Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 10, Document 51
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RAE PS, ER We ES TO TEE TC Aes ME Sie Al ie ls lO AMF ene aomlarammaet a
July 19, 1968
To: Ann |
From; Faye
The meeting scheduled for 11:00 Monday morning is with Mr. Gary
Abrams of the Kaiser Corporation. Col, Jones and Cecil Alexander
have been asked to sit.in on the meeting since it concerns the HUD
experimental housing project.
Col, Jones says he gave the Mayor a memo on Monday regarding
this project and this memo should be good background information
for the meeting.
The Kaiser Corporation has been awarded the contract on the
experimental housing program, They will make recommendations
to HUD for the choice of cities to be included.
Johnny Johnson understands from Dan that 12 of the 20 cities to
have these projects have been selected but Atlanta is not one of
the 12. Johnny has had several calls from the Kaiser Corporation
to get additional information on Atlanta and he thinks we are still
being considered.
Johnny feels the Mayor should impress upon Mr. Abrams Atlanta's
interest in being one of these 20 cities.