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Box 7, Folder 11, Document 53
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1619 H STREET, N. W.
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 August 2, 1968
(Current as of August 2, 1968)
The Emergency Employment and Training Act of 1968 (Public
Service Employment)
The measure has not been reported by the Senate Labor and
Public Welfare Committee.
The extension of the Manpower Development and Training Act
has been ordered reported by the Committee, and action on
the measure has been delayed. Majority Leader Mansfield
has indicated he will call it up in September. When the
bill is considered by the full Senate, a bipartisan coalition
comprised of Senators Clark, Javits and Prouty will attempt
to amend it by adding the Emergency Employment Act to it.
The House Select Subcommittee still has no plans to mark up
the JOBS bill.
The MDTA extension measure has received a rule by the House
Rules Committee clearing it for floor action, but will not
be acted on until Congress returns after the political
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968
On August Ist, the President signed into law the Housing and
Urban Development Act of 1968. Representatives of the Urban
Coalition Action Council were present by invitation for the
ceremony. ;
A summary of the more important provisions of this very
significant new act is to be found at the end of this
weekly report. The Urban Coalition will be preparing a
more detailed analysis of the law focusing on the new
TELEPHONE: 202 293-1530 z GPa
potential it presents for local action. ‘This analysis
will be distributed to local coalitions and made avail-
‘able to other parties on request when completed.
The proposed schedule of action on Appropriation bills concerning
legislation of interest to the Action Council is:
The Housing and Urban Development Appropriations
bill for Fiscal Year 1969 passed the House on
May 8th and the Senate on July 12th. It now goes
to the Conference Committee, which has waited un-
til the HUD authorization bill was enacted into
law. It will meet sometime in September although
no meeting date has been set.
As previously reported, the Labor-HEW (including OEO)
Appropriations bill passed the House on June 26th.
The Whitten Amendment, passed by a Teller (unrecorded)
vote, prohibits the use of funds appropriated by the
bill to force busing of school children, to abolish
any school or to force secondary school students to
attend a particular school against the choice of
The House approved serious cuts in Title I of the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (aid to schools
in impoverished areas), the Teacher Corps and the
Office of Economic Opportunity.
The full Senate Appropriations Committee has marked up
the bill. The Committee did not restore much of the
education funding. The following list indicates how
the Committee acted on the requests made by the Depart-
ment of Health, Education and Welfare to restore funds
cut by the House:
Title I, ESEA $126 mil $50 mil
peep Out Prevention 30, mil |. ‘10 mil
Bilingual Education 5 mail 10 mil
Teacher Corps 9.6 mil 2.3 al
In addition, the Committee kept the OEFO
appropriation at the low level approved by
the House and retained the Whitten Amendment.
New language was added to the Whitten Amendment
by the Committee. It is believed that this
language will substantially ameliorate its impact.
The bill is scheduled for the Senate floor on
September 4th.
"Tt. is very important that every effort be made
in the Senate to restore the House cuts in the
HEW and OEO requests, and to defeat the Whitten
Amendment, even though it has been amended. If
you wish more information on the specific cuts in
the HEW and OEO appropriations, please contact
The Urban Coalition Action Council office.
Due to the Congressional recess for the party conventions, the
Action Council will not issue further weekly reports until the
Congress reconvenes in September.
1619 H STREET, N. W.
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 August 2, 1968
(Current as of August 2, 1968)
The Emergency Employment and Training Act of 1968 (Public
Service Employment)
The measure has not been reported by the Senate Labor and
Public Welfare Committee.
The extension of the Manpower Development and Training Act
has been ordered reported by the Committee, and action on
the measure has been delayed. Majority Leader Mansfield
has indicated he will call it up in September. When the
bill is considered by the full Senate, a bipartisan coalition
comprised of Senators Clark, Javits and Prouty will attempt
to amend it by adding the Emergency Employment Act to it.
The House Select Subcommittee still has no plans to mark up
the JOBS bill.
The MDTA extension measure has received a rule by the House
Rules Committee clearing it for floor action, but will not
be acted on until Congress returns after the political
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968
On August Ist, the President signed into law the Housing and
Urban Development Act of 1968. Representatives of the Urban
Coalition Action Council were present by invitation for the
ceremony. ;
A summary of the more important provisions of this very
significant new act is to be found at the end of this
weekly report. The Urban Coalition will be preparing a
more detailed analysis of the law focusing on the new
TELEPHONE: 202 293-1530 z GPa
potential it presents for local action. ‘This analysis
will be distributed to local coalitions and made avail-
‘able to other parties on request when completed.
The proposed schedule of action on Appropriation bills concerning
legislation of interest to the Action Council is:
The Housing and Urban Development Appropriations
bill for Fiscal Year 1969 passed the House on
May 8th and the Senate on July 12th. It now goes
to the Conference Committee, which has waited un-
til the HUD authorization bill was enacted into
law. It will meet sometime in September although
no meeting date has been set.
As previously reported, the Labor-HEW (including OEO)
Appropriations bill passed the House on June 26th.
The Whitten Amendment, passed by a Teller (unrecorded)
vote, prohibits the use of funds appropriated by the
bill to force busing of school children, to abolish
any school or to force secondary school students to
attend a particular school against the choice of
The House approved serious cuts in Title I of the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (aid to schools
in impoverished areas), the Teacher Corps and the
Office of Economic Opportunity.
The full Senate Appropriations Committee has marked up
the bill. The Committee did not restore much of the
education funding. The following list indicates how
the Committee acted on the requests made by the Depart-
ment of Health, Education and Welfare to restore funds
cut by the House:
Title I, ESEA $126 mil $50 mil
peep Out Prevention 30, mil |. ‘10 mil
Bilingual Education 5 mail 10 mil
Teacher Corps 9.6 mil 2.3 al
In addition, the Committee kept the OEFO
appropriation at the low level approved by
the House and retained the Whitten Amendment.
New language was added to the Whitten Amendment
by the Committee. It is believed that this
language will substantially ameliorate its impact.
The bill is scheduled for the Senate floor on
September 4th.
"Tt. is very important that every effort be made
in the Senate to restore the House cuts in the
HEW and OEO requests, and to defeat the Whitten
Amendment, even though it has been amended. If
you wish more information on the specific cuts in
the HEW and OEO appropriations, please contact
The Urban Coalition Action Council office.
Due to the Congressional recess for the party conventions, the
Action Council will not issue further weekly reports until the
Congress reconvenes in September.