Box 5, Folder 9, Document 12

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Box 5, Folder 9, Document 12

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Total Dwelling Units Permitted in Atlanta: SUMMARY Dwelling Units Demolished under Housing Coje:
1963°= 9,129 1966 - 2,382 Nov. & Dec. 1966 = 144
1964 - 3,829 1967 - 4,630 STATUS OF ACCELERATED LOW-INCOME HOUSING PROGRAM During 1967 = Leatz
1965 - 2,656 1968 - 4,098(thru Oct.) (Commenced Nov. 15, 1966) During 1968(thru Oct) - 740

TOTAL 2,156
5 yr. Program, 1967-71


% established .for first 2 yrs. 100% (57%) (13%) (30%) (0%)

(Same % used for 5 yr. period)16,800 (9,576) (2,184) (5,040) © (0)

Status *NO,. Units P.H. & TK FHA 221 Pvt. Devel. (Conv.) Elderly & N. H.

Nov. 15 Aug. 15 Nov 15 Aug 15 Nov 15 Aug 15 Nov 15 Aug 15 Nov 15 Aug 15

Completed (New Const .) 3,217 3,002 (650) (310) (854) (700) #(1481) (1760) (232) (232)

Under Construction 6,278 5,831 (1412) (1532) (1263) (1174) (3362) (3125) (241) ===

In Planning 7,337 7,712 (2388) (2608) (4135) (4234) (514) (424) (300) (446)
Total In Sight 16,832 16,545 ** (4450) (4450) (6252) (6108) (5357) (5309) : (773) (S78)

Plus Leasing Program (1026) (1026)
(5476) (5476)
Increase or Deficit +32 -255 (-4100) (-4100) (+4068) (3824) (4317) (+269) (+773) (+678)

Being Considered(all cat.) 6,215 5,205 #400 units developed conventionally, included in

previous report, have been dropped because rents
are too high to qualify under the Low-income Housing
Program, j

*Figures in this column are basic and represent the entire program; () in columns to the right, indicate breakdown by programs of
figures included in basic column, ** In addition, 1,026 units have been leased for P.H.; 800 of these are now occupied or available
for occupancy as Public Housing. Also 18,594 units have been reported by the Housing Code Division aS repaired (rehabilitated).
However, those figures include units found in compliance on original inspection. It is estimated that 75% of this figure, or 13,94:5
sub-standard units have been brought into compliance through actual rehabilitation. 340 units have been rehabilitated by the H.A. in
the West End U.R. area. These rehabilitated units do not increase the number of housing units available, but do increase the supply

Did Not Materialize (See Note A attached.)

of standard units.

Note; Includes only units financed under Federal assisted low and medium income housing programs; and units constructed under

conventional financing as follows:

Multi-family units costing not more than $10,000, exclusive of land Respectully submitted,

Duplex units '! 1 " tt $12,000, '" 1" " ah ; SO
Single Family " '" '" " ' $15,000, 1" " " Fein Lina, ax Yanai

Malcolm D. Jones

Encls: 1. Summary of Public Housing in Atlanta
Rousing Coordinator

Inventory of Low and MediumIncomeHousing in Atlanta (with office copies only)
Project Index (with office copies only)

o 3 o


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