Dublin Core
Box 7, Folder 8, Document 61
Text Item Type Metadata
Adams, David O.
F. W. .Woolworth
223 Broadway
New York, N. Y. 10007
Alexander, T. M., Sr., President
Alexander & Company
208 Auburn Avenue, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Allegaert, John, Pres. & Chief Exec. Off.
American Cyanamid Company
Wayne, N. J. 07470
Allen, Joseph H., President
McGraw-Hill Publication
330 W. 42nd St.
New York, N.Y. 10036
Allen, William M., President
Boeing Corporation
P.O. Box 3707"
Séattle, Washington 98124
Anderson, Carl E., Chmn. & Pres.
E. W. Bliss Company
217: Second Street, ‘Northwest
Canton, Ohio 44702
Ashley, J. M., V.P. - Public Relations
Libbey Owens Ford Glass
811 Madison Avenue
Toledo, Ohio 43624
Ayers, Thomas G., President
Commonwealth Edison Company
72 West Adams Street
Chicago, Illinois 60690
Baker, Robert, Pres.
American Security and Trust Company
15th & Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D. C. 20005
Barnes, V.P. & Sec., Barnard
Time, Inc.
Time-Life Bldg.
New York, N. W. 10020
Bayliss, W. H.
The Upjohn Company
7000 Portage Road
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Beach, P. Godd, President
Oscar Mayer & Co.
910 Mayer Avenue
Madison, Wisconson.. 53701
Beal, Orville E., President
Prudential Insurance Co. of America
Prudential Plaza
745 Broad Street
Newark, N. J.
Bean, Atherton, Chmn. & Chief Ex.
International Milling Company, Inc.
Investors Building
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
Beinecke, William S., President
Sperry and Hutchinson Co.
330 Madison Ave.
New York, N. Y. 10017
Bensinger, B. E., Chmn.
Brunswick Corporation
69 West Washington Street
Chicago, Illinois 60602
Berquist, Raymond H.
Director of Employee Services |
Colgate-—Palmolive Co.
300 Park Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10022
Bickmore, Lee S., President
National Biscuit Company
425 Park Avenue
New York, N. Y.
Biesel, Robert G., Vice President
Gereral American Transportation
135 South LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois 60690
Blessing, W. G.
Blaw-Knox Company
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Bogard, George T., Gen. Mgr. ,
Community Systems Development Division
General Electric Company
Lincoln Tower Building, Post Office Box 1661
Louisville, Kentucky 40201
Borth, Robert
Washington Representative
General Electric
777 14th Street, N. W.
_Washington, D. C. 20005
Brenner, Dr. Henry R., Manager of
Personnel & Management Research
Xerox Corporation
Rochester, New York
Brereton, Harmer, Vice President
Eastman Kodak Co.
343 State Street
Rochester, N. Y.
Brooker, Robert E.
Montgomery Ward & Company
619 West Chicago Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60610
Brooks, James A., V. P. - Employee Relations
The Budd Company
12141 Charlevoix
Detroit, Michigan 48215
Buck, Harry L., Pres.
I-T-E Circuit Breaker Company
1900 Hamilton St.
Philadelphia, Pa. 19130
Buck, Richard B.
Carling Brewing Co.
Baltimore, Md., 21227
Burck, Robert H., V. P., Public Affairs
Braniff International
P.O. Box 35001
Dallas Texas, 75235
Burditt, John F., Chmn. & Chief. Ex. Off.
ACF Industries, Inc.
750 Third Avenue
New York, New York 10017
Burgess, Carter L.
American Machine & Foundry Co.
261 Madison Avenue
New York, N. Y. 10016
Burnett, Winston A.
Winston Burnett Construction Co.
New York, N. Y. 10027
(149 West 124th St.)
Burnham Burl C., President
Westinghouse Electric Corp.
3 Gateway Center
Pittsburgh, Pasa 15230
Burns, John L., Chmn. & Chief Ex.
Cities Service Company
60 Wall Street
New York, New York 10005
Caliri, Joseph L., Sec.
National Dairy Products Corp.
260 Madison Avenue
New York, N. Y. 10016
Carry, Champ, Honorary Chmn.
Pullman Inc.
200 S. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, T11, 60604
Castle, John T.
Man.-Marketing & Public Relations Research
G. E. Company
570 Lexington Ave.
New York, N. Y. 10022
Chapin Roy D., Jr., Chmn.
American Motors Corporation
14250 Plymouth Road
Detroit, Michigan 48232
Cleary, John V., Pres.
Consolidated Edison Co., N. Y.
4 Irving Place
New York, N. Y. 10003
Close, Frederick J., Chairman of the Board
Aluminum Co. of America
Alcoa Building
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219
Colihan, William, Jr.
Young & Rubican, Inc.
New York, N. Y. 10001
Collins, Arthur A.
Collins Radio ‘Company
Dallas, Texas 75207
Comar, Jerome M., Exec. V. P.
Marcmont Corp.
168 N. Mich. Ave.
Chicago, Ill. 60601
Conner, Hal, Special Representative
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
1725 K. St., N.W.
Washington, D. C. 20006
Cook, C. W., Chairman
General Foods Corp.
250 N. Street
White Plains, N. Y. 10602
Copeland, Lammot du Pont, President
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.
1007 Market Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19898
Cross, Bert S., Chmn. & Chief Ex. |
Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. |
2501 Hudson Road
St. Paul, Minnesota 55119
Curtis, E. F., President
Deeke & Co.
Moline, Ill. 61265
Custer, Power D., V.P.
Industrial Relations
Kellogg Co.
235 Porter St.
Battle Creek, Mich. 49016
DeHart, Donald M., Director
Comm. Relations
The Gillette Co.
Prudential Tower Bldg.
Boston, Mass. 02199
Devine, Gregory S., Pres.
Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.
Terminal Tower
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
DeYoung, Russell, Chrm. of the Board
The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.
1144 East Market
Akron, Ohio
Dial, Morse G., Jr., Reg. V. P.
Union Carbide Corp.
777 14th Street, N. W.
Washington, D. C. 20005
Dorsey, B. R., Pres.
Gulf Oil Corporation
Gulf Building
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230
Drain, James A., Pres.
Joy Manufacturing Company
Oliver Building
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222
Drews, Rudolph, J., Chmn. & Pres.
Foremost Dairies, Inc.
111 Pine St.
San Francisco, California 94111
Dugger, Robert W., V. P.
J. I. Case Company
Racine, Wisconsin 53404
Dunlop, Robert G., Pres.
Sun Oil Co.
1608 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
Edwards, ‘Gordon , Pres. & Chief. Ex.
National Dairy Products Corporation
260 Madison Avenue
New York, N. Y¥. 10016
F. W. .Woolworth
223 Broadway
New York, N. Y. 10007
Alexander, T. M., Sr., President
Alexander & Company
208 Auburn Avenue, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Allegaert, John, Pres. & Chief Exec. Off.
American Cyanamid Company
Wayne, N. J. 07470
Allen, Joseph H., President
McGraw-Hill Publication
330 W. 42nd St.
New York, N.Y. 10036
Allen, William M., President
Boeing Corporation
P.O. Box 3707"
Séattle, Washington 98124
Anderson, Carl E., Chmn. & Pres.
E. W. Bliss Company
217: Second Street, ‘Northwest
Canton, Ohio 44702
Ashley, J. M., V.P. - Public Relations
Libbey Owens Ford Glass
811 Madison Avenue
Toledo, Ohio 43624
Ayers, Thomas G., President
Commonwealth Edison Company
72 West Adams Street
Chicago, Illinois 60690
Baker, Robert, Pres.
American Security and Trust Company
15th & Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D. C. 20005
Barnes, V.P. & Sec., Barnard
Time, Inc.
Time-Life Bldg.
New York, N. W. 10020
Bayliss, W. H.
The Upjohn Company
7000 Portage Road
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Beach, P. Godd, President
Oscar Mayer & Co.
910 Mayer Avenue
Madison, Wisconson.. 53701
Beal, Orville E., President
Prudential Insurance Co. of America
Prudential Plaza
745 Broad Street
Newark, N. J.
Bean, Atherton, Chmn. & Chief Ex.
International Milling Company, Inc.
Investors Building
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
Beinecke, William S., President
Sperry and Hutchinson Co.
330 Madison Ave.
New York, N. Y. 10017
Bensinger, B. E., Chmn.
Brunswick Corporation
69 West Washington Street
Chicago, Illinois 60602
Berquist, Raymond H.
Director of Employee Services |
Colgate-—Palmolive Co.
300 Park Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10022
Bickmore, Lee S., President
National Biscuit Company
425 Park Avenue
New York, N. Y.
Biesel, Robert G., Vice President
Gereral American Transportation
135 South LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois 60690
Blessing, W. G.
Blaw-Knox Company
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Bogard, George T., Gen. Mgr. ,
Community Systems Development Division
General Electric Company
Lincoln Tower Building, Post Office Box 1661
Louisville, Kentucky 40201
Borth, Robert
Washington Representative
General Electric
777 14th Street, N. W.
_Washington, D. C. 20005
Brenner, Dr. Henry R., Manager of
Personnel & Management Research
Xerox Corporation
Rochester, New York
Brereton, Harmer, Vice President
Eastman Kodak Co.
343 State Street
Rochester, N. Y.
Brooker, Robert E.
Montgomery Ward & Company
619 West Chicago Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60610
Brooks, James A., V. P. - Employee Relations
The Budd Company
12141 Charlevoix
Detroit, Michigan 48215
Buck, Harry L., Pres.
I-T-E Circuit Breaker Company
1900 Hamilton St.
Philadelphia, Pa. 19130
Buck, Richard B.
Carling Brewing Co.
Baltimore, Md., 21227
Burck, Robert H., V. P., Public Affairs
Braniff International
P.O. Box 35001
Dallas Texas, 75235
Burditt, John F., Chmn. & Chief. Ex. Off.
ACF Industries, Inc.
750 Third Avenue
New York, New York 10017
Burgess, Carter L.
American Machine & Foundry Co.
261 Madison Avenue
New York, N. Y. 10016
Burnett, Winston A.
Winston Burnett Construction Co.
New York, N. Y. 10027
(149 West 124th St.)
Burnham Burl C., President
Westinghouse Electric Corp.
3 Gateway Center
Pittsburgh, Pasa 15230
Burns, John L., Chmn. & Chief Ex.
Cities Service Company
60 Wall Street
New York, New York 10005
Caliri, Joseph L., Sec.
National Dairy Products Corp.
260 Madison Avenue
New York, N. Y. 10016
Carry, Champ, Honorary Chmn.
Pullman Inc.
200 S. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, T11, 60604
Castle, John T.
Man.-Marketing & Public Relations Research
G. E. Company
570 Lexington Ave.
New York, N. Y. 10022
Chapin Roy D., Jr., Chmn.
American Motors Corporation
14250 Plymouth Road
Detroit, Michigan 48232
Cleary, John V., Pres.
Consolidated Edison Co., N. Y.
4 Irving Place
New York, N. Y. 10003
Close, Frederick J., Chairman of the Board
Aluminum Co. of America
Alcoa Building
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219
Colihan, William, Jr.
Young & Rubican, Inc.
New York, N. Y. 10001
Collins, Arthur A.
Collins Radio ‘Company
Dallas, Texas 75207
Comar, Jerome M., Exec. V. P.
Marcmont Corp.
168 N. Mich. Ave.
Chicago, Ill. 60601
Conner, Hal, Special Representative
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
1725 K. St., N.W.
Washington, D. C. 20006
Cook, C. W., Chairman
General Foods Corp.
250 N. Street
White Plains, N. Y. 10602
Copeland, Lammot du Pont, President
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.
1007 Market Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19898
Cross, Bert S., Chmn. & Chief Ex. |
Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. |
2501 Hudson Road
St. Paul, Minnesota 55119
Curtis, E. F., President
Deeke & Co.
Moline, Ill. 61265
Custer, Power D., V.P.
Industrial Relations
Kellogg Co.
235 Porter St.
Battle Creek, Mich. 49016
DeHart, Donald M., Director
Comm. Relations
The Gillette Co.
Prudential Tower Bldg.
Boston, Mass. 02199
Devine, Gregory S., Pres.
Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.
Terminal Tower
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
DeYoung, Russell, Chrm. of the Board
The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.
1144 East Market
Akron, Ohio
Dial, Morse G., Jr., Reg. V. P.
Union Carbide Corp.
777 14th Street, N. W.
Washington, D. C. 20005
Dorsey, B. R., Pres.
Gulf Oil Corporation
Gulf Building
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230
Drain, James A., Pres.
Joy Manufacturing Company
Oliver Building
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222
Drews, Rudolph, J., Chmn. & Pres.
Foremost Dairies, Inc.
111 Pine St.
San Francisco, California 94111
Dugger, Robert W., V. P.
J. I. Case Company
Racine, Wisconsin 53404
Dunlop, Robert G., Pres.
Sun Oil Co.
1608 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
Edwards, ‘Gordon , Pres. & Chief. Ex.
National Dairy Products Corporation
260 Madison Avenue
New York, N. Y¥. 10016