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Box 7, Folder 11, Document 38
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"I enjoy listening to your new program... My only suggestion
is NOT TO DISCONTINUE..." St. Paul, Minnesota
"More power to you, Del, and to all who make Night Call
possible. I'm a summer visitor listening to you in
Collegeville, but I hope to be able to hear you at home
in Bismarck, North Dakota, a town that really needs - open
discussion and a remedy for latent racism." Collegeville, Minn.
We are regular listeners (and callers, when we can through
your busy lines)... and commend you and its sponsors for an
excellent program." The writers suggested guests from the
National Alliance of Businessmen and the movie industry on
"the incredibly poor and potentially dangerous movies that
appear in every movie house all over the nation." San Diego
",..thank you...for the most interesting program it has ever
been my privilege to listen to over the radio in these recent
years... Our only problem down here is that we hear the program
over WFLA in Tampa (and Night Call gets pre-empted for baseball)
... last week we lucked out and only missed one program...
Good luck to you all, perhaps all the baseball games will be
rained out." Tampa, Florida
"This is to. let you know we are listening... It's important
information, not only educational, but providing important
insights and inquiries into issues that are vital to the
sanity and success of this nation," Seattle, Washington
"Please -- can't we have some moderation or sense of political
balance -- perhaps only pure coincidence, but the programs I
have listened to seem to be purely 'liberal' and left-wing
in the nature of the guests and topics. I am tired of the
Carmichaels, the Raps and the racial divisionists -- there
are still white people with problems, too!" Chagrin Falls, Ohio
"I hope you have H, Rap Brown on again some night. It is some=
what of a perverse pleasure to hear a grown man figuratively
cry and so distort the facts as to make a jack-ass of himself.
Thank you.” Toledo, Ohio
"I am very sorry for Mr. Carmichael and his feeling of hatred...
I think I heard you say you are black. I too am black and
proud of it, but Mr. Carmichael will be surprised to know how
many thousands of blacks disagree with him and will never join
a revolution. Think of the victories won by violence. Where
are they?" New York
"Nice going on a great program. Now the problem is to get
everybody listening to it. I will do my selling bit down
here." Winston-Salem, North Carolina
"First I must apologize for hanging up abruptly in my exchange
with Mr. Steven Ledogar. The fact is I was so caught up in the
issue and so angry at Mr. Ledogar that I wanted to conclude our
communication...my hanging up in such a manner was, obviously
indefensible. I am somewhat surprised, myself, at this action
...-What he is repeating...is utterly, cynically untrue.
(administration position on Vietnam). "I believe we are ina
period of continuing and perhaps periodically escalating crises.
I believe that, ultimately, only self-knowledge, introspection,
will halt this process. NIGHT CALL is playing an extremely
important role in this end." Cleveland, Ohio
"I like the way you conduct your NIGHT CALL. So many of the
moderators do all of the talking. Since you put this Cleveland
"pest™"...on last night, I am sure you are going to be bothered
with this old John Bircher. Keep up the quality that you have
now." Cleveland, Ohio
Excerpts of a letter to Dr. A. W. Criswell, Southern Baptist
Convention: "I have just heard you in on NIGHT CALL. I feel
like crying and crying. You have not begun to understand the
problem...I call myself a Baptist and profess to be a Christian
-».as I understand my Baptist training, we need not progress
but repent...Don't tell the black that time caused the problem
and time will cure it. Time didn't cause it -- White Baptists
(and others, but the number game must fault the Baptist) caused
L65.0q% Minneapolis, Minnesota
The week of September 2, we are please to be adding a number of
stations to the NIGHT CALL network. These include:
KUT(FM) - Austin, Texas
WINA - Charlottesville, Va.
WGH - Newport News, Va.
WTVR - Richmond, Va.
WAYB - Waynesboro, Va.
Stations slated to join starting September 16 are:
WMKY - Morehead, Ky.
KGVO =- Missoula, Montana
WAER(FM) = Syracuse, N. Y.
WTMJ Milwaukee, Wis.