Box 5, Folder 10, Document 53

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Box 5, Folder 10, Document 53

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June 7, 1 968 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404


R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant
MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison


To: Mr. Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
Director of Governmental Liaison

On May 8 and again on May 24 and 25 a team of consultants from
ABT Associates and Daniel, Mann, Johnson and Mendenhall from
Cambridge, Massachusetts, under contract with HUD, conducted

a survey of Atlanta, as one of 25 cities, in interest of Experimental
Housing, preferably in Model Cities areas, or at least in close
proximity to Model Cities areas. Similar surveys were being
conducted simultaneously by two other consultant teams, each
assigned 25 additional cities, as Phase I of HUD's special
Experimental Housing program.

The mission of the team is to report to HUD by June 15, 1968, its
recommendations of cities and specific projects in those cities for
HUD to invest $60, 000, 000 during a two year period on Experimental
Housing projects, to get underway as soon as possible, and in any
event by Spring, 1969, at the latest. Phase II (development) of the
program is to be carried out by a prime contractor to be selected by

On May 6, Mayor Allen responded to a letter from Mr. Ralph H.
Taylor, Assistant Secretary of HUD, stating that Atlanta is interested
in the Experimental Housing program; offered to cooperate with it;
and requested that Atlanta be included in the list of cities to be
selected for this project.

It is comtemplated that the results of these experimental projects

in selected cities will guide the direction for development, through
HUD, of the President's program for 6,000,000 low-income dwelling
units over a ten-year period, for which the Senate recently approved
5 billion dollars,
Mr. Sweat
Page Two
June 7, 1968

I escorted members of the survey team about the city on both visits
and assisted in arranging interviews for them with various City
officials and prominent businessmen in Atlanta. I have a list of

most of those with whom they talked and notes on some of the inter-
views. I feel that the team accomplished as much as could reasonably
be expected during such a short period and that its members were
generally pleased with what they learned about conditions in Atlanta
and progress being made in the low-income housing program here,

With respect to Model Cities, Mr. Johnson informed them that no
specific site for new housing had yet been selected in the Model
Cities area and that he was reluctant to even suggest a site, until
such had been cleared with the Model Cities Executive Board.

In response to queries from the team as to when this could be done,
Mr. Johnson further explained that if policy determination is made at
top City level, he thought he could present the matter to his Executive
Board and obtain its approval within a couple of days or so,

Mr. Johnson was definite that such site should not be acquired and
developed through the Housing Authority under normal Urban Renewal
processes; that to do so would require so much time and be involved
so much in Federal red tape, he thought the entire idea might as
well be abandoned,

During discussion with Mr, Gladin, Mr. Gladin told the consultants
that any site to be selected for accelerated advance acquisition would
have to be in the Cooper-Glenn area, as that area is slated to be the
first Urban Renewal project in the Model Cities area.

I personally disagree with the theory that the first experimental housing
project in Model Cities should be in the Cooper-Glenn area, I feel that
a more centrally located and prominently situated site could and should
be selected and obtained through some form of advance acquisition; and
that this would give a greater boost to Model Cities and benefit the City
as a whole more than selection of a site in the Cooper-Glenn area for
this purpose.
Mr. Sweat
Page Three
June 7, 1968

Since Model Cities is to be developed under direct supervision of the
Mayor and the City of Atlanta and not as a super Urban Renewal area;
and due to the interest and pressure which HUD is now directing to
experimental housing, I am of the opinion that authority could be
obtained from HUD for early acquisition of almost any reasonable
site which the City might designate in the Model Cities area.

I feel that (1) approximately a four block area (about 10 acres) centered
on the intersection of Connally Place and Crumley Street, 5S. E. or

(2) a similar size area centered on the intersection of Reed and Love
Streets, S. E., would provide a suitable location for early acquisition
for experimental housing and would cause a minimum of displacement
(which will eventually have to be done anyway).

This is not likely to be done, however, without specific guidance and
direction from the Mayor's Office.

Both of the locations indicated above have been shown to and discussed
with Jim Wright of the Model Cities staff and their location marked on
a map turned over to him,

In this connection I call your attention to marked portions (page 3 and 4)
of the attached copy of Minutes of the Housing Resources Executive
Committee meeting of May 2, 1968.

I recommend that the Model Cities staff be directed to cause selection
soon of a site for housing (preferably experimental) and that formal
request be made as soon as possible to HUD to authorize such acquisition,
subject to eventual application of such Federal financial assistance as
might eventually apply in the Model Cities area,


Malcolm D. Joples

Housing Coordinator

Encl: Minutes HRC meeting, May 2, 1968


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