Box 6, Folder 9, Document 1

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Box 6, Folder 9, Document 1

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MAY 6, 1969

The Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid

Transit Authority held its regular meeting on May 6, 1969 at 3:30
P.M. in the Conference Room, 619 Glenn Building, Atlanta, Georgia.
Mr. Roy A. Blount, Vice Chairman, presided.


Dr. Sanford S. Atwood (DeKalb County)
M. C. Bishop (Fulton County)

Roy A. Blount (DeKalb County)

S. Truett Cathy (Clayton County)
Rawson Haverty (City of Atlanta)

K. A. McMillon (Gwinnett County)

L. De Milton (City of Atlanta)

John C. Staton (Fulton County)


Richard H. Rich (City of Atlanta)
John C. Wilson (City of Atlanta)


Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority

H. L. Stuart, General Manager

E. W. Nelson, Chief Engineer

King Elliott, Public Information Director
Edmund W. Hughes, Authority Secretary

H. N. Johnson, Administrative Assistant


W. O. Salter, PBQ&D, San Francisco

J. A. Coil and Ray Gustafson, PBTB, Atlanta

E. Ese Gilcrease, PBQ&D, St. Louis

Don Hyde, PBQ&D, New York

We Stell Huie, Huie and Harland

Robert Keith, Alan M. Voorhees and Associates, Inc., Mclean, Va.


Jan Richey, Planning Dept., City of Atlanta

Edgar E. Schukraft, Southwest Atlanta Association

Andy Springer, Greater Atlanta Traffic & Safety Council

Jeff Wingfield, Atlanta Region Metropolitan Planning Commission
Aubrey Couch, Decatur/DeKalb Development Association
The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chairman.


Minutes of the April meeting had been mailed to the members
and upon motion by Mr. Bishop; seconded by Mr. Haverty, they were
unanimously approved.


Mr. Blount stated that the annual audit prepared by Arthur
Andersen & Co. for the year ended December 31, 1968 needed to be
approved. It had previously been mailed to the members. Upon
motion by Mr. Haverty, seconded by Mr. Bishop, it was unanimously
accepted and the General Manager was directed to furnish appropriate
officials of the Local Governments with a copy.

The Financial Report as of April 30, 1969 was presented by
the General Manager. Staff and administrative costs were running
within the budget and were expected to remain so through the dura-
tion of the current budget (June 30, 1969). No sums had been ex-
pended for technical studies during the period and support of the
Atlanta Area Transportation Study was continuing.

The C. & S. General Account reflected a balance of some
$40,000 although this amount had been considerably reduced since
preparation of the financial statement due to a number of sizable
bills having been received. Interest earnings on investment of
excess funds was higher than had been projected.

Appropriations from the Local Governments were up to date for
the first six months with the exception of Gwinnett County whose
second payment was expected shortly. Upon motion by Mr. Bishop,
seconded by Mr. Cathy, the financial statement was unanimously
approved and is attached and made a part of these Minutes.

Mr. Stuart stated that the budget adopted for the first six
months of 1969 would have to be adjusted in June following further
consideration of the Voorhees report and that the Financial Planning
Committee would meet soon to discuss budget requirements covering
the Authority's future work program.


Mr. Stuart had visited Mr. Carlos Villarreal, Administrator,
U. Se Department of Transportation, Washington, D. Ce, on April
23rd, and other members of DOT, and had discussed an approach to the
Vorhees recommendations in view of a new application to be submitted
for federal funds to implement certain elements of work necessary
to accelerate the work program.

Mr. Nelson called on Mr. Coil of PBTB for a report of their
work during April. Mr. Coil advised that a written progress report
had already been furnished to the Directors. He also introduced
Mr. Don Hyde, their transit consultant from New York,

Mr. Nelson stated that Mr. Gilcrease and he had briefed the
Board at the previous two Board meetings on the Atlanta Area Trans-
portation Study (AATS), and that on April 10th at a joint meeting
of the AATS Policy Committee and Technical Coordinating Committee
Messrs. Tom Deen and Bob Keith of. Alan M. Voorhees and Associates
had presented a recommended transportation plan for the Atlanta
area and described their findings and documentation in support of
the plan. Because some of the Board members were unable to attend
the April 10th meeting held in the offices of the State Highway
Department, Mr. Bob Keith of the Voorhees firm was present to make
a report on their AATS work and recommendations. Mr. Nelson intro-
duced Mr. Keith who presented their findings with the aid of view-
graphs. The recommended transportation plan was identified as
Plan D-4 and major features of the plan included:

1. A $421 million transit program, with construction costs
estimated to be $158 million for rapid rail, $263 million
for busways, and $54 million for vehicles, for a total
cost of $475 million. The transit system would have 64
miles of private right-of-way routes, of which 10 miles
would be for rapid rail and 54 miles for busways, in-
cluding an expanded local and feeder bus network.

2. A $1,058 million program of improvement to arterial and
collector streets. This would include approximately 732
miles of new and improved arterial streets, 803 miles of

new and improved collector streets.

3. A $508 million program of new and improved freeways, in-
cluding a second outer loop approximately four to five
miles from the present I-285 perimeter route. This
would include 91 miles of new freeways and 54 miles of
improved existing freeways, in addition to some 176 miles
of existing freeways not to be improved. Some 40 miles
of additional right of way were recommended for advance

Cost estimates were in 1969 levels and did not include infla-
tion, escalation or bond issue costs. A summary report of the high-
lights of the recommended transportation plan was passed out to the
Board members. In closing, Mr. Keith said that work under their
present contract was about completed and when finished a bound
technical report of their findings and recommendations would be
furnished the Authority.

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Mr. Huie reported that the Governor had again vetoed the
rapid transit technical amendments bill (S. B. 162).


The Vice Chairman adjourned the meeting at 4:45 P.M.

Edmund W. Ba



June 3, 1969.



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