Box 5, Folder 8, Document 19

Dublin Core


Box 5, Folder 8, Document 19

Text Item Type Metadata




August 7, 1968
Proposed Procedure for Selection of Sites for
Public Housing Under the Turnkey Program
Promoters and developers should initially contact the Housing
Authority (Mr. M, B, Satterfield or Mr. Gilbert Boggs) relative
to proposed sites.
After consideration by the Housing Authority, if deemed suitable,
the Housing Authority will request tentative approval from HUD
(Housing Assistance Administration) as to site location.
If looked upon favorable by HUD the Housing Authority will then
cail upon the City in writing (Planning Director, with information
copy to Housing Coordinator) for report as availability of facilities
and if the proposed development is consistent with the Land Use Plan.
Planning Department will then determine from appropriate Departments
and Agencies, without delay, if adequate facilities are available
or can be made available during the development of the project to
serve the project when completed; if proposed development is
consistent with the Land Use Plan; and so inform «© the Housing
Authority, in writing, with copy to the Housing Coordinator.
If the above is favorable, the Housing AuShority wiil then entertain
serious consideration of the site with the developer, who will
be advised to apply for appropriate rezoning, if required.
The Planning Department (Zoning Division) will notify the
Housing Coordiuetor whes reasoning petitions have been filed for
low-income housing developments and whm plans are submitted
for Planning Department approval on low-income housing projects.


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