Dublin Core
Box 7, Folder 8, Document 47
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We call upon the Congress, the Administration and the nation
to move without delay on urban programs, The Administration's Open
Housing legislation should be enacted into law now,
Definite steps should be taken now to assure government-gener-
ated employment to every citizen able and willing to work but unable to
find private employment,
The Administration's Safe Streets and Crime Control Act and
Juvenile Delinquency amendments were drastically altered in the House of
Representatives last year to channel the programs and funds through a
state planning and allocation process which would delay and frustrate
their effectiveness, The original Administration version of these bills
should be passed by the Senate so as to mount an efficient and effective
attack on the root causes of violence, crime and delinquency coupled
with the development of improved local law enforcement,
A supplementary appropriation bill should be immediately intro-
duced and enacted to fund fully the President's anti=povertv programs as
authorized for this fiscal year,
Programs for low and moderate income housing, urban development,
model cities, mass transportation and community facilities should be
extended, expanded and adequately funded now,
The repressive welfare program amendments enacted last year,
penalizing children born into one=parent homes and shifting the financing
burden to local government, should be repealed immediately,
We know these legislative aims are more easily stated than
accomplished, But we also know the needs are massive and urgent, and
the hour is late, We pledge our full support for the legislative
action required and ask the help of Congress and the nation,
Andrew Heiskell A. Philip Randolph
Co-Chairman, The Urban Coalition Co-Chairman, The Urban Coalition
Chairman of the Board, Time Inc, Vice President, AFL-CIO
We call upon the Congress, the Administration and the nation
to move without delay on urban programs, The Administration's Open
Housing legislation should be enacted into law now,
Definite steps should be taken now to assure government-gener-
ated employment to every citizen able and willing to work but unable to
find private employment,
The Administration's Safe Streets and Crime Control Act and
Juvenile Delinquency amendments were drastically altered in the House of
Representatives last year to channel the programs and funds through a
state planning and allocation process which would delay and frustrate
their effectiveness, The original Administration version of these bills
should be passed by the Senate so as to mount an efficient and effective
attack on the root causes of violence, crime and delinquency coupled
with the development of improved local law enforcement,
A supplementary appropriation bill should be immediately intro-
duced and enacted to fund fully the President's anti=povertv programs as
authorized for this fiscal year,
Programs for low and moderate income housing, urban development,
model cities, mass transportation and community facilities should be
extended, expanded and adequately funded now,
The repressive welfare program amendments enacted last year,
penalizing children born into one=parent homes and shifting the financing
burden to local government, should be repealed immediately,
We know these legislative aims are more easily stated than
accomplished, But we also know the needs are massive and urgent, and
the hour is late, We pledge our full support for the legislative
action required and ask the help of Congress and the nation,
Andrew Heiskell A. Philip Randolph
Co-Chairman, The Urban Coalition Co-Chairman, The Urban Coalition
Chairman of the Board, Time Inc, Vice President, AFL-CIO