Box 5, Folder 7, Document 24

Dublin Core


Box 5, Folder 7, Document 24

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Pon Svre ad


April 19, 1968

Re Honor Farm No. 1 (Federal Pen Site)

In meoting yesterday with Housing Authority representatives, the following
salient points were brought out:

1. Price of the portions to be developed for housing and related commercial
will require prior determination as to nature of development, i.e., through the
Housing Authority as Urben Renewal or by developers direct without the Urban
Renewal procedure.

2. Mr. Persells stated he would prefer it not be under Urban Renewal.

3. Mr. Paswiiie felt that after an Urban Renewal project reaches the
Execution stage, development thereafter could be as quick through the Housing
Authority es direct through private enterprise, but he would not predict how
long it would take to reach the Execution stage.

4. Mr. Perselis stated that Mr. Ed Baxter apparently feels that none of
the land should be developed as Public Housing and that in last meeting the
Mayor appeared to concur. (I essume that this does not preclude Turnkey
development of at least a portion of the area). I feel that prospective
developers should be encouraged to build e substantial number of units so thet
they could initially or subsequently be sold to the occupants and thet develope
ment under both Turnkey and 221 d (3) should be advocated.

5S. It wes brought out by Mr. Oppenshaw that if development is not under
Uxben Renewal, credite for the Elementary and Junior High Schools would not be
availeble and thet credite for these two facilities would be eufficient to

balance off the entire local shere of the cost of an Urban Renewel project.

a SE
It elso developed, however, that the Junior High School-Community Center
would be e general community facility serving that whole general area of

the city and not limited to the proposed development area.

6. Since the Junior High-Community Center represents 24 acres out of
the entire Federal Pen Site to be dedicated, that in view of the difficulty-
the City is having getting low-income housing sites, particularly for Public
Housing, and the fact that the School Department can get sites enywhere they
are needed, that the overall needs of the City would be better served if this
entire 24 acre portion, which includes some of the best land, would be developed
for low-income housing,


(a) That the housing and related commercial portions of the area be
developed by private enterprise direct, without going through the Urban
Renewal process. |

(b) That the currently designated Junior High School and Community
Neighborhood Center site be also developed for loweincome housing.

(c) That a multiple type housing development be encouraged using both
Turnkey and 221 d processes, with a substantial portion of the units designed
so that they could eventually be sold to the occupants.

Respectfully submitted,

Malcolm op

Housing Coordinator


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