Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 11, Document 85
Text Item Type Metadata
44 Broad Street N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia, 30303
February 6, 1968
Mr. Collier B. Gladin
Department of Planning
City Hall
Atlanta, Gergia
Dear Collier:
The progress with the package plan has been good and I congratulate
you, Johnny and your staff on the work.
I would like to point out that one of the areas selected is, in my
opinion, so very controversial that it will endanger the entire
concept. This is the ball park site. It seems to me that no public
housing per se should be included in this area - that it should be
a mix of commercial, some 221 D-3 and conventionally financed. The
placement of the 221 D-3 should be carefully arranged so that they
will be buffered from the surrounding residential area.
As you know there has been a strong effort to maintain the residential
patterns north of Ponce de Leon and this proposal will fly in the
face of the most strenuous opposition.
Please give this your consideration,
Cecil A. Alexander
ce: Mayor Ivan Allen, see
Atlanta, Georgia, 30303
February 6, 1968
Mr. Collier B. Gladin
Department of Planning
City Hall
Atlanta, Gergia
Dear Collier:
The progress with the package plan has been good and I congratulate
you, Johnny and your staff on the work.
I would like to point out that one of the areas selected is, in my
opinion, so very controversial that it will endanger the entire
concept. This is the ball park site. It seems to me that no public
housing per se should be included in this area - that it should be
a mix of commercial, some 221 D-3 and conventionally financed. The
placement of the 221 D-3 should be carefully arranged so that they
will be buffered from the surrounding residential area.
As you know there has been a strong effort to maintain the residential
patterns north of Ponce de Leon and this proposal will fly in the
face of the most strenuous opposition.
Please give this your consideration,
Cecil A. Alexander
ce: Mayor Ivan Allen, see