Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 9, Document 31
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December 6, 1968
TO: Mayor Ivan Alien, Jr.
This is to inform you of the current situation pertaining to
the proposed rezoning from M-1 to A-1 of the Sl-acre Browntown
Road site for a 450 unit Turnkey development (to include an
elementery school in the area).
Action was deferred by the Zoning Committee on November 16,
1967, until after July 1, 1968, in order for essential Community
Pacilities to be provided for (actual and planned) by the responsible
Departments. In view of the impending School Bond issue, further
consideration by the Zoning Committee was not requested or taken
until yesterday when the matter was discussed informally with the
Committee, following the regular Zoning agenda. No action was
taken by the Zoning Committee on the petition.
In preparation for this discussion, the Promoters and Developer®
appeared before the Zoning Committee and placed in the hands of
each member of the Committee a brochure, similar to the attached,
containing copies of the following, all of which are favorable:
a. A letter By Dan Sweat written May 14, 1968, ~e
pointing out need for the project and the
a of improvements that had then been
b. Current factual letteres (this week) from the
Construction, School and Parks Departments
specifying improvements which have been made
and those planned for the general area in the
foreseeable future.
ec. Letter from the Housing Resources Committee
explaining approved plans of the Butler Street
YMCA project which will provide every substantial
Community Facilities for the general area, to
supplement those provided by the City.
Cecil Alexander appeared personally before the Zoning Committee
yesterday, representing the Housing Resources Committee, pointing
out the need for and endorsing the proposed project.
Mayor Ivan Allen, dr.
Page 2
December 6, 1968
The estimated development period for this project is three
Mrs. Odessa Hill {resident in the 221 Lincoln Homes sub-
division) and Alderman @. V. Wilkéamson appeared before the
Committee and opposed the project.
This project has been in the mill nearly two years. The
developer is getting discouraged and informed me yesterday that
his option will soon expire and he is not in position to get
it further renewed.
This is a good project, in a logical location and is badly
needed by the City in the low-income housing program. The site
has been approved by both the Housing Authority and HUD and has
been favorably recommended by the Planning Department and the
Joint Planning Board. Considerable progress has already been
made in improving Community Facilities in the general area and
additional substantial improvements are planned and projected.
This general area has probably received more attention,
effort and financing within the past year than almost any other
comparable area in the City within the same period of time.
It would be most unfortunate if this project is denied now,
because of the persistant and apparently now unwarranted protests
of only a very few objectors,
The Butler Street YMCA project in the same general area
which was also deferred on November 16, 1967, was subsequently
approved without another Public Hearing. I would hope that
this could be handled similarly.
Malcolm D. Jones
Housing Coordinator
Encl: Brochure