Box 5, Folder 11, Document 83

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Box 5, Folder 11, Document 83

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Land Panel, Housing Resources Committee Meeting

February 15, 1968

A special meeting of the Land Panel, Housing Resources Committee, was
called for 11:00 a.m. this date, in Committee Room 1, Second Floor, City

The following participants attended the meeting:

Mr. Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman, HRC

Alderman John M. Flanigen

Mr. Robert Veal, represented Mr. Wallace L. Lee

Mr. W. W. Gates, HRC, Consultant

Mr. L. J. Fuller, Empire Real “state Board, represented Mr.
J. A. Alston

Mr. Henry Baldwin, Atlanta Real Estate Board, represented
Mr. Stewart Wight

Mr. William Litchfield, Adams-Cates Company

Mr. Maicolm D. Jones, Housing Coordinator

Mr. Alexander, Chairman, Housing Resources Committee, presided, He
opened the meeting by explaining that at some point in the past the Committee
had come to the conclusion that it should not back specific areas on matters
of rezoning, but of course would continue to work in support of the overall
program; that it appeared the Committee could be more effective this way.

Mr. Jones asked Mr. Litchfield to explain the purpose of his presentation.

Mr. Litchfield explained that in the past HUD had come up against situations
where developers have come into Atlanta and put much work and effort on a project
only to be turned down at the last minute by zoning requirements. He said the
Committee's endorsement that this land is’ a good site for a Turnkey project is
needed so that the paper work can be accomplished and the actual construction can
be started as soon as the funds are available; that Turnkey funds are frozen until
July 1, 1968 (except for Turnkey 3).

Mr. Litchfield stated that he was proposing ‘a Turnkey project consisting of
a 16.3 acre tract in Northeast Atlanta off Dekalb Avenue at Hampton Terrace and
Southerland Terrace on which to build approximately 200 units. Facilities needed
for Public Housing are available. A density of twelve units per acre is contem=
plated and feasible because of high land cost. He believes this would be the best
way to use this land. He stated that the City of Atlanta Housing Authority has
endorsed this site for a Turnkey project and that Mr. Shuttleworth of the Planning
Department feels that it would receive favorable recommendation from that Depart-
ment. He further stated that Mr. Flanigen, HUD, and NAACP, were in favor of this
Mr. Alexancer said that this was good location geographically for a
Turnkey Public Housing project. He mentioned that the Catholic Archdiocese
had backed away from this property because of zoning problems. He said he
would be glad to see housing constructed in this area.

Mr, Flanigen said there is need for housing in this area. Binue Heaven,
approximately one mile from the proposed Turnkey site, is one of the worst
slum areas in Atlanta. The streets are narrow and the ditches and trash are
a hazard to children. Mr. Flanigen said he doesn't look for any serious
objection to the rezoning, but there may be some.

Mr. Alexander asked what kind of homes were in the area?

Mr. Litchfield said there were older homes ranging from $12,000 us

Mr. Jones stated that if apartments for low and moderate income families
are going to be built, Turnkey is the best type financing for a program such
as this.

Mr, Flanigen said that we should start looking for smaller tracts of land.
He said that these small tracts, such as Gilliam's place, should be utilized.

Mr. Jones said the Gilliam place could be useful. Perhaps duplexes could
be built there although it is now zoned single-family.

Mr. Fuller asked if this property was between Rogers and Warren?
Mr. Jones said yes and that it has a partial frontgage on Boulevard.

Mr, Litchfield said that only Turnkey 3 funds are available until July.
He said that Mr. Boggs and Mr. Satterfield might consider Turnkey 3 in order
to get started. He mentioned that the City of Knoxville, Tennessee, had used
this method of financing for a cooperative high-rise for the elderly.

Mr. Alexander pointed out that housing is needed for couples who are not

Mr. Litchfield stated that the Railroad Avenue, Lenox Square site would
be an ideal location for housing for couples.

Mr. Alexander said he saw no reason why the Committee could not write a
letter to HUD endorsing this land site for a low-income housing Turnkey project,
that this proposal is definitely in agreement with the program that the Committee
is working for.

Mr. Litchfield asked if it would be possible to get this area on the zoning
agenda without waiting its turn?

Mr. Flanigen said it might be possible; however, February 1 was closing
date for some areas.

Mr. Jones said we have a workins agreement with Mr. Gladins that if we
feel something is justified he will try and work it in.

Mr. Litchfield said this site is shown on 1983 Land Use Map as apartment

Mr. Alexender said he was delightec =o have both Real “state Boards
represented and asked for comments.

Kr. Baldwin said he felt certain that this project would have the support
of his Board.

Mr. Fuller expressed concern over units deteriorating to substandard
conditions so rapidly. He feels that more emphasis should be placed on
keeping up properties.

Mr. Alexander said approximately 10,000 homes have been rehabilitate
through Housing Code enforcement during the last year. Mr. Alexander stated
that the Social Problems Panel should be more active in forming civic groups
to work with churches and schools to get people to keep up their property. He
said that Garden Clubs and other civic grouos can do a great deal of good,


Mr. Jones stated that there were 10,157 homes rehabilitated through
Housing Code enforcement from November 1966 thru December 1967.

Mer. Fuller mentioned the difficulties of having cars moved off public
streets and the problem of junk cars on properties in the City of Atlanta. He
asked if there was any law against parking an automobile in the middle of the
yard on the front lawn?

Mr. Jones said there was not. He stated that an inoperative automobile
cannot be parked on property for more than 60 days.

Mr. Baldwin said he would estimate that there are 250 junk automobiles on
property in Atlanta at present time,

Mr. Alexander said maybe the Automobile Industry could do something about
the junk car situation. He mentioned the big Oil Companies concern over design
of stations. A survey indicated that the euarcke such as streamers hanging all
over did not help business at all.

Mr. Baldwin asked if there were any laws regulating physical conditions of - ye Se

commercial places?

Jones said there was no regulation in Atlanta.

Mr. Litchfield said that a group or person could gather up 200 credit car ras

and send them in to a large oil company such as Standard along with complaint ~
about poor conditions of a station and ssumadi wey the station in question would.
be fixed up and cleaned up and credit cards returned to ownerss, _ ,

lie. Alexander said EOA is us be organizing groups to work to
keep up and improve neighborhoods. He mentioned the fact that Druid Hills
Garden Club had helped the Poole Creek area get landscaped.

Mr. Flanigen told about the Civic Club cleaning up the Martha Street

Mr. Alexander told about the 221 (h) program whereby church groups could
buy properties (up to 8 units) and rehabilitate them. Then they could sell
them back to original owners or someone else,

Mr. Flanigen asked whether Mr. Maddox got his Wesley Apartments approved?


Mr. Jones said 150 units (later amended to 119) were approved under
lease agreement to be rehabilitate. :

Meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

2» ‘ P

a “eh elt wy oe 23
ri Malcolm D. Jone

Housing Coordisiator

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