Box 5, Folder 10, Document 63

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Box 5, Folder 10, Document 63

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Phone (202) 382-4433 . Wednesday,
May 8, 1968


Secretary Robert C. Weaver of the U. S. Department of Housing
‘ and Urban Development today annourced the selection of three contractor
groups to launch the national "In-City" experimental low-cost housing


Those named to conduct the first phase of the project are: ABT
Associates, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., and Daniel, Mann, Johnson and
Mendenhall, Los Angeles, Calif.; Building Systems Development, Inc.,
San Francisco, Calif.; and Westinghouse Electric Corporation,
Pittsburgh, Pa,

"This national housing experiment," Secretary Weaver said, "is
the most ambitious one ever undertaken in the country. The magnitude
and urgency of the housing needs of our ill-housed demand bold action.
Further, it is directly related to President Johnson's request to Congress
for support to produce 6,000,000 new or réhabilitated federally assisted
housing units for our lower income families over the next ten years."

‘According to T. F. Rogers, Director of HUD's Office of Urban
Technology and Research, there are a number of design-consiruction
concepts, new materials, and management techniques now available
that can be used in the nation's cities to produce a large volume of
housing rapidly, and at costs below current levels to meet the needs of
lower income families.

The "In-City" project will involve a variety of low-cost housing
sub -experiments. The overall experiment is expected to identify the

HUD-No. 68-1815 =

constraints on the use of new products, as well as innovations in design,
financing, and construction or rehabilitation of low-cost housing. Emphasis
will be on the character of the housing and its construction, as measured

by the needs and desires of their occupants and the people in the

The three contractor groups, each with’a sizeable and experienced
professional staff, were carefully selected in a competitive process that
saw 19 proposals submitted to HUD in response to its requests for proposals
last March 14.

Mr. Rogers pointed out that because the three contractors showed
an impressive understanding of the experiment, though submitting
substantially different approaches, HUD decided to proceed competitively
through the initial phase of the project.

"The unique quality of this new experiment," he said, "and the
vital role it will play in the Department's overall housing plans suggested
the diversified approach."

The experiments will be carried out only in those cities that indicate
a willingness to build a large volume of housing for lower income families,
using the flexible and innovative methods suggested by the contractors.

Mr. Rogers explained that the contractors have until June 15 to
complete the first phase of the "In-City" project, which comprises four
main items. The contractors will:

1. Study the various Model Cities, and others if appropriate, to
establish specific criteria for final selection of the cities for the housing

2. Identify, study and rank-order new design, construction and
management techniques and systems, including industrialized systems,
materials, components, etc., to be used.

3. Work with appropriate city officials, residents, and labor,
industrial and professional groups to pin-point the more important needs
and constraints; arrive at conclusions regarding the opportunities and
estimated cost and time of carrying out useful housing sub-experiments.

HUD-No. 68-1815 -3-

4. Suggest to HUD the cities that should be considered for the
overall national experiment.

Upon conclusion of phase one, each of the contractors will give
HUD a detailed proposal for the conduct of phase two. HUD will then
contract to complete the project, determine how the actual work will
begin, and select the specific cities in which the sub-experiments will
take place.

Mr. Rogers pointed out that the actual construction or rehabilitation
to take place in phase two will be locally initiated and sponsored, and
financed largely through HUD programs. The Department's Regional
Administrators and the officials and residents of the selected cities are
all expected to take active roles in the project.

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