Box 5, Folder 11, Document 63

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Box 5, Folder 11, Document 63

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March 11, 1968

Tot Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.

From: Malcolm D, Jones
Housing Coordinator

Reference is made to my memorandums to you of February 22 and 23 and our verbal
discussion on February 26 pertaining to off site storm sewer facilitics which the
Water Pollution Control Division was attemting to require the developer, Whiting-
Turner, to share in construction costs for approximately 3000 feet off site, down
stream, from the Gilbert Rd. - Fiynn Rd. Turnkey development site.

Based on contention of the Housing Authority that this was not in conformity
with the Cooperation Agreement with the City and the verbal opinions of both the
HUD Attorney and the City Attorney, Henry Bowden, it was concluded that the City
would have to bear the en cost of the off site improvements, beyond the boundary
street. I was to notify Housing Authority and the developer of the decision,
which I did, and you were to notify the Water Pollution Control Division, through
Ray Nixons

Today Mr. Satterfield called me and said that the Water Pollution Control
Iivision appears to not yet understand the decisions that they recently told Mr.
George R. Sander, Technical Rirector for Public Housing of the Housing Authority,
they knew nothing about requirements of the Cooperation Agreement and had no money
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Page 2
Memorandum to Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., March 11, 1968

Mr. Satterfield contends that the Federal Covermnent will not allow any off site
improvements (other than in boundary streets, which would normally be chargeable to a
private developer) to be included in project costs of Public Housing and Turnkey
developments; and requests that the City get the matter clarified with the Water
Pollution Control Division.

New Subject:

Mr. Satterfield also reports that the Housing Authority is having difficulty in
getting the sewer plan approved for the Public Housing site in Thomasville (this is
not Turnkey) and is anxious to get it approved as soon as possible, so that they can
advertize for bids for development of the project. ;

He states that the Sewer Division is now insisting on changes being made in the
sewer layout, previously installed in accordance with then Sewer Division requirements
and which was inspected by the City at the time as satisfactory; that the Sewer Division
maintains that City requirements have changed since the work was done and therefore
the layout will now have to be modified to meet the new requirements of the City.

Mr. Satterfield contends that this is not right nor fair (He does admit however
that apparently one mistake was made on the former installation, which should be
corrected and which the Housing Authority is willing to correct.).

ir, Satterfield states that in addition, the Sewer Division is now insisting
that the Housing Authority provide a storm sewer along the road (Moreland Ave) on
the entire East side of the project, which he thinks could probably cost the
Authority an additional $30,000 - 10,000, which he does not feel the Housing Authority
should have to pay.

Mr. Satterfield requests that these matters pertaining to the Public Housing
Thomasville project also be resolved by the City.

cct Mr. Dan Ee Sweat, drs


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