Box 7, Folder 10, Document 3

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Box 7, Folder 10, Document 3

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The Urban Coalition 1815 H Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20006
Telephone: 347-9630

CHAIRMAN: John W. Gardner
CO-CHAIRMEN: Andrew Heiskell / A. Philip Randolph

April 17, 1969

The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mayor of the City of Atlanta
City Hall

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Ivan:

At the request of the Executive Committee the staff has
undertaken preparation of position papers in each of the
major substantive areas which concern the Urban Coalition.
I am enclosing for your information papers on housing and
on health which have been approved by the Executive Com-

As a general rule these papers are reviewed by representa-
tive task forces or ad hoc committees and then submitted

to thé Executive Committee for final approval. Other papers
are in the process of preparation.


Peter Libassi
Executive Vice President

ec: Mr. Dan Sweat



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