Box 6, Folder 10, Document 47

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Box 6, Folder 10, Document 47

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DECEMBER 2, 1969


Sanford S. Atwood (DeKalb County)
Roy A. Blount (DeKalb County)

M. C. Bishop (Fulton County)

S. Truett Cathy (Clayton County)
Rawson Haverty (City of Atlanta)
Allen S. Hardin (Fulton County)
K. A. McMillon (Gwinnett County)
Le De. Milton (City of Atlanta)


John C. Wilson (City of Atlanta)


Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority

H. Le. Stuart, General Manager

E. We Nelson, Chief Engineer

King Elliott, Public Information Director

H. Ne. Johnson, Administrative Assistant and
Assistant Secretary


J. A. Coil, PBTB, Atlanta
W. Stell Huie, Counsel


’ Edgar E. Schukraft, Southwest Atlanta Association
R. E. Andrews, DeKalb County Jurors Association
Alex Coffin, The Atlanta Constitution
Raleigh Bryans, The Atlanta Journal
Newsmen — WSB Radio
Newsmen — WSB-TV
Newsmen — WGST Radio

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The meeting was called to order by Mr. Blount, Acting


"Minutes of the November 4 meeting had been mailed to the
members prior to this meeting, and on motion by Mr. Bishop,
seconded by Mr. McMillon, they were unanimously approved.


Mr. Stuart presented the financial report as of November
27, 1969. Staff and administrative expenses remained within
the budgeted figures with no significant changes from the Octo-
ber statement. A fund balance of $24,096.53 was reflected for
the period ending November 27. Mr. Bishop said it was encourag-—
ing that the Authority had stayed within its budget and would
close out the year without a deficit. Mr. Stuart noted that
the State of Georgia was a full 10 percent participant in the
MARTA budget as of June 30, 1969. The financial statement is
attached and made a part of these Minutes.

The General Manager stated that the Finance Committee would
meet on December 16 with MARTA's counsel, accountant and auditor
in attendance for the purpose of discussing the Authority's
financial reporting procedures; to prepare recommendations for
the Board's January meeting, and to discuss the State's support
for the second half of 1969.


Mr. Stuart reported on two transportation seminars that he
had attended in Washington during November, one being the Center
City Transportation Project Conference sponsored by Urban
America, Inc. dealing with transportation in the center city,
and the other being the Transportation Demonstration Projects
Conference sponsored by the Technical Council on Urban Trans-—
portation and the National Capital Section of the American
Society of Civil Engineers and the U. S. Department of Trans-—
portation at which various transportation agencies presented
their findings as a result of completed demonstration projects.
While in Washington Mr. Stuart also visited with officials of
HUD and DOT, and with members of the Georgia Congressional Dele-
gation to apprise them of the Transit Authority's present work
program and what it proposed during 1970.

A progress report was given by Mr. Stuart concerning rail
commuter service. He pointed out that tracks of the Southern
Railway from Doraville to Atlanta were the only ones suitable
for such service. Other lines leading into the city had too
many grade crossings, had single trackage, plus changes that
would be required in tracks, signals, parking lots and plat-
forms. Southern's response had not been as enthusiastic as the

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Authority had hoped. Cost figures were being prepared by
railroad officials and were expected to be available by the
end of December in connection with the Doraville to Atlanta


Mr. Blount stated that Mr. Carlos Villarreal, Administrator,
Urban Mass Transportation Administration, had visited Atlanta
on November 28 in connection with the inauguration of shuttle-
bus service by Atlanta Transit System between the Atlanta
Stadium through the Peachtree corridor to the Civic Center
parking lot. Mr. Blount advised that Mr. Villarreal was sym-
pathetic to Atlanta's transportation problems and very interested
in finding a solution to them. He would like to receive from
the Transit Authority an application for additional federal
funds if the present Senate bill pending in Congress is passed
which would set up a 10-billion dollar federal fund over a
12-year period to be distributed on a two-thirds federal - one-
third local matching basis for the purpose of establishing a
complete transit system to serve the Atlanta area. Mr.
Villarreal felt that this bill would probably pass in lieu of
the proposed Transit Trust Fund bill. Mr. Blount said MARTA
should be ready to move as soon as federal funds are approved.


MARTA's new federal application had been revised in line
with changes agreed on between Alan Voorhees and Associates and
Parsons Brinckerhoff-Tudor-—Bechtel, and it had been forwarded
to the Department of Transportation on November 26. It was
pointed out that the work program included in the application
could not actually commence until DOT had approved the appli-

Mr. Haverty inquired about the status of third-party con-
tracts in connection with the application and urged that they
be drawn promptly for submittal to DOT for approval. Mr. Huie
stated that some of the contracts were being prepared. The
General Manager was directed to follow up and have the contracts
drawn as rapidly as possible. He pointed out that the work
program would require execution of these third-party contracts
before work could commence and that these contracts would be
presented to the Board for review and approval before being
placed in force.


Mr. Blount stated that a tentative budget had been pre-
sented to the members at the October meeting and that a final
budget of $827,000 was before them for adoption for 1970 -
$407,000 of which would come from Federal funds. Dr. Atwood
advised that the Finance Committee had met to discuss the
budget in detail prior to the meeting and recommended its
approval. After considerable discussion, upon motion by Mr.
Bishop, seconded by Dr. Atwood, it was unanimously approved,
recognizing that local appropriations had not been made and
that following local commitments, review might be necessary.
The budget is attached and made a part of these Minutes.


As the City of Atlanta had not appointed a member to fill
the unexpired term of Mr. Richard Rich, Mr. Blount asked that
the election of officers for the year 1970 be deferred until
the January meeting. Upon motion by Mr. Haverty, seconded by
Mr. Hardin, the members unanimously assented to this action.

Following the meeting two films were shown by Mr. Coil
of the Bay Area Rapid Transit System now under construction in
San Francisco.
Mr. Blount adjourned the meeting at 4:00 P.M.
January 6, 1970 — 3:00 P.M.
LY 77: Gee eg ti
H. N. Jo on, ;
Assistant Secretary.


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