Box 5, Folder 10, Document 75

Dublin Core


Box 5, Folder 10, Document 75

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Another aspect of this situation is that various city and county service
agencies vey? raxely.plan projects 5-10 years ahead, Of course, it would be
ideal it 4 iiley were involved in long-range planning so that they could antici-

sceptopteus rather than respond to them as they occur, But due primarily to


limited funds, the agencies are more or less compelled to respond pragmatically

to community problems,

The value of this report then is that it tends to make up for the lack of
long-range planning for various city services, Through its assessment. of
community needs and its recommendations, it can be of invaluable assistance to
public officials by pointing out what needs to be done to meet exis sting prob«

lems and foreseeing future needs in the Browntown Area.

Ia order to eliminate existing deficiencies and bring about orderly

growth in the N. W. Browntown Area, it is recommended;


Wo (1) That a vertical addition to Archer High. which would ee its

capacity to 2000 prugeats be placed on a bond issue By Spring, 1968,
~no Spring bend isive

? (2) That an elementary school site be included for any ‘new housing projects ~

apprcechi es, Bot es ita cprovide parce for site, but Scheel Board

(3) that” cht fyndt. fy Bea ue oe sr the construction of a new high school
in the area as population increase demands it.

(4) That plans be started now for the construction of a junior higt ce
on the already acquired site located west of James Jackson Parkway a
population increase demands it.

Parks and Recreation

That a request for a neighborhood park for Lincoln Homes be placed on

. mi the next bond issue
-NO Spring bond (s5ve

R (2) That the City find a means of paying all of the personnel costs needed

to maintain recreational services in Perry Homes,

ot a Mes AF Lo tent Oe ae ay

pata amr cad en NaS aS Da eb ibaa bw en aS A rT na em AIT gti pa re eet oh iy ee ES

s be started for securing funds to build a community club hous
equip Gun Club Park as a community park. - Suimmi nq Peel

athhovse te be completed this summer




rm 0
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s be started for the development of a community park to the
£ James Jackson Parkway as population increase demands it.

That plans be started for the development of at least one more neighbor-
hood park in addition to the two already proposed for the area.

That the Parks Department be prepared to expand and improve upon existing

ag Milam and recreational facilities as population increase demands it. facks BR
| es Plonping Depi- hapedeveloped maiter Plan For parit tmprovemment Foe

Yes ()
yes (©)

| Vo (3)


Tee bi


nr 4)
f “weak


Se ee

cae ee tte,

| yes


That the Sandy Creek Improvements Project be initiated as soon as

possible in order to bring about t che major eticncbest to most of the sewage

and Elopding & probes ems on the area, Constrse joa Dep ty makide elt

possible e imple meat iS projec

That until the aS Creek Improvements Project is initiated whatever

temporary solutions are feasible be implemented to alleviate ae

condi os s bgt fore e ey. ¢ eer, projects are Sone eee

haye been ty nded for or: expansion of Holl ¥ wood Road 6. oP ¢ Satie
etl wee Tey ary "Re Yeeer =

chat 4 plan of action iat Jens to identify and ‘aid the owners of

those homes which are too poorly situated near Proctor Creek for anything

economically feasible to be done about their sewage and flooding problems,

Other Facilities

That a public transportation study be made to specify problems faced by
residents in terms of access to library, health, and employment facilities
. *
and Ney farty tore feasible aiternagtives: for resolving the situation, Planaing

Vest. +, Pey , Hpyaes Cemter, aATI. Transit system have eee wor lieing on
THaE Prhe ¢ ty asice a concentrated effort to upgrade street and t

facilities in the area, including the erection of cxattic facili
nagdad intersections, the construction of street lights in unlig
residential areas, and the general maintenance of clean an i

That efforts be made to attract to nearby industrial areas firms that
would generate employment opportunities for local residents,

That the City require that developers of any public housing projects in
in the area hire local residents first in recruiting workers.

i General

. ve 5 (1)


That local community groups establish the necessary vepenctore
machinery to direct their complaints and requests to the appr
public agencies and to follow through and see that their complaints and

requests are acted upon. Perry ‘Homes Center has beea Wor ki Aq
own Mis
wes 6)

Too Enel (3)
To Tél


That the public service agencies act upon complaints and requests trom
- local community groups and give the groups a clear explanation if tt acy

are unable Co a meet a requested service. City de l@ytments ave

shouimy aveater wil ing Ress to Communica? xe peta AHA bev dood BVOUpes
That every effort be made to develop a healthier mixture of low and

middle income housing types throughout the City so that public housing d

does not become further overconcentrated in the mb Sr bore to He Wn.

— efforts are being made, but it js too early erMming
vesy Ite,


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