Box 5, Folder 10, Document 65

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Box 5, Folder 10, Document 65

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joint venture of


55 wheeler street, cambridge, massachusetts 02138
telephone 617-492-7100

win Laue

Hon Ivan Allen, Mayor
Atlanta, Georgia 2
-_— -

Dear Ivan: PW “Zs <b>

As you may be aware, yours has been one of the candidate cities selected
to participate in the first phase of the In-City Low Cost Housing Experiment
to be undertaken by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The
Department has also selected as the contractor to conduct this Project in
Atlanta a joint venture of two firms, Abt Associates Inc, and Daniel, Mann,

Johnson and Mendenhall, for whom Iam the project director. We are looking
forward to working closely with you in the weeks and months ahead.

This new program is an opportunity for the cities to develop methods and
will lend to the mobilization of substantial additional Federal funds as part of
our increased national effort to deal with our urban problems. Your city may
be able to take advantage of these opportunities of the first phase if the project
is successfully completed, That first phase is a planning step which involves
the development of new technology for the construction of low cost housing and
the development of new patterns of organization both in the public and private
sectors of the low cost housing area.

This initial phase must be completed by June 15th of this year, In order to
begin work immediately, an advance team from our organization will be in
Atlanta on May and will contact your office. Enclosed with
this letter are several copies of a list of topics on which we hope to begin com-
piling information during this initial visit. It would greatly facilitate this part
of our effort if you would circulate these copies to informed members of your
administration so that our initial efforts will be as fruitful as possible and
create the least possible burden on your staff,

There are two other important tasks we hope to accomplish next week dur-
ing our visit. The first is to have our advance team begin to make arrangements
for a much more intensive visit by our staff within two orthree weeks, The
second and still more important task is to have themanswer any and all ques-
tions that you or your administration might have about the project,

Iam sure that you are as gratified as 1am that programs suchas this,
long urged by many of us, are now being undertaken, Unfortunately a prior
commitment keeps me out of town for the next day or two, but please do not
hesitate to call either Mr, Richard 4. Rosen or Mr. Marc J. Roberts at
617/492-7100 if there is any information we can give you about the enclosed list
of subjects or about any other aspects of the program.
Hon. Ivan Allen, Mayor -2- May 5, 1968

Iam looking forward to being in contact with you again soon. Let me
close by saying that this is a tremendous opportunity, but that time is short
so that we must all work together in order to bring this phase of the project
to a successful conclusion,

Yours truly,

\Hénorable John F:. Collins



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