Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 16, Document 36
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ine, Deak 120
Room 120), City Hall
September 15, 1967
Me. Jim Crawford, Chairman
Atlanta-Fulton County Joint Planning Board
Adair Realty & Loan Co,
56 Peachtree Ste Ne We
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Crawford:
_ Enclosed are copies of letter to you dated August 14, 1967, from
Mr. Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman, Housing Resources Committee, advising
of endorsement by the Housing Resources Committee of re~zoning petitions
#Z-67-131-E and #Z-67=136=~ proposed for loweincome housing development
and requesting favorable recommendations by the Planning Board.
Mr. Alexander has asked me to reauest you to please have transmitted,
with the report of the recommendations of the Planing Board, to the
Zoning Comaittee of the Board of Aldermen, copies of the above indicated
Lotter showing the position of the Housing Resources Comittee with respect
to these two petitions.
Sincerely »
Malcolm D. Jones
Supervisor of Inspection Services
MB/s) .
Encl: 2 copies of HRC letter dated August 1h, 1967.
ccs Mr. Tomay Shuttleworth .