Box 5, Folder 10, Document 81

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Box 5, Folder 10, Document 81

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June 14, 1968

Mr. William H. Woodward
Wocdward-Thompson Company

Suite 113-1705 Commercial Drive, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30318

i“Mr. Bob Cousins
AdamseCates Company
Hurt Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303


In reference to the proposed rezoning of the Browntown Rd.
Site, which was deferred by the Zoning Committee until July, 1968,
two developments have occurred recently which lead me to. believe
that this is not a good time right now to take the matter up again
with the Zoning Committee.

These are (1) the recent flooding of Procter Creek, which the
City is now attempting to correct to the extent of a $50,000
improvenent project, and (2) article by Alex Coffin which appeared
in the Atlanta Constitution June 13, 1968, which will probably fan
the fires of opposition.

The City definitely wants and needs this project in the low-
income housing program. This Committee ts working diligently on
a proposed "package rezoning" plan which Aincludes the Browntown
Rd. site; and which we expect! to present to a joint meeting of
the Planning and Development Committee and the Zoning Comittee
of the Board of Aldermen during the latter half of July.

_ It is my opinion that the rezoning of ¢he Browntown Rd. site,
as part of the “package rezoning™ will arouse less opposition and
be more palatable politically to the Aldermen, than if attempt is
made to push it through now as a lone project.

Therefore, if your potential developers are in a position and
willing to wait for the packa§e rezoning attexPt, success of which
should be pretty well indicated by the end of July, I suggest that
such course of action be followed.

Very truly yours,

Maicoim G. Jones
Housing Coordinator

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