Box 7, Folder 8, Document 28

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Box 7, Folder 8, Document 28

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January 3, 1968



The Steering Committee of the Urban Coalition will decide January 8
the future nature of the Coalition. Essential to this is a decision
on the organizational structure to be utilized for reaching Coalition
goals. Currently, the Urban Coalition is an ad hoc steering committee
loosely related to some 1,200 individuals who attended the August

The Steering Committee has spawned seven task forces and created a
small professional staff which serves the task forces under the di-
rection of two national coordinators. Functionally, there are two
elements comprising Coalition activities. One is catalytic and the
other is direct action. These two elements must be reconciled in
the organizational structure.


It is proposed that two companion structures be created: one to con-
duct the direct action activities, the second to undertake the cata-
lytic role.

Catalytic Structure

The organizational structure of the catalytic element would be a
non-profit corporation directed by a Board of Governors. It would
have a moderate service and support staff headed by an executive
director. The task forces of the present Steering Committee would
become the program committees of the non-profit corporation.

The objectives of this organization would be to identify the pro-
blems for which it would undertake research and study; develop
solutions and program ideas; and provide resources and service

to local coalitions. The organization's funding capability should
be substantial enough to allow it to provide matching grants for
local projects undertaken by local coalitions.

This organization should be funded for at least a three or possibly
five-year period at an annual rate of $5,000,000. Staff support
would require approximately $500,000. The balance would be used
for matching funds to local coalitions which would conduct action
projects and for supporting contracts with existing organizations
to do special research projects.

Membership on the Board of Governors would be available to all of
the current members of the Steering Committee. The Board of Gover-
nors would elect the officers. The president or chairman should be
a person of national reputation.

The Action Organization

The organizational structure would be an ad hoc Steering Committee,
just as now exists, with committees where required and no staff.
Its funding requirements would be minimal. Staff support would
come from the U. S. Conference of Mayors and the National League
of Cities.

Its activities would encompass taking positions on national policy
matters and making efforts to insure that the national policy deci-
Sions became those of the government.


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