Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 10, Document 77
Text Item Type Metadata
May 14, 1968 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant
MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison
Mr. Robert Dobbs, Chairman
Citizens Neighborhood Action Committee
Northwest-Perry Homes Service Center . 5
1927 Hollywood Road, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mr. Dobbs:
On August 21, 1967, the Board of Aldermen deferred action on
a request for rezoning the Browntown Road site for a Turnkey
Housing Development.
The deferral and continued delay of this project has been based
on the objections of the community to deficiencies in several
areas of community services,
As a result of the rezoning application and concern by the
community leadership of the Northwest area, two City planners
were assigned to your committee to help document problems
in your area and recommend solutions,
It was my understanding that the community was not objecting
to the construction of the housing per se, but to the lack of
adequate services and facilities and the overcrowding of existing
The City and the community, through your committee, have
exercised very encouraging cooperation and: coordination in
identifying problems, examining alternatives for their solution,
and, in many cases, instigating actions which have resulted in
immediate solutions,
Mr. Dobbs
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May 14, 1968
The Browntown Area Report prepared by the City planners assigned
to your committee was probably the first of its kind prepared in this
city and most others, It not only identified the problem areas but
recommended specific actions to correct or resolve the problems,
A survey of the status of implementation of the recommendations
contained in the Browntown Area Report has recently been made-and
it was found that many of the recommended improvements have
already been accomplished, others have been initiated and are now
being carried out, while plans are in existence for making additional
improvements as soon as circumstances and funds permit. A copy
of this status report is attached,
The Browntown Road site location has been approved by both HUD and
the Housing Authority. It is designed to house 450 low and moderate
income families for which decent, safe and sanitary housing is
desperately needed, We cannot indefinitely deny these families
a suitable place to live,
I think you will agree with me that considerable progress has been
made. The credit for these improvements is due in a large measure
to the helpful assistance and cooperation of the responsible citizens
of the area, whom you represent,
If Atlanta is to continue to progress and provide decent housing for
all of its citizens, we cannot afford to wait indefinitely for all desirable
improvements, Many of these will have to be developed simultaneously
with development of the housing to serve the areas involved. The
City of Atlanta is committed to such a program,
I feel that both the City and the community have acted in good faith
in our joint effort for improvement of the Northwest area.
I further feel that these efforts should continue and I am confident
they shall,
In the meantime, it is my feeling that the City's program to provide
decent housing for the poor must go forward. I hope that you and
Mr. Dobbs
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May 14, 1968
your committee will recognize the progress we have made and
will see fit to withdraw your opposition to the Browntown rezoning.
I am confident that during the two year construction period of the
Turnkey housing, the improvements underway or scheduled will
not only provide a better community for those residents who live
there now, but for the future residents who will move into the
I will be glad to meet with you and the committee to discuss the status
of our program if you desire,
Sincerely yours,
Dan Sweat
cc: Mr. Sam Battle
Mr. Eddie Billips
Mr. Collier Gladin
Mrs. Odessa Hill
Mr. Peter Labrie
Mr. Johnny Robinson