Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 10, Document 79
Text Item Type Metadata
August 16, 1968
Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mayor - City of Atlanta
City Hall
68 Mitchell Street, 5. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Re: — Ra/"Turnkey" Housing Site.
Dear Mayor Allen:
This is to briefly review our past efforts and future plans as regards
rezoning for multi-family development the 5Sl-acre tract known as the
“Browntown Road" public housitig site. Bill Woodward and myself, as
agents for the Whiting-Turner Contracting Company, appeared before the
Aldermanic Zoning Committee on August 10, 1967 to present our reasons why
we felt the subject property should be rezoned. Our request was denied
at that time, however, our case was again heard in November of ‘67 with
the Comaittee's decision being deferred until July 1, 1968 to determine
what could be done by the City in response to the recommendations con-
tained in the "Northwest Area Study”.
While waiting for this final decision, it was recommended by the Housing
Resources Committee and the Planning and Zoning Zoning Department that we not
request this decision but rather include this site in the “package” of
sites recommended for rezoning for Low and moderate income housing develop-
nent. It now appears that this "package" approach is not feasible and the
recommendation is to present our case again on an individual basis.
Qur major concern, considering further delay, is our ability to continue
to make this property available fer "Turnkey" development. Understandably,
the property owners have become more relucvant to continue holding their
property in abeyance based on possible rezoning for this purpose. Considering
this, we are anxious for a final decision as early as.possible. Therefore,
it is our intention to speak informally with the Aldermanic Zoning Committee
after their next scheduled public hearing on Thursday, August 22,
Page 1 of 2 pages.
(eS A LE eT re Ee a RN ee
Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr..- -2~ August 16, 1968
At that time we will review what positive action has been taken by
the City in response to the recommendations contained in the before-
mentioned area study and will ask that the Committee act favorably
upon our request for rezoning.
Realizing your personal concern in the area of low and medium income
housing for Atlanta, we sincerely hope that you and your office continue
to support our efforts in this regard and will do all within your power
to influence a favorable decision from the zoning Committee.
Yours very truly,
Vis @
W. Cousins
ce: Mr. Dan Sweet
Col. Malcomb Jones
Mr. Cecil Alexander
Mr Matthew Bystry -
Mr. Hamilton Douglas
Mr. English Robinson
Mr, Jack Izzard
Honorable John M. Flanigan
Honorable G. Everett Millican
Honorable Ribhard D. Freeman
Honorable Rodney M. Cook
Me. Tom Shuttleworth
Mr. Bill Woodward
Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mayor - City of Atlanta
City Hall
68 Mitchell Street, 5. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Re: — Ra/"Turnkey" Housing Site.
Dear Mayor Allen:
This is to briefly review our past efforts and future plans as regards
rezoning for multi-family development the 5Sl-acre tract known as the
“Browntown Road" public housitig site. Bill Woodward and myself, as
agents for the Whiting-Turner Contracting Company, appeared before the
Aldermanic Zoning Committee on August 10, 1967 to present our reasons why
we felt the subject property should be rezoned. Our request was denied
at that time, however, our case was again heard in November of ‘67 with
the Comaittee's decision being deferred until July 1, 1968 to determine
what could be done by the City in response to the recommendations con-
tained in the "Northwest Area Study”.
While waiting for this final decision, it was recommended by the Housing
Resources Committee and the Planning and Zoning Zoning Department that we not
request this decision but rather include this site in the “package” of
sites recommended for rezoning for Low and moderate income housing develop-
nent. It now appears that this "package" approach is not feasible and the
recommendation is to present our case again on an individual basis.
Qur major concern, considering further delay, is our ability to continue
to make this property available fer "Turnkey" development. Understandably,
the property owners have become more relucvant to continue holding their
property in abeyance based on possible rezoning for this purpose. Considering
this, we are anxious for a final decision as early as.possible. Therefore,
it is our intention to speak informally with the Aldermanic Zoning Committee
after their next scheduled public hearing on Thursday, August 22,
Page 1 of 2 pages.
(eS A LE eT re Ee a RN ee
Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr..- -2~ August 16, 1968
At that time we will review what positive action has been taken by
the City in response to the recommendations contained in the before-
mentioned area study and will ask that the Committee act favorably
upon our request for rezoning.
Realizing your personal concern in the area of low and medium income
housing for Atlanta, we sincerely hope that you and your office continue
to support our efforts in this regard and will do all within your power
to influence a favorable decision from the zoning Committee.
Yours very truly,
Vis @
W. Cousins
ce: Mr. Dan Sweet
Col. Malcomb Jones
Mr. Cecil Alexander
Mr Matthew Bystry -
Mr. Hamilton Douglas
Mr. English Robinson
Mr, Jack Izzard
Honorable John M. Flanigan
Honorable G. Everett Millican
Honorable Ribhard D. Freeman
Honorable Rodney M. Cook
Me. Tom Shuttleworth
Mr. Bill Woodward