Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 11, Document 61
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March 11, 1968
General Carl Sutherland
Personnel Director
City Hall Annex
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear General Sutherland:
This is to respectfully request the reclassification of Position
Number 8 in the Housing Resources Division, Department of
Mayor from Stenographer-Clerk, Salary Range 35 to Senior
Stenographer, Salary Range 38.
Justification for this request is contained in the attached job
description prepared by Colonel Malcolm Jones, Housing
Your consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
R. Earl 8
Administrative Assistant
CC: Finance Committee
Mr. Dan Sweat oe.
Celenel Malcolm Jones
General Carl Sutherland
Personnel Director
City Hall Annex
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear General Sutherland:
This is to respectfully request the reclassification of Position
Number 8 in the Housing Resources Division, Department of
Mayor from Stenographer-Clerk, Salary Range 35 to Senior
Stenographer, Salary Range 38.
Justification for this request is contained in the attached job
description prepared by Colonel Malcolm Jones, Housing
Your consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
R. Earl 8
Administrative Assistant
CC: Finance Committee
Mr. Dan Sweat oe.
Celenel Malcolm Jones