Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 16, Document 31
Text Item Type Metadata
Atlanta 3, Georgia
September 29, 1967
Chief of Construction “
Mr. Ross Arnold
Attorney at Law
904 Standard Federal Savings Bldg.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Arnold:
With reference to your letter of September 26, 1967, the following comments are
offered relative to the proposed development of approximately 45 acres of land
on the north and south side of Bankhead Highway, N.W. at Maynard Drive. Mr,
Francis B. Sheetz, Architect, has previously advised this office of a proposed
development in this area and his plans for such development are presently under
review from the standpoint of sewer availability. Mr. Sheetz advised us also
that any development in this area was at least 12 to 18 months in the future
and presented no immediate problem from the standpoint of requiring sanitary
sewers. This office has advised Mr. Sheetz in the past that the proposed
development in this area would be served with sanitary sewers at an appropriate
time to permit development by some means to be developed in consultation with
the developer.
At this time, we anticipate that a small package ejector station. located somewhe~s
near the westerly boundary of the proposed development will be required to lift
sanitary sewer flows to an existing outfall sewer in Carroll Road. It is antici-
pated further that this package ejector station could be eliminated within the
next 2 years by the installation of a major sanitary trunk sewer running parallel
with the Chattahoochee River at a point near this development and flowing to the
Sandy Creek Water Pollution Control Plant. A firm schedule with regard to the
latter line is impossible to set at this time.
The Public Works Committee of the Atlanta Board of Aldermen is committed to provide
sanitary sewer service to development where such development is considered hoth
desirable and reasonable. This office considers your development at this lecaticn
as both desirable and reasonable and will as necessary, work with the develoner
in providing for sanitary sewer facilities. Such facilities, particularly where
a sewape lift station is required, might well add to the proposed cost of deyelop-
ment and this factor should be considered at this time. This office would expect
the developer to,bear the cost of the installation of a lift station if such a
station were necessary, and the associated force main, together with all sewers on
the developer's site, as needed for the development.
Co ae
Page 2. ' September 29, 1967
More detail with regard to cost and construction problems in this regard will be
available shortly, upon the completion of surveys being conducted by this office.
I trust that this will adequately fulfill the needs cited in your letter of
September '26, and permit you to proceed in this regard.
Yours very truly,
bee LM Worm
Robert H. Morriss
. Water Pollution Control Director
cc: Mr. Tommy Shuttleworth
Planning Department
Atlanta 3, Georgia
September 29, 1967
Chief of Construction “
Mr. Ross Arnold
Attorney at Law
904 Standard Federal Savings Bldg.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Arnold:
With reference to your letter of September 26, 1967, the following comments are
offered relative to the proposed development of approximately 45 acres of land
on the north and south side of Bankhead Highway, N.W. at Maynard Drive. Mr,
Francis B. Sheetz, Architect, has previously advised this office of a proposed
development in this area and his plans for such development are presently under
review from the standpoint of sewer availability. Mr. Sheetz advised us also
that any development in this area was at least 12 to 18 months in the future
and presented no immediate problem from the standpoint of requiring sanitary
sewers. This office has advised Mr. Sheetz in the past that the proposed
development in this area would be served with sanitary sewers at an appropriate
time to permit development by some means to be developed in consultation with
the developer.
At this time, we anticipate that a small package ejector station. located somewhe~s
near the westerly boundary of the proposed development will be required to lift
sanitary sewer flows to an existing outfall sewer in Carroll Road. It is antici-
pated further that this package ejector station could be eliminated within the
next 2 years by the installation of a major sanitary trunk sewer running parallel
with the Chattahoochee River at a point near this development and flowing to the
Sandy Creek Water Pollution Control Plant. A firm schedule with regard to the
latter line is impossible to set at this time.
The Public Works Committee of the Atlanta Board of Aldermen is committed to provide
sanitary sewer service to development where such development is considered hoth
desirable and reasonable. This office considers your development at this lecaticn
as both desirable and reasonable and will as necessary, work with the develoner
in providing for sanitary sewer facilities. Such facilities, particularly where
a sewape lift station is required, might well add to the proposed cost of deyelop-
ment and this factor should be considered at this time. This office would expect
the developer to,bear the cost of the installation of a lift station if such a
station were necessary, and the associated force main, together with all sewers on
the developer's site, as needed for the development.
Co ae
Page 2. ' September 29, 1967
More detail with regard to cost and construction problems in this regard will be
available shortly, upon the completion of surveys being conducted by this office.
I trust that this will adequately fulfill the needs cited in your letter of
September '26, and permit you to proceed in this regard.
Yours very truly,
bee LM Worm
Robert H. Morriss
. Water Pollution Control Director
cc: Mr. Tommy Shuttleworth
Planning Department