Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 11, Document 103
Text Item Type Metadata
Office of the’ Mayor
PHONE 522- 4463
June 3, 1968
From Malcolm D. Jones,
Housing Coordinator
To: Mayor Allen
The attached material pertaining to
application of Housing Code Enforcement and
the “In Rem” Ordinance against properties in-
volved in the Estate of Mrs. E. C. Johnson,
deceased, is submitted for your information
and consideration.
This case involves very flagrant”
violations of various codes and has been
dragging out for years. Some of the properties
involved, i.e., on both sides of 512-14
Decatur St., S. E. and at 609 Memorial
Drive, S. E. constitute definite fire,
Sanitary and environmental hazards of first
order and are making a mockery of the City
Housing Code and “In Rem" Ordinance,
This case is so flegrant that I feel
it deserves the best legal talent the City
can preduce and the personal attention of
responsible City Officials.
Recommend that you personally take a
close look at the properties on both sides of
512-14 Decatur St., S. E. and at 609 Memorial
Drive, S. E. All are hazardous and are in
very prominent locations,
Encl: Memorandum For Record (with encl.)
CC: “Mr. Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
FORM 25-15
PHONE 522- 4463
June 3, 1968
From Malcolm D. Jones,
Housing Coordinator
To: Mayor Allen
The attached material pertaining to
application of Housing Code Enforcement and
the “In Rem” Ordinance against properties in-
volved in the Estate of Mrs. E. C. Johnson,
deceased, is submitted for your information
and consideration.
This case involves very flagrant”
violations of various codes and has been
dragging out for years. Some of the properties
involved, i.e., on both sides of 512-14
Decatur St., S. E. and at 609 Memorial
Drive, S. E. constitute definite fire,
Sanitary and environmental hazards of first
order and are making a mockery of the City
Housing Code and “In Rem" Ordinance,
This case is so flegrant that I feel
it deserves the best legal talent the City
can preduce and the personal attention of
responsible City Officials.
Recommend that you personally take a
close look at the properties on both sides of
512-14 Decatur St., S. E. and at 609 Memorial
Drive, S. E. All are hazardous and are in
very prominent locations,
Encl: Memorandum For Record (with encl.)
CC: “Mr. Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
FORM 25-15