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Box 7, Folder 11, Document 20
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1 4
NELSON PRICE, Executive Producer
BEN LOGAN, Producer 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 420, New York, New York 10027 Telephone: 212/663-8900
EDWARD M. JONES, Director of Programming
August 27, 1968
Mr, Dan Sweat
City Hall
Atlant a, Ga.
Dear Mr. Sweat:
The Urban Coalition cooperates with three othe? national organiza-
tions in presenting a national radio p rogram five nights each week,
In Atlanta, Night Call is heard on station WAOK (1380 ke) from 11:30 PM
to 12:30 AM,
Night Call is a national, telephone call-in program, A guest of na-
tional or international prominence is featured each night, Persons
listening to Night Call in 60 cities across the country may t elephone
collect, talk witl, the guest and host, Del Shields, about the issue
of the night. Most of the issues revolve around the urban crisis, I
am enclosing a packet with full information,
Would you consider doing a couple of things?
Help build audience for the program by
promoting it through your channels:
We will be glad to furnish posters to
you in quantity, weekly information
regarding guests and issues, and a
demonstratio \itape of the pigram for
use in meetings or with individuals,
Support the station in its presentation
of Night Call? Since the program does
deal with-controversial issues and at
times presents controversial guests,
stations need support from community
leaders, The person with whom we have
been working at WAOK is Ken Goldblatt,
Released in cooperation with the Broadcasting and Film Commission, >
National Council of Churches, and the National Catholic Office for Radio and Television(NCORT)
Produced by TRAFCO/ Television, Radio and Film Commission of The United Methodist Church,
Harry C. Spencer, General Secretary,
Continued, Page two, Mr. Swest
Night Call is based on the premise that Americans are willing
to listen and discuss any idea; that people from different
backgrounds and with different attitudes and ideas must speak
and listen to one another before they can accept each other and
work together in solving the problems of our nation, Night Call
provides this opportunity, It demonstrat es that problems are
pretty much the same everywhere and that the search for answers
in Pittsburgh or Watts are relevant to just about every part of the
We'll also be glad to have suggestions on issues and guests. Ifa
problem or a success program can be helped by,national exposure, we'd
like to know about it,
I will be looking forward to hearing fro
Executive Producer
NP: mj
NELSON PRICE, Executive Producer
BEN LOGAN, Producer 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 420, New York, New York 10027 Telephone: 212/663-8900
EDWARD M. JONES, Director of Programming
August 27, 1968
Mr, Dan Sweat
City Hall
Atlant a, Ga.
Dear Mr. Sweat:
The Urban Coalition cooperates with three othe? national organiza-
tions in presenting a national radio p rogram five nights each week,
In Atlanta, Night Call is heard on station WAOK (1380 ke) from 11:30 PM
to 12:30 AM,
Night Call is a national, telephone call-in program, A guest of na-
tional or international prominence is featured each night, Persons
listening to Night Call in 60 cities across the country may t elephone
collect, talk witl, the guest and host, Del Shields, about the issue
of the night. Most of the issues revolve around the urban crisis, I
am enclosing a packet with full information,
Would you consider doing a couple of things?
Help build audience for the program by
promoting it through your channels:
We will be glad to furnish posters to
you in quantity, weekly information
regarding guests and issues, and a
demonstratio \itape of the pigram for
use in meetings or with individuals,
Support the station in its presentation
of Night Call? Since the program does
deal with-controversial issues and at
times presents controversial guests,
stations need support from community
leaders, The person with whom we have
been working at WAOK is Ken Goldblatt,
Released in cooperation with the Broadcasting and Film Commission, >
National Council of Churches, and the National Catholic Office for Radio and Television(NCORT)
Produced by TRAFCO/ Television, Radio and Film Commission of The United Methodist Church,
Harry C. Spencer, General Secretary,
Continued, Page two, Mr. Swest
Night Call is based on the premise that Americans are willing
to listen and discuss any idea; that people from different
backgrounds and with different attitudes and ideas must speak
and listen to one another before they can accept each other and
work together in solving the problems of our nation, Night Call
provides this opportunity, It demonstrat es that problems are
pretty much the same everywhere and that the search for answers
in Pittsburgh or Watts are relevant to just about every part of the
We'll also be glad to have suggestions on issues and guests. Ifa
problem or a success program can be helped by,national exposure, we'd
like to know about it,
I will be looking forward to hearing fro
Executive Producer
NP: mj