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Box 6, Folder 1, Document 24
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JUNE 19, 1964
The first regular meeting of the Local Education Commission was
held in the Conference Room of the Fulton County Board of Education
at 2:00 p.m. Mr. W. L. Robinson, President of the Fulton County Board
of Educaticn, presided.
Members present were: P. L. Bardin, Oby T. Brewer, Jr., Dr. R. H.
Brisbane, Otis M. Jackson, Allen Kiepper, Earl Landers, Dr. John W.
Letson, Dr. James L. Miller, Jr., Thomas M. Miller, W. L. Rcbinson,
Wallace H..Stewart, William M. Teem, III, Fred J. Turner, Dr. Paul D. West
and James White, Jr.
The minutes of the organizational meeting of May 20, 1964, were
read and unanimously approved.
A report of the May 29th and June 5th Steering Committee meetings
was given and the minutes read. It was reported that each preposed
officer had agreed to serve if elected. Alsc, Dean Pierce and Dean
Johnsen agreed to serve if the Commission requested them to do so.
The point was raised and clarified that the adoption of the minutes
would not constitute the election of the peoble Suggested.
It was pointed out that Dean Johnson is a methber of both the
General Assembly and the faculty of the Emory Law School and, therefore,
may not have time to direct the legal research required by the
Education Commission. The nature of the work desired may require services
of a law firm. It was stated that Mr. G. Stanley Joslin had been
considered but that the Steering Committee thought Dean Johnson might
bring a fresh approach to the study. The suggestion was made that the
Commission employ a project coordinator to develop a program of action and
identify resources needed befcre obtaining legal services. Attorneys
for the .tlanta and Fulton County School Boards should be asked to
advise in the matter of selecting a law firm or a lawyer to conduct the
necessary research.
Mr. Teem made the motion that the minutes of the Steering Committee
be approved as read. The motion carried.
Mr. Turner made the moticn that Mr. P. L. Bardin be elected as
Chairman of the Local Education Commission; Mr. Otis M. Jackson be
elected as Vice-Chairman; and Mr. W. Kenneth Stringer be elected as
Secretary-Treasurer. Mr. White seconded the motion which carried
The motion was made by Mr. Turner that Dr. Truman Pierce, Dean
of Schcol of Education, Auburn, University, be employed as ccordinator
of the study and that he be paid a fee not to exceed $3,000 for services
rendered from the present time until the beginadas cf the next regular
session of the General Assembly. Mr. White seconded the mction. The
question was asked if the $3,000 fee covered cnly the period of time
from the present until shortly after the first of January—-about six
months. It was pointed cut that this was the intent cf the moticn and
that fees beyond the meeting date of the General Assembly would have to
be negotiated with Dean Pierce. The motion carried unanimcusly.
Mr. White moved that the officers be authorized to explore the
matter cof the legal assistance needed for this study and that they
consult with members of the Commission to get their views on the persons
or firms tc be retained and report their findings to the Commission for
further action. The moticn was seconded by Mr. Cawthon and carried.
Mr. Brewer stated that the Commission should consider the amount
of money appropriated and the amount spent to date. He said that the
legal counsel may cost $25,000 or more. The Commission shculd have an
accurate estimate cf the total cost of the study and the amount of money
which may be cbtained from various sources.
Mr. Teem moved that the Steering Ccommittee and officers be directed
to investigate the financial assistance needed by the Commission to
accomplish its purpose and also the financial sources available to
satisfy this assistance. The mcticn was seconded by Mr. Stewart and
Mr. Rebinson then relinquished the chair to Mr. P. L. Bardin, the
newly elected Chairman.
Mr. White made the moticn that the Commission thank the Steering
Committee for getting the Commission off to such a fine start and on
the right track. Dr. Brisbane seconded the motion which carried
Mr. Bardin stated that he had been requested te appear on a
WAGA~TV program next week tc discuss the work of the Commission.
He asked if anyone knew cf any reason why he should nct appear.
Mr. Brewer stated that the Ccommissicn needs as much publicity as
possible concerning the work it is doing, the problems invelved and
the need for the study. It was pointed out that although ne answers
were available at this time, the problems involved should be explained
to the public. JAlsc; the public should know that the Commissicn has
been formed and is off te a gocd start.
It was agreed thdt for the next few weeks the Commission shculd
meet only when called, But, after the ¢cmmittees have been appointed
and their work designated, the Ccttinlssioh should meet on a regular
It was emphasized that the Work of the Commission should get started
as soon and as rapidly as powkibie, Dean Pierce should attend the next
meeting and present an overual) plah and time schedule for the study.
In the meantime, Dean Pierce should echsult with the Steering Committee
and cfficers of the Commission concerning adequate legal services and
Mr. Teem asked if the Tax Study Commission appointed by the City
would overlap with the work of the Education Commission. Mr. Landers
stated that he thought the Study Commission wceuld add to the strength
of the Education Commission and that the two Commissions should keep
abreast of each other but that they shculd work independently. It was
pointed cut that the Local Education Commission had not appointed a
committee tc make a fiscal study and that this committee should not
be appointed until Dean Pierce presents a plan cf acticn and legal
assistance is available.
Mr. Jackson made the motion that the Commissicn accept the
recommendation that Dr. Curtis Henson serve as secretary. Mr. White
seconded the mction which carried unanimously.
Mr. Brewer stated that to prevent misunderstanding the voting
members and the ex officic members of the Ccmmission should be
identified. Each member cf the Ccommissicn has a copy cf the House
Resclution which clearly identifies members in each category. By
calling this matter tc the attention of the members of the Commission
in a regular meeting, misunderstanding should nct develcp either within
the Commission or between the Ccemmissicn and other organizations.
The meeting was adjcurned at 3:20 p.m. subject to the call of
the Chairman.
Ab hedts fecton
June 26, 1964
JUNE 19, 1964
The first regular meeting of the Local Education Commission was
held in the Conference Room of the Fulton County Board of Education
at 2:00 p.m. Mr. W. L. Robinson, President of the Fulton County Board
of Educaticn, presided.
Members present were: P. L. Bardin, Oby T. Brewer, Jr., Dr. R. H.
Brisbane, Otis M. Jackson, Allen Kiepper, Earl Landers, Dr. John W.
Letson, Dr. James L. Miller, Jr., Thomas M. Miller, W. L. Rcbinson,
Wallace H..Stewart, William M. Teem, III, Fred J. Turner, Dr. Paul D. West
and James White, Jr.
The minutes of the organizational meeting of May 20, 1964, were
read and unanimously approved.
A report of the May 29th and June 5th Steering Committee meetings
was given and the minutes read. It was reported that each preposed
officer had agreed to serve if elected. Alsc, Dean Pierce and Dean
Johnsen agreed to serve if the Commission requested them to do so.
The point was raised and clarified that the adoption of the minutes
would not constitute the election of the peoble Suggested.
It was pointed out that Dean Johnson is a methber of both the
General Assembly and the faculty of the Emory Law School and, therefore,
may not have time to direct the legal research required by the
Education Commission. The nature of the work desired may require services
of a law firm. It was stated that Mr. G. Stanley Joslin had been
considered but that the Steering Committee thought Dean Johnson might
bring a fresh approach to the study. The suggestion was made that the
Commission employ a project coordinator to develop a program of action and
identify resources needed befcre obtaining legal services. Attorneys
for the .tlanta and Fulton County School Boards should be asked to
advise in the matter of selecting a law firm or a lawyer to conduct the
necessary research.
Mr. Teem made the motion that the minutes of the Steering Committee
be approved as read. The motion carried.
Mr. Turner made the moticn that Mr. P. L. Bardin be elected as
Chairman of the Local Education Commission; Mr. Otis M. Jackson be
elected as Vice-Chairman; and Mr. W. Kenneth Stringer be elected as
Secretary-Treasurer. Mr. White seconded the motion which carried
The motion was made by Mr. Turner that Dr. Truman Pierce, Dean
of Schcol of Education, Auburn, University, be employed as ccordinator
of the study and that he be paid a fee not to exceed $3,000 for services
rendered from the present time until the beginadas cf the next regular
session of the General Assembly. Mr. White seconded the mction. The
question was asked if the $3,000 fee covered cnly the period of time
from the present until shortly after the first of January—-about six
months. It was pointed cut that this was the intent cf the moticn and
that fees beyond the meeting date of the General Assembly would have to
be negotiated with Dean Pierce. The motion carried unanimcusly.
Mr. White moved that the officers be authorized to explore the
matter cof the legal assistance needed for this study and that they
consult with members of the Commission to get their views on the persons
or firms tc be retained and report their findings to the Commission for
further action. The moticn was seconded by Mr. Cawthon and carried.
Mr. Brewer stated that the Commission should consider the amount
of money appropriated and the amount spent to date. He said that the
legal counsel may cost $25,000 or more. The Commission shculd have an
accurate estimate cf the total cost of the study and the amount of money
which may be cbtained from various sources.
Mr. Teem moved that the Steering Ccommittee and officers be directed
to investigate the financial assistance needed by the Commission to
accomplish its purpose and also the financial sources available to
satisfy this assistance. The mcticn was seconded by Mr. Stewart and
Mr. Rebinson then relinquished the chair to Mr. P. L. Bardin, the
newly elected Chairman.
Mr. White made the moticn that the Commission thank the Steering
Committee for getting the Commission off to such a fine start and on
the right track. Dr. Brisbane seconded the motion which carried
Mr. Bardin stated that he had been requested te appear on a
WAGA~TV program next week tc discuss the work of the Commission.
He asked if anyone knew cf any reason why he should nct appear.
Mr. Brewer stated that the Ccommissicn needs as much publicity as
possible concerning the work it is doing, the problems invelved and
the need for the study. It was pointed out that although ne answers
were available at this time, the problems involved should be explained
to the public. JAlsc; the public should know that the Commissicn has
been formed and is off te a gocd start.
It was agreed thdt for the next few weeks the Commission shculd
meet only when called, But, after the ¢cmmittees have been appointed
and their work designated, the Ccttinlssioh should meet on a regular
It was emphasized that the Work of the Commission should get started
as soon and as rapidly as powkibie, Dean Pierce should attend the next
meeting and present an overual) plah and time schedule for the study.
In the meantime, Dean Pierce should echsult with the Steering Committee
and cfficers of the Commission concerning adequate legal services and
Mr. Teem asked if the Tax Study Commission appointed by the City
would overlap with the work of the Education Commission. Mr. Landers
stated that he thought the Study Commission wceuld add to the strength
of the Education Commission and that the two Commissions should keep
abreast of each other but that they shculd work independently. It was
pointed cut that the Local Education Commission had not appointed a
committee tc make a fiscal study and that this committee should not
be appointed until Dean Pierce presents a plan cf acticn and legal
assistance is available.
Mr. Jackson made the motion that the Commissicn accept the
recommendation that Dr. Curtis Henson serve as secretary. Mr. White
seconded the mction which carried unanimously.
Mr. Brewer stated that to prevent misunderstanding the voting
members and the ex officic members of the Ccmmission should be
identified. Each member cf the Ccommissicn has a copy cf the House
Resclution which clearly identifies members in each category. By
calling this matter tc the attention of the members of the Commission
in a regular meeting, misunderstanding should nct develcp either within
the Commission or between the Ccemmissicn and other organizations.
The meeting was adjcurned at 3:20 p.m. subject to the call of
the Chairman.
Ab hedts fecton
June 26, 1964