Box 1, Folder 3, Document 75

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Box 1, Folder 3, Document 75

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Ke Eaet LaniDEes ,
CHIEF Aoami vis Bier ce i2


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‘ ij MEG eG & SOC. Wy, Ar i, fon
SUBJECT: Us fone ODE ivi di On ,

CH FCLES Benes har cen ;
(nee eA Coe TA.

Mr, Earl Landers advised on May 8, 1969 that he had received information
indicating a Housing Code inspector had purchased residential property
from a Mrs. Akins under circumstances indicating a possible wrong doing
on the part of the inspector. Mr. Landers stated that Mr. James A. Smith,
Chief Housing Code Inspector and Mr. R. 0. Tipton of the seme department .
had details of the matter. Further, Mr. J. H. Robinson, Community
Development Coordinator also had received information in the same matter.
Mr. Landers stated he had requested Mr. Smith, Mr. Tipton and Mr. Robinson

to contact me on the same date,

Mr. John H. Robinson, Community Development Coordinator, Second Floor, City
Hall advised on May 8, 1969 that about a week ago a Mrs. Georgia Jackson,
tenant, 1153 Third Street, N. W., Atlanta, telephonically advised that a
Mrs, Akins is the owner of that Se, According to Mrs. Jackson, an
inspection was made of the property and the estimated cost of repairs came
to a large sum. Further, the repairs were never made and Mrs. Akins sub-
sequently sold the property to a City inspector representing some type of
company. The new owner increased the rent from $50.00 to $90.00 per month.

Mrs. Jackson advised she could be reached through phones 284-4747 and 792-


Page 2

Mr, James a Smith, Chief Inspector, Housing Code Division Enforcement ,
Department of Buildings, and Mr. R. 0, Tipton, Supervisor in the same

division made available records of their offices on May 8, 1969 which

reveal the following information:

Employees in the Housing Code Division who are allegedly involved in
the purchase of the property from Mrs. Akins are inspectors Charles T.

Latham, and Robert D. Pattillo.

Housing Inspection Notice No. CA69-10023 dated February 18, 1969 reveais
that residential property located at 1153 Third Street, N. W., Atlanta,
Georgia is owned by a Mrs. Jean Harris Akins, 1009 Euclid Avenue, N. E.,
and occupied by one Georgia Jackson. The building on the property is of
frame construction, one story, and has a total of one unit. The inspection
was conducted by Housing Code Inspector, M. L. Tolbert, and cost of

rehabilitating the property was estimated at $1,500.00,

An official notice of violation was mailed to Mrs. Akins at 1009 Euclid
Avenue, N, E., Atlanta, Georgia on or about February 19, 1969 with in-

structions to correct on or before May 19, 1969, This notice was sent via

certified mail, however the receipt was never returned.

Page 3

A second official notice of violation was mailed to Mrs. Akins at 2583
Ashford Road, N. E., Atlanta, Georgia on or about March 28, 1969 with
game correction date. The certified mail receipt was returned as signed
Die oe a

by Jean a the event the original records in this matter are

needed a request should be made to Mr. James A. Smith.

Mr. Tipton advised that he had talked personally with Mrs. Akins who
advised him in substance that she was the former owner of the property
located at 1153 Third Street, N. W., Atlanta, Georgia; that she had
rented this property to Georgia Jackson for a number of years and: that
she formerly resided at 1009 Euclid Avenue, N. E., but had recently
moved to 2583 Ashford Road, N. E., Atlanta, Georgia, telephone 633-5343.
She also advised that the first she knew of the inspection of her property
on Third Street was when Mrs. Jackson told her of it. Mrs. Akins
subsequently conferred with a Mr. Charles Latham about the repair of the
property and in view of the expense involved she decided to sell the
place. Shortly thereafter Mr, Latham and a Mr. Pattillo came to Mrs.

Akins home and she sold the property to Mr. Pattillo for $800.00.

It was determined through reliable sources that Robert D, Pattillo was

born Rebreary Ue, 1927 and that his wife's name is Icdélene A. Pattillo.

Page 4

It is reported that the Pattillo's have resided at 404 Puckett Street,
Forest Park, Georgia and at 1272 Park Avenue, S, E., Apt. A, Atlanta,
Georgia. Further that Mr. Pattille was formerly employed as an agent or
salesman with Georgia Insurance Service and with United Insurance.

Mrs. Pattillo is reportedly an employee or former employee of Colonial


The same sources revealed that Charles T. Latham was reportedly born in
January, 1936 and his wife's name is Charlotte G. Latham. The Latham's
have resided at 1896 Ward Circle, East Point, Georgia and 4030 Grant Drive,
S. W., Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Latham was formerly employed as an agent

for Florida State Life Insurance Company. Mrs. Latham reportedly is or
was employed by E ~ Z Food Stores. Mr. Latham filed a petition in bank-
ruptcy in March, 1961 listing debts in the amount of $12,729.00 and assets

of $110.00. He was discharged in June, 1961,

CITY OF ATLANTA revealg the following information:

Charles Travis Latham was employed as a housing code inspector on May 30, 1966.

By way of background, Mr. Latham was born January 4, 1936. He has a high school
education and 3 years in a radio-TY trade school in Washington, D. C. Mr. Lathan!s
wife's name is Charlotte Ann. They have four children. His social security number
4s 25950-1436.

Robert David Pattillo was employed as a housing code inspector on January 23, 1967.
He was born November 8, 1928. Mr. Pattilto has a high school education and one

year of college. his wife's name is Icelene. They have two children. Mr. Pattillo's
social security number is 253-30-1845.

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D. Pett lh yrornd Selene Abegarder

te ey Cetin, , /La om Aue x, 1461,

Mre. Jean Akins, 2583 Aehford Road, N. B., Atlanta, Georgia, Telephone Number
633-5343 @urnished the following information.

Mrs. Akine advised that she wae former owner of property at 1153 Third Street,
N. W., Atlanta, Georgia. That this property was left to her by her mother and
that she has eontel the property to Georgia Jackson and her six children. for a
number of years. She stated that the house was in excellent condition prior to the
time that Mrs. Jackson end her family occupied it. However, they have been very

destructive tenants.

Mrs. Akins formerly resided at 1009 Euclid Avenue. However, she moved from
there to her present address on January 24, 1969. At that time, she left a
forwarding address with the post office.

q Mre. Akins wes not aware that her fhird Street property had been inspected
until some time in Late March, 1969 when Georgia Jackson told her that the
house inspectors had been out there.

Thereafter, Mre. Akine called City Hall and talked to Mr. Lathamwhe told
her that there was @ “whole page full” of things to be done to the house,
She advised Mr. Latham she had received no notice and told him that she had recently
spent considerable money for plumbing fixtures and other repairs.

In connection with the repairs made on the house, Mre. Akins hes an
invoice of 3-1L7«69 from Stasco, Inc., evidencing phumbing work includédg
& new 30-gallon water heater at 1153 Third Street, N. W. im the amount of
$252.50. She hag another invoice dated April 4, 1969, revealing thet she paid
$20.55 to Rose Biectric Company for electrical work on her property.

As a result of Mrs. Akins' telephonic conversation with Mr. Latham,
they agreed om and did meet a day or co later at Mrs. Akins property on Third
Street. Mr. Lathamwas alone at the time. He pointed out to Mrs. Akins all that
needed to be done and told her it would cost about $1,500. She told him if it
would cost that auch she might sell the property. During the course of the dis-
cussion, Mr. Letham told her that the house would have to pass inspection each year

and would probably cost that much each year to conform. Mrs. Akins is not sure
whether she actually initiated the proposition of sel ling the property to Mr.
Latham or whether he initiated the proposition. At any rate, Mr. Latham told
her he would try to help her sell the property as he knew some men who bought

that type of property. He said he would have one of these men call her.

2 or 3 daya after the meeting at the Third Street property, a man called
Mrs, Akins and identified himself as Mr. Pattillo. He told her that he had
been referred by Mr. Latham, and that he was calling concerning her property
on Third Street and made her an offer of $8800) for the property. Mrs. Akins
maintained thet the property was worth more at which time Mr. Pattillo became
very curt and said he doubted if anyone elge would make any offer for the
property. Mrs. Akins told Mr. Pattillo she would think the matter over and
call him as to her decision. According to Mrs. Akins, she reached the deci-
sion that to keep the property would be a continuing cost and bother to her.
She also realized that the property was worth more than $800.00 but stated
that since she is a widow woman and 70 years of age it just wasn't worth it

to maintain the property and keep ithe tenant in it.

Accordingly, she recontacted Mr. Pattillo and told him she would take
$800.00 for the property. A few days later, Mr. Pattillo and Mr. Letham came
to her residence on Ashford Road. She believes some time before noon,

She is positive ag was during ordinary business hours because Mr. Latham
at one point made the comment that he had to get back to the office. She is

also positive that the date was April 15, 1969 which was on a Tuesday.

They advised her there would be no closing cost or for that matter
any cost to her and that Mr. Lathemwould close the deal as he was a
notary. They had a document with them, undoubtedly a warranty deed, which
Mrs. Akins signed. She admits that she did not read the document carefully
and does wit know for sure who the Grantee or Grantees were but certainly was
of the opinion that she was selling the property to Mr. Pattillo. She does
recall ¥yhe gave her a check in the amount of $800.00 and it was e printed
check in his and his wife's name. However, she does not recall the name of
the wife. She deposited the check in her account at the First National Bank

on April 18, 1969.

Mrs. Akins advised that she would testify in Court concerning this matter
if such became abusolutely necessary. However, she preferred not to become

Record Book No. 5052, page 158, reveals that a warranty deed, dated
4-15-69 transferred the property at 1153 Third Street, N. W., Atlanta,
Georgia, from the Grantor, Mrs. Jean Herris Akin(s), to the Grantee, Icelene
Alexander and Charlette Garner, farther that Charles T. Latham was a witness

and notary.

The property at 1153 Third Street, N. W. was inspected on May 20, 1969,
by James A. Smith, Chief Housing Code Inspector and myself at which time each
item on Mr. Tolbert’s Housing Inspection Notice was checked to determine if
there had been complience therewith. It was determined that of some 25 items
that the only basic@i complianceg that had been made was peinting on the


It is to be noted that Georgie Jackson presently occupies this property
and has been instructed to gay rent to Homestead Associates, P. 0. Box 41222,
Atlenta, Georgia, 30331. This is in accordance with a letter to Mrs.
Jackson dated May 1, 1969 from Icelene Alexander.

The housing code records on this property are in tact and are available.

Housing Inspection Notice Number CB68-2150 reveals that the housing at

2285 and 2295 Brooks Avenue, N. W., Atlanta, Georgia was inspected on

April 4, 1968, by C. T. Latham. The notice was mailed April 9, 1968, and
with instructions to comply by July 9, 1968. The estimated cost of repairs
was $1,050. This property consists of a church and two units in brick and
frame type construction one story with a total of three units, the owner being
A. R. Anderson, Administrator for the estate of G. H. Anderson, 1335 Marietta

Boulevard, N. W., Atlanta, Georgia.

Record Book No. 4966, page 239 reveals that there is a warranty deed,
dated October 4, 1968. Transferred property at 2285-95 Brooks Avenue, N. W.,
Atlanta, Georgia, from & R. Anderson, Grantor to Robert D. Pattillo and Charles
T. Latham, Grantees. There is also a deed to secure debg per record book 4967
page 271 to Atlanta Federal Savings and Loan from Latham and Pattillo in the

emount of $7,500, on the same property.

Mr. A. Raymond Anderson, 1335 Marietta Boulevard, N. W., Atlanta, Georgia,
advised Mr. Earl Landers that as administrator for the estate of Mr. G. H.
Anderson, he handled the sale of the property at 2285-95 Brooks Avenue, N. W.
According to Mr. Anderson, there are three old houses or units at thie address
and after being inspected by Mr. Latham, Mr. Anderson was presented with a
long list of items to be repaired, Mr. Anderson had a contractor of his choice
check the houses and wan told by the contractor that it would cost approximately
$2,500 to comply with the inspection list. Soon thereafter, Mr. Anderson told
Latham that he would sell the house and they eventually agreed and Mr. Anderson
did sell the three units to Latham and Pattillo for $7,500.

Mr. Anderson, Mr. Pattillo, and Mr. Latham went together to Atlanta
Federal Savings and Loan to arrange for financing the house, Atlenta Federal
took a deed te secure debt in the amount of $7,500. However, Mr. Anderson had

to pledge a $2,000 account that he had with Atlanta Federal as security.

On May 20, 1969, James A. Smith, Chief Housing Code Inspector and myself
inspectedtthe property at 2286-95 Brooks Avenue, N. W., Atlanta, Georgia.
(It should be noted this property also is or has been designated as 2-4 Brooks


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Housing Inspection Notice Number CB68~2505 reveals that Mr. A. C. Waddell
on April 2, 1968, inspected property at 1263 Bld Hollywood Road.

The notice of this property was mailed May 8, 1968 with the instruction
to comply by 8-8-68. The estimated cost of repairs being $2,750. The owner
of the property was Mrs. satennin, Sinkane, 2935 Arden Road, N. W., Atlanta,
Georgis, 30305.

House at this address was described as residential frame two story,
two units. There were some 32 items of repair.

Record Book 4904, page 188 reveals that a warranty deed, dated May 28,
1968. This property wes transferred by Mre. satgulld Gouenes to Charles
Travis Latham and Robert D. Pattillo.

It should be noted that the warranty deed would eppear mt only to
describe bat to include two entire! epeute pieces of property} one of which
ise described as being on Bolton Road, Ns. W.-°325° x 450° x 160° x 600°.

This piece is now known as 1263 Old Hollywood Road, N. W., and is that pro-
perty which was inspected by Mr. Waddell as dateonbielle’ nasein above, The
other pieceg of property is on West Avenue and First Street, N. W., described
as being 100° x 100° x 100° x 100". ‘This property is now known as 1250 First
Street, N. W. (This piece of property so far as could be determined, wae never
inspected by the housing code inspectors.)

Record Book 4906 page 102 reveals that Latham and Pattillo geve Mre.
nites,’ aeenees a@ deed to secure debt on 5-28-68 for $7,000 loam.

Further, record beok 4886, page 595 reveals that a warranty deed dated
11-20-68 conveyed the property from Latham and Pattillo to Brandon M, Qually
and icelene Alexander.

James A. Smith, Chief Housing Code inspector,and 1 inspected the property
at 1263 Old Hollywood Road on 5-20-69 and found that basically none of the
repairs as listed on Mr. Naddell’s inspection notice of 4-2-68 had been made.

The occupantSof 1263 and 1265 Old Hollywood Road pay their rent to J. T.
Latham, Box 41222 Atlamna, Georgia, 30331,

A cursory inspection of the property of 1265 Old Hollywood Road reveals
that it is badly in need of repair end that it would not be in compliance with
the housing conditions.

Thr Hoewcerg Cele Records on Hes pup

Lo ¢

complete. The follow up\sheet is migsing.
the last date the premises was _iz ily 9, 1968.


=f -

Inspection Notice No, C168-4112 reveals that C. T. Latham on May 29, 1968,

inspected property at 2657 Rosemary Street, N. W., Atlante, Georgia.

This property is residential frame com truction, one story, one unit,
and is cmd by Mr. W. R. Dooley who, at that time, allegedly resided at
Route 1, Whitesburg, Georgie. There were four items of repair that had an
estimated repair cost of $600.00

| Housing Inspection Notice C168-557 reveals that C. T. Latham on
88-68 inspected the geeparty at 2661 Rosemary Street, N. W., Atlanta,
Georgia. This is a frame house, one story, one unit and is owned by Mr. W. R.
Dooley of Whitesburg, Georgia. There were some five items of repair with an
estimated cost of repair of $800.00.

Record Book 4980 page 17 reveals that a warranty deed, dated 11-4-68,
conveyed property at 2651 Rosemary Street, N. W., Atlanta, Georgia from W. R.
Dooley to Charles T. Latham and Robert D. Pattillo.

Record Book 4989 page 29 reveals that a deed to secure debt dated 11-4-68
on property 2657 Rosemary Street, N. W., from Latham and Pattillo to W. R.
Dooley for $2,000.

Record Book 5052 page 150 reveals that warranty deed dated 4-14-69 on
property at 2657 Rosemary Street, N. W., from Latham and Pattéllo to Herman H.
and Mary Lou Maloy.

Record Book 4980 page 16 reveale that warranty deed dated 1l-4-68 con-
veyed the property of 2661 Rosemary Street, N. W., from W. R. Dooley to Charles
T. Lathem and Robert D. Pattillo.

Record Book 4986 page 594 reveals warranty deed dated 11-16-65 conveyed
property at 2661 Rosemary Street, N. W., from Charles T. Latham and Robert D.
Pattillo to W. R. Dooley.

On May 20, 1969, I telephonically contacted Wayman Ralph Dooley, Box 114,
Mansfield, Georgia, Telephone Covington Exchange, 706-6033. Mr. Dooley advised
that he was in the construction business and that he formerlly owed the pro-
perty at 2657 and 2661 Rosemary Street, N. W., Atlanta, Georgia. HB stated that
each of Don properties were inspected by Mr. Latham. He, Mr. Dooley, had them
sapuin! cs Seeded with the code. At that time, he decided to sell the
property and wed sell the property to Mr. Pattillo and Mr. Latham,awd
&@ Mr. Dooley hed=peterly stated that he was satisfied with the transaction


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