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Box 5, Folder 10, Document 1
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h A i af
vet; a ALE SS
November 13, 1968
‘Colonel Malcolm Jones
Housing Coordinator
Office of the Mayor
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Colonel Jones:
I certainly want to thank you for taking so much time out of
your schedule to be with our delegation from Indianapolis last
week. Our treatment was certainly first-class and we enjoyed
southern hospitality at its finest.
All citizens of Atlanta can certainly be proud of your city.
Everyone seemed to think that Atlanta was the finest and they
were proud to be citizens of Atlanta. It seems to me that this
is half the battle--getting your own citizens enthusiastic about
their hometown.
Our trip was very beneficial. We learned much about your
several county zoning program, your housing program and especial-
ly the Model Cities program. Dave Meeker and I both enjoyed
very much talking with Mr. Johnson and Mr. Scott of the Model
Cities staff.
If there is ever anything that any of us from the official family
of Indianapolis can do to reciprocate your hospitality, I hope
that you will feel free to call upon us. We have several things
in Indianapolis that we areqjually proud of and would consider
it an honor to be able to show them to you. Again, our deepest
appreciation to all who made our visit so enjoyable.
Sin. Madain
James T. Morris
Assistant to the Mayor
vet; a ALE SS
November 13, 1968
‘Colonel Malcolm Jones
Housing Coordinator
Office of the Mayor
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Colonel Jones:
I certainly want to thank you for taking so much time out of
your schedule to be with our delegation from Indianapolis last
week. Our treatment was certainly first-class and we enjoyed
southern hospitality at its finest.
All citizens of Atlanta can certainly be proud of your city.
Everyone seemed to think that Atlanta was the finest and they
were proud to be citizens of Atlanta. It seems to me that this
is half the battle--getting your own citizens enthusiastic about
their hometown.
Our trip was very beneficial. We learned much about your
several county zoning program, your housing program and especial-
ly the Model Cities program. Dave Meeker and I both enjoyed
very much talking with Mr. Johnson and Mr. Scott of the Model
Cities staff.
If there is ever anything that any of us from the official family
of Indianapolis can do to reciprocate your hospitality, I hope
that you will feel free to call upon us. We have several things
in Indianapolis that we areqjually proud of and would consider
it an honor to be able to show them to you. Again, our deepest
appreciation to all who made our visit so enjoyable.
Sin. Madain
James T. Morris
Assistant to the Mayor