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Box 5, Folder 11, Document 44
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Mayor io Brief iad ‘men
On Parking, I-Way Streets
Mayor Ivan Allen has asked Ailanta’s 16 aldermen to attend
a special briefing Thursday on proposals to ban parking on city
streets and make portions of Peachtree, West Peachtree, 10th
and 14th streets one-way.
The informal] aldermanicboard Monday.
meeting will be at 4:30 p.m. at
City Hall.
Allen sent telegrams calling
the session at the request of
Ald. Richard Freeman, chair-
man of the Traffic, Parking and
Transit Committee.
Ald. Everett Millican success-
fully got the parking ban pro-
posals for 26 streets delayed 10
days ago with the argument
that the aldermen had not had
a chance to study the plans.
Freeman's committee last
week approved the one-way pro-
posals for the four streets—as
well as Rhodesia Avenue in
Southeast Atlanta—and_ will
present the items to the full
Allen said Thursday’s session
will give the aldermen a ‘“‘chance
to discuss the plans before the |
full board meeting on Monday.”
He labeled it an ‘‘informal’’ ses-
sion for informational purposes,
but said the public would not
be barred.
The mayor predicted that the
full board eventually will pass
“a high percentage’ of the
parking ban and one-way pro-
Traffic Engineer Karl Bevins
will brief the aldermen Thurs-