Box 5, Folder 10, Document 20

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Box 5, Folder 10, Document 20

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Page 2 October 29, 1968

We hope that you will be able to attend the meeting on November
12. A return address postal card is enclosed for your convenience
in informing us whether you expect to attend.

Ze 7 , uwco—

Malcolm D. Jones
Housing. Coordinator


Encl: Return address postal card

She Atlanla Zourial


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Epccand, FRO

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Thursday, October 24, 1968

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On U Urban Pian

96-Acre Community Center

In Thomasville

Section Planned

Bids for development of a 96-acre community in the Thom-
asville urban renewal area were opened by the Atlanta Housing

Authority Thursday.

A total of five bids to buy the
land and develop it was re-

The winning proposal will be
chosen by out-of-town experts
who were chosen for experience
and accomplishments related to
housing development. Their
names will not be made public

Three Grants
Help Cities
Cut Pollution

WASHINGTON (?) — The fed-
eral Water Pollution Oontro! Ad-
ministration has approved three
grants for Georgia totaling

Eatonton will get $132,000 for
construction of a waste waiter
treatment plant and interceptor
sewer. The total cost of the
project is $422,000.

Thomson will receive $128,160
to help build a secondary sew-
age treatment plant, an inter-
ceptor sewer and a pumping
station and force main. Total
cost of the project is $427,200.

The Clayton County Water Au-
thority will get $149,490 for con-
struction of an_ interceptor
sewer, which will cost $462,000.

Rally Planned
For Candidates
At Briarlake

A “meet-the-candidate” rally
for 15 subdivisions in the Briar-
cliff Elementary School area

‘has been scheduled for Monday

at 7:30 p.m.

The rally will be af the Briar-
Jake Elementary School, Briar-
lake and LaVista Roads, Presi-
dent William E. Perrett of the
Ponderosa Civic Association

James W. ‘Jim’? Whipkey of
WSB-TV will be master of cere-

Among those invited to attend
are E, Earl Patton Jr. and
Herman E. Talmadge, U.S. Sen-
ate candidates; Ben B. Black-
burn and James Mackay, can-
didates for U.S. representative;
and DeKalb County legislative
and commission candidates.

by the housing authority until a
winner has been chosen,

Bids submitted:

. Pace Development Corp., of
Atlanta, $8.6 million, ¢/2 4?

Interfaith, Inc., of Atlanta,
$11.1 million. Interfaith, Inc., is
an association of 19 Atlanta
churches. F2x.8u

National Homes Corp., of La-
Fayette, Ind., $8.7 million 420 y

J. I. Kislak and Boise Cas-
cade, both of Miami, a joint bid
of $11.5 million. yy ¢

Vector Co,, Inc., and Merton
Development Co., both of At-
lanta, a joint bid of $11.6 mil-
lion. GL

The proposals will be judged
on architecture and develop-
ment design rather than price.

tor of urban renewal for the
Atlanta Housing Authority, told
bidders the new apprcach to
‘housing development will em-
phasize “an economic - social

Atlanta is one of three U.S.
cities receiving initial federal
surplus land as a result of a
directive from President John-
son last year that such land be
diverted for use by the poor
whenever possible.

The land consists of parcels
BB1 and CCI in the Thomasville
urban renewal area.

The bid competition is for an
entire community to include
housing, education, recreation,
commerce, streets and utilities.

A GOAL OF the development
is to provide housing for a cross
section of the social and eco-
nomic groups of Atlanta, + ¢ 7

No fewer than 3,000 units’ of
the housing must be developed
to assure iis availability to fami-
lies of the lowest income group.

Sites for two primary schools
must be designated for use by
the Atlanta Board of Education.
A small retail commercial area
will be developed to serve resi-
dents of the surrounding com-

The names of the jury mem-
bers, their occupations and the

: date on which they will meet are

being kept secret by the hous-
ing authority to prevent pres-
sure upon them, Mr. Openshaw

The housing authority, how-
ever, must make a final decision
based on the Jurys recommen-
dation within 60°days, according

to Mr. ee nshaw.

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