Box 7, Folder 8, Document 56

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Box 7, Folder 8, Document 56

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The Urban Coalition / Federal Bar Building West | 1819 H Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. [ 20006

Steering Committee Co-chairmen: Andrew Heiskell / A. Philip Randolph

November 15, 1967

Dear Steering Committee Member:

At the last meeting of the Steering Committee, it was
suggested that the Coalition should seriously consider
taking a position in opposition to several of the Social
Security Amendments already approved by the House of
Representatives and now being considered by the Senate.

It was suggested that the House Amendments were not only
contrary to general and accepted standards of welfare aid
and the trend toward raising those standards; but the
Amendments, if passed, would result in local governments
having to assume an increased share of the costs of the
total welfare load.

The Steering Committee decided that an analysis should be
made of the problem and the House's position and distri-
buted to the members. This has been accomplished and a
Fact Sheet and an analysis are enclosed.

We have reviewed the Fact Sheet and analysis and concur
with the Legislative Committee's estimate of the House
amendments as being essentially negative in nature.

Testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee makes
it clearthat segments of the Nation are anxious to reverse
the increase in the number of children receiving aid.
However, this concern dealt with approaching the problem at
the causes rather than limiting the aid.

The main objective of Social Security Amendments as
originally introduced was to move families toward financial
independence. The Aid to Families with Dependent Children
Program was designed to keep families together. We
believe the restrictions imposed by the House bill are
directly contrary to these two goals.

National Coordinators: John Feild | Ron M. Linton
Telephone 293-1530

Steering Committee - November 15, 1967 Page Two

We recommend that the Coalition oppose the House Amend-
ments. Until the Coalition can take formal action on our
recommendations, we urge you as an individual to take
whatever steps you can to oppose the House Amendments.

The Senate Finance Committee has ordered reported its
version of the Social Security Bill, an analysis of which
will be sent to you as soon as it can be made available.

Sincerely, Richard J. Daley
John V. Lindsay
A. Philip Randolph


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