Box 6, Folder 10, Document 13

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Box 6, Folder 10, Document 13

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April 18, 1966 Richard H. Rich,Chairman

Roy A. Blount, Vice Chairman

Glenn E. Bennett, Secretary

MEMO TO: Members of MARTA
Heads of Governments in MARTA
Members of ARMPC

FROM: Glenn E. Bennett, Secretary, MARTA

SUBJECT: Report on Transit Authority Progress

The Washington meeting was reported to you a week or so ago.
Since then progress has been made in implementing agreements
with the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

1. The 702 loan application has been revised to cover
$125,000 worth of engineering. This will be used for
a lump sum contract between the Authority and Parsons,
Brinckerhoff - Tudor-Bechtel, to provide preliminary
engineering data on the 1962 "Initial System" of 21
miles of rapid transit, roughly between Oglethorpe and
Hapeville. This includes studies of existing condi-
tions, preliminary designs, methods of construction,
soil conditions, mapping, equipment type, typical
structure, and preliminary engineering of routes and
stations. Estimated time: July 1, 1966 to June 30, 1967.

2. A 701 planning study has been outlined and presented to
HUD, amounting to about $187,500. This involves about
$125,000 in grants from HUD and about $62,500 in
Authority matching funds. A lump sum contract for
about $100,000 will be made by ARMPC with Parsons-
Brinckerhoff - Tudor-Bechtel for updating the entire
1962 rapid transit plans, developing new patronage and
revenue estimates, operating costs, and for preparing a
comprehensive report on the entire project. It will
Memo to MARTA - 22 April 18, 1966

include consideration of new and proposed development
in all parts of the area as it relates to transit.

A lump sum contract for about $50,000 will be made be-
tween ARMPC and Hammer, Greene & Siler Associates for
economic and financial studies. This will include de-
termination of all feasible methods of financing the
system in stages, equitable formulas for cost-sharing
among participating governments, proper allocations of
capital costs, projections of tax digests, and the
preparation of a comprehensive financial plan with ap-
propriate reports.

About $37,000 will be for administration, staff plan-
ners, audit, travel, and ARMPC overhead chargeable to
the transit project.

This is an eleven-month project, probably beginning in
June, 1966.

The Authority will make a cost-plus contract with
Parsons, Brinckerhoff - Tudor-Bechtel to cover other
continuing engineering services required over and

above the two federally-assisted programs. The amount
of work to be done under this contract within about a
year from July 1, 1966, is estimated at $100,000, al-
though the extent of work required cannot be determined


The financial position of the Authority at present is as


Local pledged money for 1966: S$ 300,000
Fulton County S$ 91,800
Atlanta 84,030
DeKalb County 82,770
Clayton County 23,190
Gwinnett County 18, 210

Amount expected from U. S. Government _ 250,000

$ 550,000
Memo to MARTA = 2. = April 18, 1966

Actual amounts received as of April 15:

City of Atlanta $ 21,007.50
DeKalb County 20,692.50
Total $ 41,700.00
Amount disbursed for expenses to date 21,084.46
On Hand $ 20,615.54

Amount now due from local governments:

City of Atlanta $ 21,007.50
Clayton County 11,595.00
DeKalb County 20,692.50
Fulton County 45,900.00
' Gwinnett County __ 9,105.00


Summary of requirements for the $300,000 local government funds:

Disbursements to date for expenses of

Study Commission S$ 21,084.46
Matching funds for 701 planning project 62,500.00
Non-federal engineering contract 100,000.00

Authority staff, office overhead,
equipment, and items not chargeable

to federal projects 116,415.54
Total $300,000.00

On April 14, the Chairman, Mr. Rich, and the Vice Chairman, Mr.
Blount, reviewed the program with the Secretary, Mr. Bennett,
the Legal Counsel, Mr. Etheridge, and representatives of the
two consulting firms: Mr. W. O. Salter of Parsons, Brinckerhoff,
Quade and Douglas; and Mr. Alan Welty of Hammer and Company.
Memo to MARTA -4- April 18, 1966

Meetings have been held with the appropriate federal officials
of HUD.

The Chairman has sent letters to the participating governments
requesting quarterly payments due on the 1966 pledges.

It has been decided to call a meeting of the Authority for the
first week of May. I would like to try May 3rd at 4:00 P. M.
in the Glenn Building 6th floor conference room. Will MARTA
members please let my office know if this is acceptable?

For your information, I have been asked by Senator Harrison
Williams (N. J.) to testify April 28 before the Senate Housing
Sub-Committee relative to proposed new mass transit legislation.


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