Box 5, Folder 7, Document 15

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Box 5, Folder 7, Document 15

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April 18, 1968

From: Malcolm Jones

Re Honor Farm No. 1 (Federal Pen Site)


Several days ago Collier Gladin suggested that I try to get private
developers interested in this site; and recently Dan Sweat asked me to
work with Collier Gladin and Howard Oppenshaw in trying to expedite
development of the housing portion of this site.

On April 10 I had a scheduled conference with a prospective developer
for this site. Mr. Howard Oppenshaw of the Housing Authority and
Mr. Dick Case of HUD participated in the conference. Subsequently I have
discussed the matter with Collier Gladin and others interested in this


Title to the property is now in General Services Administration.
Topographic map (2' interval) of the area has been prepared and is in
hands of the Housing Authority. The State Highway Department has
furnished the center-line for the Expressway and is working on slope
boundary lines, However, the State Highway Departinent cannot accurately
define and confirm the Expressway boundaries until after it holds a
Public Hearing several weeks hence,

A small contiguous triangle shaped tract, acquisition of which is
considered desirable for inclusion in the overall project, is owned by
private interests. It could be acquired separately by the Housing Authority
and its acquisition should not delay development of the land to be dedicated
by the Federal Goverment.

Mr. Oppenshaw is now working on a tightly timed development schedule
for 15 single-family lots in a portion of the area adjacent to the existing
Thomasville Urban Renewal Project. This should continue and this portion
should be handled separately from the remainder of the housing portion

of the Federal Pen site.

Page 2
April 18, 1968


Mr. Case of HUD proposes that GSA deed the Highway, School and Parks
portions of the site directly to thease respective Departments for planning
and development, but that the Housing portion (including small commercial
site to serve the project) be deeded to the Housing Authority, for subsequent
processing and development under Urban Renewal. However, he concedes that
these sites could be deeded by GSA to the City of Atlanta or direct to a
selected developer, as is now contemplated for the other portions of the

All agree that the eventual award of the housing portion to a developer
should be based on some form of competitive process. It also appears that
the most feasible competitive procedure would be thru design proposals by
prospective developers, for multiple tyouhoostag.

We all also agree that such proposals could be called for by either
the City or the Housing Authority, without waiting for the title to first
pass from GSA,

It is my opinion, which is also shared by others, that the quickest
development can be accomplished thru private developers direct, with-out
the land being deeded first to the Housing Authority and then going thru
the Urban Renewal process. At least two of the prospective developers
much prefer it this way and in fact have requested it be done this way,
if possible. Interfaith has specifically asked that the Mayor write
directly to HUD in Washington requesting this procedure.

Any financial advantage that might be derived in development of streets
and installation of utilities by the Housing Authority thru the Urban
Renewal process, should be off set by the time saved and anticipated
relatively low land cost of the project, if done by the developer, in
conjunction with the housing development.

If necessary, the Housing Authority might be compensated for its
administrative services on this project, by adding the expense involved,

which should be only nominal, to the cost of the land to the developer,

Page 3
April 18, 1968

Mr. Oppenshaw proposes to work up criteria to be furnished prospective
developers uniformly in a package for their guidance in preparing and
submitting proposals on the housing portions of the site (other than the
15 single-family lots).

The prospective developers are anxious to know what the land will
cost them. They should know this in order to plan intelligently.

Mr. Gladin, Mr. Oppenshaw and I are in agreement that:

(a) As soon as Mr. Oppenshaw can package the development criteria
so that all interested developers may get the same material and information
as to requirements (which he is attempting to do by May 1) such can then
be put out to developers for submittal of proposals within 30 days.

(b) Selection of the successful developer could then be determined
within a 15 day period thereafter.

(c) Additional final development details could be worked out with
the successful developer, after the award has been made.

(d) The City should reserve the right to determine traffic circulation
within the project site.


1. Mr. Oppenshaw continue his tight schedule now in progress for
development of the 15 single family lots, through the Housing Authority.

2. HUD be requested to determine as soon as possible and inform the
City what the cost of the land will be.

3. Mr. Oppenshaw to pull to-gether as soon as possible (with target
date of May 1) uniform development criteria (including cost of land and suggested
approximate number of units by respective types desired for the remaining
housing sites to be furnished interested developers,

h. The Housing Authority to call as soon as possible (target date
May 1) for multiple isco wonting development proposals, for submittal in

30 days (target date June 1).

April 18, 1968

5. Prospective developers to be informed that the Planning Department
reserves the right to work out with the successful developer, traffic
circulation plans within the sites, satisfactory to the City.

6, Selection of successful bidder to be determined within 15 days
after submittal of proposals.

7. HUD in Washington be requested by letter from Mayor Allen to
ask GSA to deliver title to the portion of the tract (other than the
15 single family lots) to be developed for Housing (and related commercial)
direct to the successful developer to be determined jointly by the City-
Housing Authority.

8. Successful developer be required to start physical development
of these housing sites (break ground within six (6) months from date of
delivery to him of title to the land.

9, Successful developer be required to agree to complete development

within two (2) years from starting (breaking ground) date.

Respectfully submitted,

Ar ¥+o5
Malcolm D, Jonés
Housing Coordinator


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