Box 5, Folder 10, Document 36

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Box 5, Folder 10, Document 36

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Housing Resources Executive Committee and
Loweincome Housing Coordinating Group Meeting

October 3, 1966

The regular monthly meeting of the Housing Resources
Executive Committee and the Low-income Housing Coordinating Group
was held at 9:30 a.m., on Thursday, October 3, 1968, as a tour
through portions of the City of Atlanta to observe the different
Slum areas and some of the typical new low-income housing projects
going up in the City. This tour was sponsored jointly by the
HRC and EOA, Inc. The bus was arranged for by EOA,

List of those invited, with attendance indicated, agenda,
project data and other related documents are attsched to the file
copy of these minutes only.

The first area visited on the tour was the Bedford-Pine
Urban Renewal Area. Mr. Lester Persells, Associate Executive
Director of the Housing Authority, acted as narrator during the
tour through the Bedford-Pine area. This area is located near
downtown Atlanta and is North, East and Southwest of the new Civic
Center on Piedmont Avenue. This is one of our worst slums, The
Urban Renewal project is still in the Planning stage, but is
expected to get in execution soon, perhaps under the newly approved
Neighborhood Development Program of the 1968 Housing Act. It
will take about.2$ years from now to clear the land in the
clearance portion. The reason for it taking so long is that it
will have to be taken block by block. Many of the families in
this area will have to be relocated. Some of the houses or
buildings will’ not be demolished but will be rehabilitated,
The West side of Parkway Drive, South of Forrest Avenue, in the
Bedford-Pine area is to be used for Commerical development and
the East side of Parkway Drive, South of Forrest Avenue, is
intended for the Georgia Baptist Hospital Expansion program,

The people are working together to help ciean up the areas
and are working on a rat control program in the area.

The first stop was Wheat Street Garden Apartments in the
Butler Street Urban Renewal area. This is a 221 d(3) project,
Noneprofit and Rent Supplement, The non-profit sponsor is the
Wheat Street Baptist Church, The Yastor is Rev, William Holmes
Borders, The Wheat Street Garden Apartments are boing developed
in three phases. In Phase I there are 280 units, which are all
two bedrooms with the rent for the upstairs apartments at $74,00
and the downstairs apartments at $71.00. This section was
completed just before the current accelerated low-income hoysing
program started. Phase II of the project has 84 units with rent
for a one bedroom apartment being $79.00 and the rent on the
3 bedroom apartments being $98.00. ‘YThe cost per unit of Phase II
was $10,912 of FHA Commitment. In Phase III of the project there
Page 2

are 108 units of three bedrooms at $140.00 with $80.00 a
month Rent Supplement. The cost per unit of fhase III is
$12,500, FHA Commitment,

We then traveled to another section of the City which is
commonly known as "Lightening". Lightening is located almost
in the heart of the City between Northside Drive and Marietta
Street. This area is zoned M-2 (Heavy Industry). Most of
the housing is dilapidated and the streets are so narrow that
it is almost impossible to get a car through them. Old,
abandoned cars line most of the streets of the area, which
hinder the safety of the area. People from this area and many
of the other slum areas are being hired for $1.60 an hour to
clean up the streets and to work with the smail children. :
Lightening is considered the worst slum in Atlanta.

4A walk through portions of this area, brought the tour
group into first hand contact with the slum conditions which
exist in this and other similar areas, The realization of the
need for clearance and rebuilding o@& something useful in this
area was dramatic,

The bus then took us to and through the Vine City area,
Vine City has long been considered for an Urban Renewal project.
The main problem that lies here is lack of citizen agreement on
participation. Here like in many of the other slum areas, the
houses are built right next to each other, with roofs and floors
about to cave in. Plumbing, which is not up to standard, is a
hazard to the safety and health of people in this area.

We then traveled to the Friendship Center in the University
Urban Ronewal area. The Friendship Center is a 221 d(3) Non-
profit project. The non-profit sponsor is the Friendship Baptist
Church, Rev. Samucl Williams, rastor.,. ‘The developer is Ceiotex
Corporation and the Builder was Rogers Construction Company.

The Center has 208 units with the maximum allowable density for
A-i (Apartments) development of 16 units per acre. It has 34,
1 bedrooms at $27.50, $5, 2 bedrooms at $101.00, 30, 3 bedrooms
at $115.00 and 49 Towne Houses at $107,009. The units are
centrally air-conditioned, utilities, stove and refrigerator
are furnished. The cost per unit is $10,612, FHA Commitment.

Our next stop was at College Plaza Apartments located off
Westview Drive, in the University Center UV. Rk. Area. The Cdllege
Plaza Apartments is a 221 d (3) Limited Dividend project. ‘there
are 96 units in the project, all having 2 bedrooms, which rent
for $75.95. Water, stove and refrigerator are furnished. The
utilitics have to be paid by the occupant, The total permit
cost for construction was $28,255 per unit.

We then took the bus to the Allen Tempic Project. This
project is located off Gordon Road, just beyond the ACHRR. Allen
Temple is a 221 d (3) Non-profit project. The non-profit sponsor
Page 3

is the Alien Temple AME Church, The project is being built in
three phases, Phase I - Completed with 151 units. There are
100, 2 bedrooms at $62,00, 50, 3 bedrooms at $79.00 and 1
Manager's apartment, which is free. Phase II of the Allen Temple
Project has 222 units with 142, 2 bedrooms at $68.00 and 80, 3
bedrooms at $80.00, Phase Iii of the project is now under
construction with 208 units with rent for the 2 bedrooms at
$88.50 and 3 bedrooms at $29.50. The total cost per unit is
$11,566, FHA Commitment. This project provides conclusive
evidence that good management is the key to success of a well
kept and successful project. This project is under the managment
of Williamson Realty Company.

The London Tcyvne Houses were next on our itinerary. ‘The.
London Towne Houses is a 221 d (3) Co-op Non-profit Sponsor
project. The non-profit spensor is FCH, Inc., a national
professtional non-profit sponsor, and the builder is Diamond and

Two other 221 d (3) Co-op projects have been developed by
the Same group in the Atlanta area, Eastwiche Villege off Highway
I-20 in DeKalb County and Cambridge Square in Doraville. Both have
been very successful.

The Towne Houses must be sold before construction starts.
There are six model units toe choose from, There is a $10.00
application fee and $135.00 down payment, but there is no closing
cost. There are 200 units in the Londen Towne House project:

8, 1 bedrooms at $63.90, 61, 2 bedrooms at $65.00, 122, 3

bedrooms at $34.00 and 9, 4 bedrooms at $109.09. These purchase
prices of the Towne Houses include taxes, insurance, and outside
maintenance. ‘The average cost per unit is $14,078, FHA Commitment.

The monthly payments cover the follow! ~~;
*Mortgage Laterest 43%
*teal Estate Taxes 16%
Mortgage Principal 19%
Maintenance 12%
Reserve Funds 5%
Administration 5%
Landlord's Profit O%

“putz ceductible items

The 22] ¢ (4) nen-profit co~-cp deveiopment provides the most
for the money cif any of the Icwdnccme housing programs. It has
been very succecsful rationally in providing a stabilizing
influence in home cvnerc=hip for ilcw-income famalies.

We then rode through the McDaniel Street Public Housing
project located on McDanicl <treet between 1-20 and Georgia Ave.
Mr. Perselis again acted as narrator as we went through this
project. The project has 650 units with 310 completed on 7-25-68
Page 4

and 340 units are under construction. This project was built

on Urban Renewal iand at an average construction cost of
approximately $14,500 per unit. According to Mr. Persells, the
total cost per unit, including land and administrative expense,
is in the neighborhood of $18,500 per unit. The project includes
approximately 149 high-rise apartments for the elderly, a
community house and an administration and maintenance house,

We then returned back to City at 12:22 p.m. and the meeting
was adjourned.

Editorial Comment: it was cleariy obvious to those on this
teur that various pockets of slum conditions of the worst sort
Still exist in Atianta; that they can only be eliminated through
positive and drastic action by the City; that reuse of the land in
these areas, needs to be reanalyzed and change of current or
anticipated zoning in some areas carefully considered to permit
greater residential use; and that in general, current Federal
assisted low-income housing projects are providing very creditable
housing fcr Low-income occupants.

Respectfully submitted,
> Lf] < ’
Op olde hoe imn,. “IT%G ial et
Malcolm D. Jongs
Housing Coordinator


Eneis: As stated (with file copy only)


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