Box 5, Folder 10, Document 11

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Box 5, Folder 10, Document 11

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J ,

| 3 B A N Housing Consultants
= = / 900 Peachtree Street
: Atlanta, Georgia 30309
: Phone 404 875-0781

October 17, 1968

Mr. James L. Wright, Jr., Director
Physical Planning

Model Cities

673 Capitol Avenue, S. W.

Atlanta, Georgia 30310

Dear Jim:

In accordance with our recent meeting I hope that the information
below will further elaborate on my estimations of the functions
of an “experimental housing center" in the Model Cities area.

First, I feel that the center should be closely identified with
the people and housing problems of the model cities area.
Furthermore, its program components and policies should be re-
flections of the problems as the citizens see them, and thus
interpreted into a realistic plan of action by competent pro-
fessionals. Secondly, I would suggest that you explore the
possibility of rehabilitating a residential structure within
the Model Cities area to house (office) the program staff.
This would give a visual symbol of what can be done with some
Of the huge old structures and in addition would bring the
staff closer to the housing problems of the area. I am sure
that there are other advantages to such a move,

Thirdly, in terms of program components, I suggest for consid-
eration the following organizational arrangement for the center:

<1. A Housing Policy Committee - to be selected by
the residents of the area. Broad functions would
include policy making, negotiating with public
and private organizations and agencies for solutions
to specific housing problems in the area. It
would be composed of several subcommittees to
deal directly with problems and issues, including
relocation, real estate, zoning and building,
health and fire hazards, renting and purchasing,
codes enforcement, site selections, demolition,
rehabilitation, and housing discrimination patterns.
This group would decide on types of programs
that would best serve the needs of the Model Cities

Housing Center Coordinator - administration and
supervision of entire housing program and staff:
staffs the Housing Policy Committee and assigns


appropriate staff to sub-committees, maintains
liason with other housing-related agencies in the
city, keeps abreast of and advises on all local
and federal housing programs, attends neighborhood
meetings, and reports directly to the Physical
Planning Director on problems, progress, and
specific needs in the area of housing. Encourages
other local housing development corporations to
provide assistance to Model Cities groups.

Information Specialist - Reports directly to the
Housing Coordinator; compiles data, conducts
research on housing and economic development

programs in Atlanta and throughout the nation.

Maintains up-to-date index on characteristics of
all structures, sites, and plans in the Model Cities
area. Maintains internal records of all activities

_related to the housing centers. Assembles and

interprets information so that it can be understood
by the residents. Conducts an ongoing public
relations campaign. Designs training literature

and programs in housing to be utilized by the
residents. In conjunction with the Economic
Development Specialist, he repeats the above function.

Housing.Counselor - Reports directly to the Housing
Coordinator, provides counseling services to the
residents in relationship to legal problems,
evictions, improvement loans and financing, pur-

chasing and renting, budgeting, and any type of
citizens complaints.

Major and Minor Rehab Specialist - Reports directly
to the Housing Coordinator. Advises home owners,

tenants, and landlords on the extent of repair

necessary for minimum code standards, provides free

cost estimates, inspects buildings for fire and

health hazards, conducts self-help housing repair
classes. Should know generally the cost classifications
of all building materials and real estate, and

should have knowledge of code regulations.

Community Organization Specialist - Reports directly
to the Housing Coordinator. Investigates the nature
of housing issues that concern the residents and
organizes citizens' support to solve specific pro-
blems. Organizes tenant unions, housing cooperatives,

and limited dividend -- and nonprofit housing cor-

porations. Assists these groups in taking advantage
of housing programs. Also organizes block groups
where needed, and emphasized the importance of
community awareness of conditions and ways to
correct these conditions through mass organization
and cooperation.
* 7. Economic Development Specialist - Reports directly
to the Housing Coordinator -- In conjunction with
the Information Specialist develops programs for
economic rehabilitation of selected commercial
areas. Designs his approach to insure community
controlled and operated commercial outlets, and
local entrepreneurship, persuades local colleges
and universities to conduct training programs for

_ residents interested in small business management, etc.
Keeps abreast with small business financing, and
improvement loans. In conjunction with the
community organization specialist organizes business
cooperatives and development corporations of a
profit nature.


Rehabilitation of Center (Fixed). $ 4,000
Housing Coordinator 12,000
Information Specialist 8,000
Economic Development Specialist 8,000
Housing Counselor 7,500
Rehab. Specialist. ~ Vy ee 6,500
Community Organization Specialist 7,500
Supplies 2,000
— Utilities and Maintenance 4,000
Furniture and Office Equipment — (Fixed) 4,000
One Administrative Secretary . 4,000
Two Program Secretaries - > 3,500
. ave . } 2,000

$73,000... ?

As you may gather, I have endeavored to make my comments as
Comprehensive as possible. Needless to say, what I have proposed
will require a great deal of re-thinking. However I do think
that this pak posal pibotles, some ey essential ingredients

of a good housing an communi ty deve ey program. -

If I’can be of further anes to you, please feel free to
contact me.


Very truly yours,

Carl Ware
Vice President

Housiwa Pol: ty Comm.

Housin§ Center
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