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Box 7, Folder 10, Document 30
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The Urban Coalition a
Washington, D.C. 20006
Telephone: 347-9630
CHAIRMAN: John W. Gardner
CO-CHAIRMEN: Andrew Heiskell / A. Philip Randolph AAR 45% o
SUBJECT: Public Relations Society of America
The Public Relations Society of America, a 21-year-old
organization of public relations professionals with 6,000
members of 63 chapters, has offered its assistance as
a communications resource to the Urban Coalition and has
urged its members to assist coalitions throughout the
country. The program is being coordinated by the recently-
formed Public Service Council of PRSA, which is
encouraging and enlisting aid for coalitions as its
first major national project. PRSA members already
are playing key roles in some coalitions. Their
experience and expertise could be a valuable continuing
asset to many others in the crucial job of gaining
broad community acceptance and understanding of the
Coalition and its principles.
If you have not already made contact with your local
PRSA chapter, and wish to do so, you may obtain the
name of the chapter President and further information
from the Associate Director for your area.
Washington, D.C. 20006
Telephone: 347-9630
CHAIRMAN: John W. Gardner
CO-CHAIRMEN: Andrew Heiskell / A. Philip Randolph AAR 45% o
SUBJECT: Public Relations Society of America
The Public Relations Society of America, a 21-year-old
organization of public relations professionals with 6,000
members of 63 chapters, has offered its assistance as
a communications resource to the Urban Coalition and has
urged its members to assist coalitions throughout the
country. The program is being coordinated by the recently-
formed Public Service Council of PRSA, which is
encouraging and enlisting aid for coalitions as its
first major national project. PRSA members already
are playing key roles in some coalitions. Their
experience and expertise could be a valuable continuing
asset to many others in the crucial job of gaining
broad community acceptance and understanding of the
Coalition and its principles.
If you have not already made contact with your local
PRSA chapter, and wish to do so, you may obtain the
name of the chapter President and further information
from the Associate Director for your area.