Box 7, Folder 11, Document 33

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Box 7, Folder 11, Document 33

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In a nation where individual is estranged from individual
and group from group, it is the purpose of NIGHT CALL to
help people find reconciliation -- to move towards solutions
to problems through understanding. NIGHT CALL is a national
town meeting of the air -- where persons of widely differing
views and backgrounds are given a chance to speak, to be
challenged, to ask questions, to listen to other views, to
discover new facts. Here barriers of economic class, race

and culture are crossed. The hoped for results include:

1. Individuals are given a chance to gain new in-
formation and insights which help them to act
more responsibly in their community.

2. Individuals are aided in discovering that there
are no easy answers, that all issues have "grey
areas," but that solutions lie in the direction
‘of person understanding person,

3. The opportunity to be heard and to have their
ideas discussed honestly and forthrightly will
encourage a small but significant number of
persons to express their frustrations in con-
structive dialogue instead of in destructive

4, Some of the barriers and credibility gaps between
individuals and groups are broken down.

5. Individuals and communities can share solutions
to problems in contrast to further exploration
of problems.

6. A deepening awareness that a search for the
ultimate meaning and purpose of life moves one
away from abstract issues and toward ever-growing
relationships with other people.


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