Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 11, Document 2
Text Item Type Metadata
Office of the’ Mayow
PHONE 522- 4463
dane 4, 1968
From Malcolm D. Jones,
Housing Coordinator
fo: Mayor ivan Alien, dr.
Me. Coeii &, A
attached ia Suemery of the Low-income
Bowsing Program, revised te Mey 15, 10965,
This Summary eheoes raion sith previour
repert of January 12, 1968.
Although considerable progress hes been
wade to date, it ie very probabic that tha
unite ahown “Ia Maensing™ and “fetal in fight”
Will not sl) eeterielixe.
The time tag from initisl propesel to
ecteni ground breaking ou Federal sanisied
projects is cerrentiy runming from 12-15
senths, with ex additional I-28 years for
completion alter construction begics.
&coomparging the attached Summary, for
your convenience, iv a “Hroject index“,
identifyiog the verioue projectu and show ing
categors nember of unite, ltoration and program
onder which they are being developed.
Kool; Gamary
cc: Mr. R. Berl Landers
-ir. Den gE. Sweent, Bre
FORM 25-15
PHONE 522- 4463
dane 4, 1968
From Malcolm D. Jones,
Housing Coordinator
fo: Mayor ivan Alien, dr.
Me. Coeii &, A
attached ia Suemery of the Low-income
Bowsing Program, revised te Mey 15, 10965,
This Summary eheoes raion sith previour
repert of January 12, 1968.
Although considerable progress hes been
wade to date, it ie very probabic that tha
unite ahown “Ia Maensing™ and “fetal in fight”
Will not sl) eeterielixe.
The time tag from initisl propesel to
ecteni ground breaking ou Federal sanisied
projects is cerrentiy runming from 12-15
senths, with ex additional I-28 years for
completion alter construction begics.
&coomparging the attached Summary, for
your convenience, iv a “Hroject index“,
identifyiog the verioue projectu and show ing
categors nember of unite, ltoration and program
onder which they are being developed.
Kool; Gamary
cc: Mr. R. Berl Landers
-ir. Den gE. Sweent, Bre
FORM 25-15