Box 5, Folder 17, Document 14

Dublin Core


Box 5, Folder 17, Document 14

Text Item Type Metadata


Category No. Units
Firm 5,2hh
Probable 25965
“Total In Sight ~8,209
Being Considered 8,003
Doubtful _ 2,830
Lost 3,152

Total Proposed 22,194

Enclosures: 1. Notes on Related Matters

June 2u, 1967

Estimate Available
1967 1968 1969 1970 L971
(208) ) (2712) (448) - -

( 53) ( 637) (815) ( 7680) (700)
(2137) (339) (1263) (760) (700)

of waich 8,183 units, considered appropriate, are currently in serious difficulty, due
primarily to objections from various sources as to locations (6,713 units in ihe Being
Considered Category and 1,470 units in the Doubtful Category. See separate list of
"Problem Areas"),

In addition, 327 units have been rehabilitated torough the Housing Code Division, 143

units by the H.A. in the West Fnd U. R. Project and 30 units volimtarily by private

#Includes 110 units of P..f. + 1125 units under Turnkey for P.H. + 102 units leased for P.H.

Respectfully Submivted,

fe a, - ee
ae Pky <\ La ag {i


Malcolm D. Jones a

Supervisor of Inspection Services

2. Summary of Public Housing in Atlanta


June 28, 1967


Since compiling the previous report (April 20, 1967), 23 additional proposals have been made. Total is now 95, However, 13 of these proposals
constituting 3152 units, which were originally expected to be approved, have been rejected ani are now considered as "Test", Tn addition, 16
proposals constituting 3,183 units are in scrious difficulty dune prisarily to objections from various sources as to 1@ations.

The Poundabi for Cooperative Housing, which developed Fastwych Village and Cambridge Square (both in DeXalb County), now has a full time
represe aéatiy ve in Atlanta and is seeking clients. They are sponsoring the 200 unit London Towne Houses development in tants (Item F-5).

Sevul Gray is a partner in a Corporation which owns 260 new units off Bankhead at Ploridge St., which he wants to sell, + a potential development
on the site for 512 additional units. Area is already zoned Al.

Proposed locations for low cost housing are being coordinated with the Planning Dept., when initially submitted, for adequacy of Commnity
Facilities,cxisting or proposed. Proposals are also reviewed periodically with the School Dept. for adeouacy of school facilitics.

Rehabilitation by Housing Code Division of Building Department on Boulevard in Bedford-Pine U. R. Project (approximately 700 units involved)
commenced February 1, The U. R. project is still in survey and planning stage. A list is available in Housing Resources Committse oifice
of 103 units on Poulevard which the owners stated they wish to sell, ratner than rehabilitate, This list has been made ayailable io the H.A.

and uo a Wabional concern interested in developing a Rehabilitation Demonstration project in that area.

In view of difficulties encountered in zoning and getting approvals on sites proposed for large multi-family developments, it is apparent that
the low income housing program will have to lean heavily on Developers and Guilders providing a substantial portion of the program on small
scattered sites, Thus far, lS sin:le family houses (Item F-14) and 622 units in duplexes and small apartment Gevelopments under conventional
financing are already in this category.

No proposal has yet been made for construction of units (even efficiency or 1 bedroom) to rent for as low as $50,00 per month. The City's
freatcst need is in the $30,00 ~ $50.00 per month rental range.

Charles A. Mueller Companies of Jonesboro is promoting the Sweat Equity Program (THA insured morigaze) whereby the purchaser earns the bulk of
his down payment through cleaning, painting and landscaping. National Yomes Corp. of Lafayette, Inc. Enaced on the marxet Feb. 1, lYo7, a
GOO S.F. (0.5. dimensions) 3 bedroom, prefabricated, preassembled panel, single family house plus a 96 S,.®. (1.8. dimensions) storage biilding


inanufactured by Arrow [etal Products Corp, to sell under FHA 221 (d) (2). Price includes plumbing, electr ieal, heating unit, stove & refrigerator,
House can be completely assembled in 85 man hours; 53 of those were perwitted in June for erection in ihe Thomasville rban Renewal Arede
Adrian Homes Corp. has proposed a prefab t. retail for about $7,500 plus lend, foundation, closing and possibly tapping fees.

See Summary (p. 26) for overall status of the program and Summary of Public Housing (p. 2%) for the overall Public Yousing contribution to the

Information is \.elcomed as to chanzes, additions or deletions in material contained in this report, (Call 522-63, Pxt.')30),

line 1 a FL






Enel. #2

( 10)

a = — — ee

Units in operation ~ filled.
Units in Developrent slage, as follows:
Units off McDaniel St., in Rawson-Vashington U. R. Project (scheduled for completion by June 30, 165)
(248) by Oct. '67 ;
(1:02) by March '68

Units in Thomasville U.R. Project

( 0) 1 Bedroom (16 for elderly) In hands of architect. To advertise in Fall. 2?~2-3 months
(120). 2 Bedroom additional before construction can start. 12 monins, at least,
( 80) 3 Bedroom asuditional for construction.

( 80) Bedroom Will try to have part delivered before final,

( 30) 5 Bedroom

Units, Perry Homes Extension ~ South of Procter Creek.
(78) 3 Bedroom
(16) h Bedroom Bids opened March 7, 1907. Permit issued May 'o7.
(16) 5 Bedroom Estimate 18 months to construct.
Units previously allocated - Proposed Turnkey; 1125 tentatively pledgéd on sites approved by HUD (Soggs 6-21)

Units allocated for lease (Ts only possibility for additional Public Housing units in
occupancy summer, 19673 can only be turned over for Public Housing occupancy as become vacant).

Units under lease 162
(65 units, Murphy Apts.3; 48 uniis, Tennessean Commons; 31 units, Sims Maddox's Apts. at Capitol
and Vinara, require rehabilitation.); 18 units on Dargan Place.

Total additional planned, as indicated above.

New Allocation - Proposed Turnkey. Atproved by Bd. of Aldermen, Dec. 20, 1966, Reservation by iu)
announced Feb. 2h,

Additional allocation recently requested for leasing pvozram,
“Total additionsl units projected (o1l0)

Total Potential


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