Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 11, Document 48
Text Item Type Metadata
Memorandum Tot Mayor Allen
Reference is made te Zoning Petition #2-65-33<5 on Zoning Committee
Agenda April h, 1968 to rezone an approximately 15 acre tract on the West
side of Jonesboro Road, 5, E., south of McWilliams Road, from M<l to Aql,
to permit construction of a i8o unit Turnkey project,
Although the proposed rezoning of this site is consistent with the
recently adopted Land Use Plan and had the favorable recommendation of
the Plenning Board and the Planning Department, plus the formal written
and verbal endorsement of the Housing Resources Committee; and the site
had been approved by the Housing Authority and had tentative approval
of HUD, still it was denied by the Zoning Committee. Proponents snd
those in opposition at the Public Hearing were about equals 6-8 on each
The Developer had obtained and filed with his rezoning application
favorable letters from the Water, Parke, Construction (Sewer Division)
and School Depertments and from the Atlanta Transit System, as to their
ability te provide necessary community facilities for the
project. This project had all the normal prerequisites to meet physical
requirauents,. 5
During the Public Hearing the two members of the Zoning Committee
who were present expressed concern over protection for the City as to
ultimate development, in the event the proposed project should not
materialize. They called upon the Developer to provide them with such
assurance in writing (which he agreed to do) and for him to see
Mr, Shattleworth as to details of form for submitting euch evidence,
The Develeper contacted Mr. Shuttleworth the following day to
follow thru on the Zoning Committee's instructions, only to find out
that the petition had been denied,
Page 2
Memorandum Tos: Mayor Allen, April 12, 1968
The Developer is seeking reconsideration and proposes to wait for
vote of the entire Board of Aldermen on the issue before he accepts
defeat or submits a formal inquiry to the Housing Resources Committee
as to the futility of Developers ettempting future reesonings for the
Low-income Housing Program.
To the best of my knowledge there has not been any proposed
rezoning petition approved for Federal assisted low-income housing in
the kth Werd. (The one project which is being planned for a Turnkey
development in thet Ward, on Silbert Rd. at Flynn Rd., is on a 20 acre
trect that was already zoned A=-1). Three other substantial Federal
assisted projects proposed in the hth Ward heve been denied. Several
other major developments in the hth Ward, which were seriously considered,
have not been officially applied for, because of well known opposition
of the Ward Aldermen,
A somewhat similar situstion also exists in the 7th ward, where
much vacant land also lies, and where rezoning has been successful on
only a relatively few sites. .four major proposals in that Ward have
Similarly been denied,
As a result, several Developers have expressed their unwillingness
te pursue future low-income housing projects in Atlanta, particularly
in the th and 7th Wards which have the largest proportions of vacant
land which is cbtainable at prices Developers can afford to pay for
low-income. housing.
Puthermore, ap you may already know, the proposal for ee.
for low-income housing of the Bast Lake Golf Course No. 2 site ( 30-5 )
was deferred by the Zoning Conmnittee, although it was recomsended by
the Planning Departsent es consistent with its interpretetion of hatented
ase of the Land Use Plany had the formal endorsement of the H
Resources Committees approval of the Housing Authority; tentative site
spproval by HUDs and also had the essential community facilities already
existing or built into the proposed development.
If we are unsuccessful in getting the ~e-zoning of these sites which
have all of the physical prerequisites, there seons little hope for any
site in the City, Neither is there much justification for enc
Developers to continue trying to get sites rezoned for low-income housing,
in view of the pattern of unsuccessful development attempts which hes
been so effectively established.
i a a ct ES
Page 3
Memorandum Tot Mayor Allen, April 12, 1968
Unless this log jam can be broken soon, success of the low~incone
housing program in Atlanta is seriously jeopardized, if not doomed.
Malcolm D, Jones
Housing Coordinator
Encle: 1. Copy of Developer's stateaent and letters as to aveilability
of community facilities, filed with rezoning petition.
2. Text of Developer's presentation at Pablic Hearing,
ect Mr. Dan &, Sweat, dr.
Mr. Cecil A. Alexander
Reference is made te Zoning Petition #2-65-33<5 on Zoning Committee
Agenda April h, 1968 to rezone an approximately 15 acre tract on the West
side of Jonesboro Road, 5, E., south of McWilliams Road, from M<l to Aql,
to permit construction of a i8o unit Turnkey project,
Although the proposed rezoning of this site is consistent with the
recently adopted Land Use Plan and had the favorable recommendation of
the Plenning Board and the Planning Department, plus the formal written
and verbal endorsement of the Housing Resources Committee; and the site
had been approved by the Housing Authority and had tentative approval
of HUD, still it was denied by the Zoning Committee. Proponents snd
those in opposition at the Public Hearing were about equals 6-8 on each
The Developer had obtained and filed with his rezoning application
favorable letters from the Water, Parke, Construction (Sewer Division)
and School Depertments and from the Atlanta Transit System, as to their
ability te provide necessary community facilities for the
project. This project had all the normal prerequisites to meet physical
requirauents,. 5
During the Public Hearing the two members of the Zoning Committee
who were present expressed concern over protection for the City as to
ultimate development, in the event the proposed project should not
materialize. They called upon the Developer to provide them with such
assurance in writing (which he agreed to do) and for him to see
Mr, Shattleworth as to details of form for submitting euch evidence,
The Develeper contacted Mr. Shuttleworth the following day to
follow thru on the Zoning Committee's instructions, only to find out
that the petition had been denied,
Page 2
Memorandum Tos: Mayor Allen, April 12, 1968
The Developer is seeking reconsideration and proposes to wait for
vote of the entire Board of Aldermen on the issue before he accepts
defeat or submits a formal inquiry to the Housing Resources Committee
as to the futility of Developers ettempting future reesonings for the
Low-income Housing Program.
To the best of my knowledge there has not been any proposed
rezoning petition approved for Federal assisted low-income housing in
the kth Werd. (The one project which is being planned for a Turnkey
development in thet Ward, on Silbert Rd. at Flynn Rd., is on a 20 acre
trect that was already zoned A=-1). Three other substantial Federal
assisted projects proposed in the hth Ward heve been denied. Several
other major developments in the hth Ward, which were seriously considered,
have not been officially applied for, because of well known opposition
of the Ward Aldermen,
A somewhat similar situstion also exists in the 7th ward, where
much vacant land also lies, and where rezoning has been successful on
only a relatively few sites. .four major proposals in that Ward have
Similarly been denied,
As a result, several Developers have expressed their unwillingness
te pursue future low-income housing projects in Atlanta, particularly
in the th and 7th Wards which have the largest proportions of vacant
land which is cbtainable at prices Developers can afford to pay for
low-income. housing.
Puthermore, ap you may already know, the proposal for ee.
for low-income housing of the Bast Lake Golf Course No. 2 site ( 30-5 )
was deferred by the Zoning Conmnittee, although it was recomsended by
the Planning Departsent es consistent with its interpretetion of hatented
ase of the Land Use Plany had the formal endorsement of the H
Resources Committees approval of the Housing Authority; tentative site
spproval by HUDs and also had the essential community facilities already
existing or built into the proposed development.
If we are unsuccessful in getting the ~e-zoning of these sites which
have all of the physical prerequisites, there seons little hope for any
site in the City, Neither is there much justification for enc
Developers to continue trying to get sites rezoned for low-income housing,
in view of the pattern of unsuccessful development attempts which hes
been so effectively established.
i a a ct ES
Page 3
Memorandum Tot Mayor Allen, April 12, 1968
Unless this log jam can be broken soon, success of the low~incone
housing program in Atlanta is seriously jeopardized, if not doomed.
Malcolm D, Jones
Housing Coordinator
Encle: 1. Copy of Developer's stateaent and letters as to aveilability
of community facilities, filed with rezoning petition.
2. Text of Developer's presentation at Pablic Hearing,
ect Mr. Dan &, Sweat, dr.
Mr. Cecil A. Alexander