. and announced that he would
refer to the Legal Panel the matter of:
(1) Extending the coverage of grants for Code
Enforcement in Hardship cases.
(2) Adoption of Code Enforcement Areas, which
we Should try to get designated in (Atlanta.
Dr, Mays said there shovld be a call made for Federal
legislation to make funds available to help code enforcement in
hardship cases,
Dr. Henderson commented on EOA Grants of up $2,000.00, but
which he concluded gre apparently limited to rural areas.
Mir, Alexander made a suggestion that Foundations in Atlanta
might provide some help and made inquiry if requirements for
selection of Code Enforcement areas had been simplified; apparently
they have not,
Mr. flexander then announced a special meeting for Wednesday,
May 17 of principals concerned with view to determining legal
implications and ways of establishing some local Code Enforcement
areas whereby needy owners could qualify to receive Federal
grants and loans, now authorized for Urban Renewal areas only in
Mir. William S. Howland reported that CACUR has experienced
considerable difficulty in locating suitable properties for
rehabilitation under Section 221 (h) particularly in respect
to the high prices being asked for existing properties in need of
major repairs and the schepticism of owners in disposing of their
properties to a non-profit corporation with expectation of buying
them back again after rehabilitation.
Mir, flexander announced his intention of setting up a series
of Panel meetings to reorient members and establish more specific
asSignments and objectives.
Announcement was made of the Housing Development Corporation
Status, i.e,, incorporation has taken place; office set aside for
its use in the First National Bank Building; funds have been made
available; administrative support is to come from CAP initially;
now look for a Director,
The meeting adjourned at 11:65 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
=: , ~ tF
P) paleo iyy 3 IAD
Malcolm D, Jones
Housing Coordinator
Encls; Resolution by Chamber of Commerce
Invitational notices and lists of those invited and attending
(with file copy only)