Box 5, Folder 16, Document 7

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Box 5, Folder 16, Document 7

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fj WESTERN UNION gi _4 |

oat ek 6/24/69 SHARE Mayor's Office, City Hall


Mr. Barry J. Argento

Chief, Program Development Division
Job Corps - OEO

1200 - 19th Street, N. W.

Washington, D. C.

The City of Atlanta welcomes the establishment of Inner-City
Residential Manpower Center here. It will serve a critical
need for skills training of women from among the disadvantaged.
Our cooperation with OEO, Labor and other agencies is pledged,

Ivan Allen, Jr.

Send the above message, subject fo the terms on back hereof, which are hereby agreed fo


1269—(R 4-55)


To cuard jainst mletakes or del ul der of order t repeated, that le, rieraphed bark tethe orieicating ater tor ie thik, it
Snrepesied mmemake tate ia ct chanced eee {aition, Unien eaten ‘ou Ihe face, ths idan Unrepeated ueeage and patd for se euch, conaiieealee ¥ Seceal fas wane aa

Gbe scoder of the meetage and thd Telegraph Citopany ad fallows
1. The Tei h Company Owl! int be tlabie for idraies oe otras In thie traniimtision oF détivery, or for non-dellvery. ae age recelved tor tr: ie the unrepenteti«
nd le nice of ave buradpes deilare; ber fur mistaies of detays In the Lratumleion or dellvery, ue for nonedel very i Ferdivenl lor ston at (he repeatede

ment ee yond mekage
beyond the sum of Hive thowancdollary, une spoanis valued: wor in suiy case for Géiays sr lelog from Gaaralicthe i tterrupulon in the works wae cot ta te Misia,

2. Th any event spa ae rao oO rr afall not be Wable for dambaes for mistakes or Geays (n Cee Walia eg ag of detivery, of for the nowdelivery, of ( aay coeeaey whether
aitsed by the eeaeate ot herwhe, beyond the actual lime, vet rieeeding In any event sar som ¢ hana dollars, at which amount the sender uf each
ae that the ciesaac Rie ra greater Value fe rtated ig writing by the seraler thereat at the po Sree enilered for tranamiaion, and U inet tren Leh eeeee
Fate is pald or agreed to be pal ana eu acaitiant MATEe OG! LO OLeEenLG uf che per cent of Ive atin oat by whieit euch valuation sWall ehceed Dve Liausand ¢
; a pare ‘Telegraph Coinpany is herely oinde thy agest of the fender, without Mabiliry, to fooward thts moeage over the Imes of any other, company shen Moecemary to reach lta

4. The a Meatte Varlfl charger ds tmorsiege destived to any plot tb thet ciuntinental Veleei sta liitet inthe Te ph Co v's Dirtkioty of Stati cover its dellvery withla.
the eotabihed city or an ialt oh of iio deamination polat, Beyond on Nesta Biel to baile eel in the Telegraph Company's Directory of Statik gms ears ‘Totegrapn ae does

undertake to take deitwe.y but will endraver to arrati¢e for delivery by aby ay able Thee wit aL Ehe rer ah the ee wu hat the pinder authgria Perieckion

of any additional charge (fam Wwe adoidece and agress to pay oleh additional charge if ne & mate enlie tied Irom Ube arldrosace,

No eee attaches to the Telegraph Company copcerning mesages until the sane are accepted nt one of its tronamting oMces; pt Aiea oelee Speyer to such office by

ene of ae Tel oye Mewenger, he Acle for that purbewe a4 the agent of the sender, aie that hev toe Telegraph Com sents & Tieesinger oe pilek pie 0 mot
wenger In that peo a aa the agent of the Télegraph Company In acceptlog the tiemaxe, the Telegraph Cong pany aepiiinitar re slOdity rom theme Br aceh eecereen
6. ‘The Telegraph Company wil not be tabte for stam: or statutory peoaltics dl tlaim Is hot presented In writing to the Telerrapy pay e ve Sane aay
easton i with the Telreraph tcomparig: fo oft Ln the cape of a Letwern pointy within the Uolted Rlated (exeepy in | fastata ‘de United
or betesn & paint In the United tutes ow the nd a polit in Alaska, Ci fan hepsice, of At, Pierre-Miguelou lalaide on the oe Bane a between 8 ; oo paiaa to the
Seater and snip AQ seaor fi the alr. (G) within usd Tithe colser of action, if any, have sceruct In the case of an intrastate Fmssage, to beisyagt ie dave
it) th ed ovith: the ‘Pelegraph ‘Company for nian in the cae of & radeage between a polut in the United Statet and « forcicn: or ph ea ba points

the toa
me apeclineg shove th Spemet provided, however, iar this coodision shall bot apply to elaine for damages or overcharges Within the purview of Section 415 Jor oe constataeetes
a¢ ommend =

7 Te ld aured thar tn any actieh by ‘Telegraph Com! Up recover the totts f ment! the vabd correct transcoltlon and delivery th
renamed: “subject to rebuttal Le ceernete teat jente, Posy es pe i oi Nac Nh = éry thereot shall be

peta teres Rovertlog the tTinumisjon of mewiges acodrding ta thelr clasnes, 35 enumerated below, shat) apply to mecesges foreach of such respective classes in addition te

all the
D. No of the Tel bh Cot ts auth d to vary the f a 7 ald 7
iaeoy r + ; er: ' oa oe a = putEeas
— 3 rs _ ‘CLASSES OF SERVICE “OY Ce ae
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‘The tastest domestic serviee, : pane fe keohaterese May be written In cede, cipher, or io sxypiesaes wm

A deferred same-day service, at low rates.

For athali-rate, Mi for 32 words applica,

at rates Re RS A dice tates es moles "For mewagea to and from ships at sea. ’ .



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