Box 7, Folder 12, Document 1

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Box 7, Folder 12, Document 1

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The Urban Coalitiog=——__,

December 1969

The Urban Coalition Calls For
Health Care Reforms

The Urban Coalition has called for a combina-
tion of national and community action to bring
about sweeping medical reforms aimed at im-
proving health care for all Americans, particu-
larly those in the cities.

In a comprehensive 76-page report prepared
by its health task force, the Coalition maintained
that while the United States spends a bigger
proportion of its gross national product on
health than any other country, its health serv-
ices are inadequate. The report, Rx for Action,
was prepared under the direction of Dr. George
A. Silver, the Coalition’s Executive Associate
for Health.

According to the report, Americans spend
more than $53 billion annually on a “potpourri”
of public and private health programs. If these
funds were spent more efficiently, the report

Dr. George A. Silver, Coalition Executive Associate for
Health; John W. Gardner, Urban Coalition Chairman; and
Dr. Roger O. Egeberg, Assistant Secretary for Health and
Scientific Affairs of HEW at press conference to announce
Rx for Action.

concluded, many more people would be served
and better services could be assured forall.

Poor health affects all Americans, regardless
of income, the report said. Not only the poor,
but middle income families, blue collar workers,
welfare mothers, and all city residents—black,
white and brown — suffer from substandard
health care.

Community action, according to the Coalition,
can generate more immediate improvement for
its citizens than almost any national effort.
Local successes would also stimulate needed
national reforms.

The report urged the local urban coalitions
that have been formed in nearly 50 cities to
establish their own health task forces. But the
Coalition emphasized that the study’s findings
and recommendations could be used in whole or
in part by any local community organization con-
cerned with the quality of health care.

These would include local chambers of com-
merce, labor and religious groups, local bus-

inessmen and women’s organizations. The same
consultant and technical assistance services
that the national Coalition intends to make avail-
able to its local health task forces would be
available to these groups. The Urban Coalition
will consult with the major voluntary health or-
ganizations to obtain their cooperation.

The Coalition also plans to meet in a series
of regional health conferences with local coali-
tions and other groups.

The report decried the lack of participation
of the poor and the non-poor in health services
planning and said that no serious effort had yet
been taken to train individuals outside of pro-
fessional groups in this area.

“In both the long and short runs,” the report
stated, “advances in the health field depend on
the will of the American people.”

The study emphasized that the “middle-class
white community has been too infrequently rep-
resented in hospital board membership and in
public health bodies, or even on the boards. of
voluntary agencies.”

It said that the poor, specifically blacks,
Mexican-Americans and Puerto Ricans, had
been left out of the decision-making process.
The Coalition urged more representation from
these people on hospital boards, health and
welfare councils, insurance bodies and public
health advisory councils.

Following are some of the principal findings
and recommendations of the report:

Malnutrition: With estimates placing the
yearly cost of the consequences of malnutri-
tion to the economy at-substantially more than
the $3-4 billion needed to eliminate hunger,
coalitions should work to make more of the
proper food more readily available to the public.

Environment: The well-being of the urban
poor is being directly threatened by bad hous-
ing and air and water pollution. Citizens groups
should be formed to educate the poor on such
basic matters as housing and health code re-
quirements, their legal rights to services, safety
practices and rat and vermin control.

Access to Facilities: More local money is
essential to help meet the need of the many
communities for more health facilities. Trans-
portation systems and emergency ambulance
services could be studied to see if they are
geared to the needs of the poor.

Interpreters: Interpreters could be used in
clinics and information centers for Spanish-
speaking people.

Occupational Health Clinics: Hospital boards
could arrange for the development of occupa-

tional health clinics to serve local industry and
provide advice for health and safety programs
for working people from the local community.

Manpower Deficiencies: Through the system
of routine volunteer assignments, medical so-
cieties could undertake to supply doctors in
areas where sufficient numbers.are not availa-
ble. Sub-professionals could be trained to han-
dle many of the duties involved in health care.

The Coalition’s study emphasized that many
local programs could be immediately launched
without waiting for action by the Federal gov-
ernment. But it also pointed out that effective
local action will always have to be supplemented
and strengthened by effective Federal action.
The report called for a national system of
financing medical care costs that .will give
every American access to services without any
economic barrier.

Dr. Roger O. Egeberg, who is the Assistant
Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs, com-
mented on the Coalition’s recommendations.
He said: “The country should be grateful to the
Urban Coalition for this type of analysis of the
nation’s health needs, and planning for the na-
tion’s health services.

“The Coalition’s proposal recognizes that
solving the medical needs of America is not
the job of the Federal government alone, but
also requires effort and change by everyone.”

In compiling its Rx for Action the health task
force of the Urban Coalition has laid down a
battle plan for the war against poor health care
in the United States.

Copies are available from the Urban Coali-
tion, 2100 M Street, N. W., Washington, D.C.

New Members Added to
Coalition Steering Committee

Fourteen new members have been added to the
Steering Committee of the Urban Coalition. The
new additions to the Coalition’s policy-making
body include businessmen, mayors, a state sen-
ator and a physician.

The new members announced by Urban Coali-
tion Chairman John W. Gardner are:

State Senator Joe J. Bernal of San Antonio,
Texas. Senator Bernal, an educator and social
worker as well as a legislator, is executive di-
rector of the Guadalupe Community Center in
San Antonio.

Mayor Frank Curran of San Diego, Califor-
nia, Mayor Curran is president of the Na-
tional League of Cities.
Hector P. Garcia, M.D., a Corpus Christi,
Texas physician and a former commissioner of
the U.S. Civil Rights Commission.

Ben W. Heineman of Chicago, president of
Northwest Industries Inc. Heinemanis chairman
of the President’s Commission on Income Main-

Samuel C. Johnson, president of S.C. Johnson
& Son Inc. and president of the Racine Environ-
ment Commitee, a local urban coalition.

Mayor Eric Jonsson of Dallas.

Stephen F. Keating, president of Honeywell
Inc., and former chairman of thé Minneapolis
Urban Coalition. ‘

Donald M. Kendall, president of Pepsico, Inc.,
and chairman of the National Alliance of Busi-
nessmen, New York.

Mayor Richard Lugar of Indianapolis.

Donald S. MacNaughton, president of Pruden-
tial Insurance Co. and former chairman of the
Newark Urban Coalition.

Mayor Jack D. Maltester of San Leandro, Cal-
ifornia. Maltester is also president of the U.S.
Conference of Mayors.

James Roche, chairman of the board of Gen-
eral Motors Corp., and member of the board of
trustees of the New Detroit Committee, an urban

H. I. Romnes, chairman of the board of AT&T,
New York. Romnes is also vice-chairman of the
Nattonal Industrial Conference Board and is a
member of the Urban Coalition’s task force on
education. ,

Martin Stone, president of Monogram Indus-
tries Inc. and chairman of the.Los Angeles Ur-
ban Coalition.

Mr. Gardner said the Urban Coalition adds to
the Steering Committee periodically to assure
broad and dynamic representation from the Co-
alition’s constituent elements—local govern-
ment, business, labor, minority groups and re-

M. Carl Holman, vice-president of the Urban Coalition for

Policy and Program Development; Peter Libassi, Coalition
executive vice-president; and Nicholas deB. Katzenbach,
former U.S. Attorney General and chairman of the Coalition's

- law and government task force discuss new approaches to

the reform of the criminal justice system spelled out in the

Coalition's report Taking the Blindfold off Justice.

Urban Coalition Action Council
Supports Welfare Reform

“The time has come to discard the existing
patchwork of ineffective and in many ways de-
structive public assistance programs. You have
the opportunity to replace them with a national
system of income maintenance that will help
people to help themselves but preserve indi-
vidual dignity in aiding those left behind by

With these words, John W. Gardner, Chair-
man of the Urban Coalition Action Council, be-
gan his testimony last month before the House
Ways and Means Committee, which is consider-
ing President Nixon’s proposals to reform the
nation’s public assistance programs.

At the same time, Mr. Gardner said the Urban
Coalition and the Urban Coalition Action Coun-
cil will give the issue top priority for the
months ahead. “It is of the highest impor-
tance,” he said, “that such lingering myths as
the one that the poor in America are people
who don’t want to work—able-bodied loafers—
be erased and that our public assistance pro-
grams be overhauled.”

In his congressional testimony, Mr. Gardner
termed the Administration’s reform proposals
“extremely important and on the whole well
designed,” but suggested strengthening them at
several crucial points.

“If the proposals are accepted,” he said, “the
Federal government will for the first time in
history accept responsibility for providing a
minimum level of payment throughout the nation
and for financing it. I would have been very
proud had I been able to establish that principle
during my tenure as Secretary of Health, Educa-
tion and Welfare. It is an historic step.”

Mr. Gardner also praised the proposals for
their emphasis on children, their work incentive
features and their greatly broadened coverage.

“Of special significance,” he said, “is the
inclusion of the working poor for the first time.
The complete omission of the working poor is
surely one of the strangest anomalies of the
present system. A society which values work
should surely make some provision for the six
million adults who work full-time, year-round,
and yet cannot earn enough to bring themselves
above the poverty line.”

“The strengths of the President’s proposals,”
he said, “could lead us on to an immeasurably
sounder and more equitable system of income
maintenance. But if the promise of the propo-

sals is to be realized, they must be strength-
ened at a number of points,” among them:

1. Provision should be made for “a nation-
wide increase in benefits to the poverty level
over a specified period of time,” with the $1,600
floor proposed by the President serving as a
starting point fora phased program.

2. “Adequate provision should be made for
‘one-stop’ administration of the proposed Fed-
eral-state system.”

3. While “the improved benefits for the aged,
disabled and blind are a welcome step,” Mr.
Gardner’s statement said, “it may be that
our ultimate goal should be a single income
maintenance system which provides for uniform
adequate assistance for all of our impover-
ished citizens, including needy individuals and
couples without children.” ;

4. “Given the elasticity of its tax base, and
the economies of scale and efficiency offered
by Federal administration, a shift of the welfare
burden to the Federal government is clearly
one means of resolving the fiscal dilemmas of
state and local government.”

D: The work requirement provisions of the
legislation “should specify job standards and
wage rates for ‘suitable employment.’”

Finally, he said, “I would emphasize that
there must be provisions for job creation, so
that the training opportunities won’t be a re-
volving door into continued unemployment. The
ideal solution is a public service employment

While Mr. Gardner praised the work require-
ment proposals, he made it clear that there are
limits to what can be expected of it.

“Many Americans sincerely believe that
people living in poverty are people who don't
want to work—or people who don’t want steady
work,” he said. “In other words, able-bodied
loafers. That is a long way from the truth, Of
the 25 million persons living below the poverty
line, 15 million are either under 18°or over 65.”

“Of the remaining 10 million, nine million
fall within the scope of the Administration’s
family assistance proposals (as being adults
in poor families that include children).

“Let us look at that nine million. The Admin-
istration estimates that 7.9 million are already
working, but earn too little to bring them above
the poverty level, or are the wives of such men,
or are disabled, or are women who must stay
home because of very young children,

“That leaves 1.1 million adults who the Ad-
ministration feels can significantly help them-
selves and would thus be required to register
for jobs or work training—600,000 men and
500,000 mothers of school-aged children.”

Mr. Gardner also emphasized that “no wel-
fare program can cure underlying conditions.”

“The poverty that makes a public assistance
program necessary,” he said, “is rooted in a
variety of historical and contemporary condi-
tions; discrimination, the pathology of the urban
and rural slum, inadequate education, insuffi-
cient job opportunities in the locality, low pay
in jobs not covered by the minimum wage, in-
adequate social insurance benefits, inadequate
provisions for manpower training and so on.”

“If we are to get to the root of the problem
we shall have to do so through education, health
and nutrition programs, the creation of job
opportunities, the elimination of slum condi-
tions and similar measures.”

Mr. Gardner’s testimony, delivered by Am-
bassador George McGhee, special representa-
tive of the chairman, elaborated on the position
taken in late June by the full Policy Council
of the Urban Coalition Action Council.

Copies of Mr. Gardner’s testimony and of the
Action Council booklet on welfare reform “To-
ward A Full Opportunity” are available from
the Urban Coalition Action Councii, 2100.M
Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20037.

Coalition Begins Probe
of Credit Practices to
Low Income Consumers

A preliminary study which examines efforts by
commercial banks, credit unions and retailers

-to make credit available to low-income con-

sumers, has been made public by the national
Urban Coalition. The study, entitled, “Con-
sumer Credit and the Low Income Consumer,”
was prepared after more than five months of
field and research work by William G. Kaye
& Associates, consultants in the area of con-
sumer affairs. ,

A major finding showed that the poor can and
do pay their bills. “The low-income consumer |
may at times encounter some difficulty in pay-
ing bills when due, but in the end, his perform-
ance in paying his full obligation is nearly as
good as his more affluent suburban counter-
part,” the report said.

The 105-page study formed the basis of a
November meeting called by the Coalition to
look at models that may be successful in ex-
tending credit to the poor. The meeting was
chaired by Edward C. Sylvester, Jr., former
Assistant Secretary in Community and Field
Services, Department of Health, Education and

On arecent visit tothe Greater
Miami Urban Coalition, Chairman
John Gardner met with Coalition leaders.
He is shown here visiting with some
of the minority representatives of
the Miami Coalition.

Welfare, and attended by approximately 100
leaders from retailing, the poor, Federal agen-
cies and the White House, banks, organized
labor, social action groups, lawyers and con-
sumer and credit organizations.

The report will be further considered at a
series of regional meetings, the first of which
took place in Minneapolis, December 7-8.

Mr. Kaye, former executive director of the
President’s Committee on Consumer Interests,
stated that “Hopefully, this report—in addition

to increasing the availability of low-income-

credit—will shed some light on the realities and
mythologies about the performance of the low-
income person in seeking, utilizing and repay-
ing consumer loans and other forms of con-
sumer credit.”

Local Coalitions Get
Fund-Raising Guidelines

Fund-raising guidelines will be the subject of
two national Urban Coalition conferences for
local coalition chairmen, fund- -raising chair-
men and executive directors.

At these “how-to-do-it” sessions members

of the national Coalition’s Financial Develop- _

ment Advisory Council and other experts will
share their expertise in raising money—a vital
ingredient behind any successful coalition pro-
gram—with local leaders.

The first conference, to be held in Philadel-
phia in December, is for coalitions in the north-
east and southeast regions. The other is planned
for January for coalition representatives from
the midwest and west.

Conference speakers will highlight the keys to
successful fund-raising: identifying community
leaders; developing a “case”; organizing vol-
unteers for fund-raising, and the “nuts and
bolts” of solicitation.

Based on these guidelines, workshops will
enable coalition representatives to pinpoint
areas for further guidance and to exchange

The 29-member Financial Development Ad-
visory Council comprises top financial devel-
opment officers from colleges and universities
across the country. One of its primary roles is
to counsel local coalitions in organizing suc-
cessful fund-raising programs. Thus far Coun-
cil members have individually advised coali-
tions in 13 cities.

Coalition staff support for the Advisory Coun-
cil and national fund-raising .efforts is pro-

vided by David M. Thompson, Assistant to the
Chairman; Douglas Lawson, Financial Develop-
ment Officer; and Walker Williams, Associate
Financial Development Officer.

Newark Love Festival
Salutes “The Summer Thing”

Through efforts of the Greater Newark Urban
Coalition, New Jersey’s largest city had a Love
Festival on October 5th. A video tape replay
of the event was shown on an hour-long, prime-
time, NBC national telecast on November 14th.

Based on a series of free, outdoor concerts
first given in Harlem, the Love Festival was
brought to Newark by WNBC-TV, which se-
cured the help of the Harlem Festival producer,
Tony Lawrence. The Love Festival was WNBC’s
way of honoring Newark’s Recreation Planning
Council, better known as The Summer Thing.

The Newark Love Festival turned out to. be
quite an autumn event. It turned on as one of
the largest happenings in the city’s 302-year
history. Between 70,000 and 100,000 “beauti-
ful, beautiful people” attended.

Not a single incident marred the massive
outdoor spectacular held in Newark’s Weequa-
hic Park. For six hours, rock bands, folk and
soul singers, comedians and mod entertainers
gave performances. Twenty thousand phono-
graph records were given away. WNBC said the
Love Festival was “a major community rela-
tions project.”

The community effort grew out of Newark Co-
alition president Gustav Heningburg’s plea to
New York television stations, just 10 miles
away, to devote some coverage to Newark’s

brighter side. The city had received consider-

able adverse publicity since the 1967 riot. In
response, WNBC-TV Channel 4, asked Hening-
burg to suggest an activity worth televising that
might offset coverage of Newark’s problems.
Heningburg’s recommendation was the Reerea-
tion Planning Council or The Summer Thing, a
program which involves ghetto youth in recrea-
tional opportunities.

The Summer Thing was born in late May as
Newark looked toward another long hot summer
with little in the way of programs to offer out-
of-school, inner-city youth.

Supported by the Newark Coalition's Steering
Committee, Heningburg put together a presti-
gious, five-man, voluntary group of co-chair-
men. It included both deputy mayors, Paul
Reilly and Lewis Perkins. The representative
of business and industry was Al DeRogatis, a
Prudential Insurance Company vice president
and former football great. John Scagnelli, a
vice president of the Council of Social Agen-
cies, served as delegate for more than 150
United Fund agencies and State Assemblyman
George Richardson, a black legislator, repre-
sented the coalition.

Office space was donated by the Newark
Housing Authority. One of the local manpower
programs donated office equipment. The Newark
Chamber of Commerce agreed to raise $234,000.

The Summer Thing contacted more than 100
community organizations asking them to sub-
mit their recreation proposals, Through care-
ful screening and much negotiation, the co-
chairmen approved 29 proposals for funding.

In jess than six weeks, an office was-set up,
a volunteer staff-was secured, work began on
fund raising and a directory was compiled of
more than 70 community-sponsored youth pro-
grams, public and private. A communications
center was established to which anyone could
call on any given day and get a listing of recre-
ational activities going on in town. The center
also published a daily newsletter listing special
events of the day for distribution to almost
100 points in the city. Local radio station WNJR
taped and broadcasted daily events all through
the summer.

By the end of the summer, the Chamber of
Commerce raised almost $200,000. The Engel-
hard Foundation provided the first $1,000 and
an additional $57,000 came from the New Jersey
State Department of Community Affairs.

More than 50,000 youngsters participated in
The Summer Thing. By Labor Day, it was
clear that partially-polarized Newark could
get diverse people to work together and get
things done well and fast.

NBC, impressed with The Summer Thing,
looked for a fitting salute. It hit upon the Love
Festival concerts in Harlem that had attracted
hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers. Tony
Lawrence agreed to get the talent and WNBC
promised to film the gala for television.

The Recreation Planning Council-was asked
to secure a suitable outdoor location and help
attract crowds that would reflect the black/white
cooperation that made The Summer Thing so
meaningful to Newark.

In a scant three weeks, hundreds of details
had to be handled. For the first time, the New-
ark police cooperated with the Black Panthers
in crowd control. The city administration and

participation of social agencies “was a joy to

- behold,” stated Heningburg. Medical school in-
terns worked with welfare mothers, hip teenag-
ers manned lost and found stations with sen-
ior citizens, radical students and conservative
professionals joined hands to organize shuttle
buses. Ideological, age, language, and racial
differences seemed unimportant and for that
afternoon friendship, love and pride prevailed
and everybody “Gave A Damn!”

Shortly after the November 14th national
telecast, Gus Heningburg went down to Fayette,
Mississippi to help black Mayor Charles Evers
plan a Thanksgiving Day, Love Festival for his

New Jersey Newsphotos


Gustav Heningburg, president of the Greater Newark Urban
Coalition at the Newark Love Festival.

Call For Action
Director Named

R. Alexander Grant, the former national di-
rector of recruitment for VISTA (Volunteers
in Service to America), has been named as the
Executive Director of “Call for Action”.

“Call for Action” is a project in coopera-
tion with the national Urban Coalition, and is
operated by a radio station and a staff of volun-
teers in a number of cities.

Mr. Grant was born in Newark, N. J. in 1933.
He has a B. A. from Bloomfield College and an
M. A. from Montclair State College.

In announcing Mr. Grant’s appointment, John
W. Gardner, the Coalition’s Chairman, said the
Coalition hoped to have “Call for Action” pro-
grams working in 8-10 cities throughout the
country by the end of the year.

Under the project, individuals may etl local
radio stations for referral to the proper agen-
cies for help with such problems as poor hous-
ing, crime, narcotics, hospital care and sanita-
tion disposal.

“Call for Action” was begun at radio station
WMCA in New York City by Mrs. R. Peter
Straus, wife of the station’s owner and co-
chairman of the nationwide program.

The project is now on the air in New York,
Chicago, Denver and Utica.

Mr. Grant’s duties will include policy for-
mulation and coordination for the various “Call
for Action” projects.

R. Alexander Grant

Grass Roots News

The Greater Kansas. City Urban Coalition has
inaugurated a program of tours of the inner-city
to give interested citizens, particularly white
suburbanites, a first hand view of inner-city
housing, schools, business development and
recreation facilities. Small groups travel in a
modified bus, are given a running description
of inner-city conditions, and told of the activities
of the Urban Coalition. The tours began with the
Greater Kansas City Urban Coalition board of
directors and has since included members of
the Real Estate Board and service clubs.

The Greater Kansas City Urban Coalition has
formed a women’s task force, believed to be the
first such among local coalitions. The task force
is involved in a project with the Welfare Rights
Organization and will concentrate in the hous-
ing field in 1970.

The Greater Kansas City Urban Coalition is
publishing a voter information booklet for the
January 20 school board elections, reviewing
the qualifications of the candidates and contain-
ing their views on key issues.

The new South Bend Urban Coalition already
has received preliminary reports from five task
forces and this month expects final reports out-
lining action programs for 1970. The task
forces are for education, housing, employment,
racial attitudes and conflict, and youth.

Mayor Carl Stokes of Cleveland has announced
plans for a “Call for Action” program on station
WERE under the coordination of the Cleveland
Urban Coalition. “Call for Action” programs,
now in operation in several cities, enable listeners
to call volunteers at the station to register
complaints about deficient city services. The
Cleveland program will begin early in 1970.

The Urban Coalition of Minneapolis has a new
president, Phillip Harder, senior vice president
of the First National Bank. He succeeds Dean
McNeal, vice president of the Pillsbury Com-
pany, whose term expired.

The Mayor of Winston-Salem, North Carolina
proclaimed the week of December 8-12 as
“Family and Child Development Week” in con-
junction with a project sponsored by the Day
Care Association of the Urban Coalition with
the co-operation of other child-related agencies.
Symposiums on child development and educa-
tion were held throughout the week for parents,
school administrators, businessmen, represen-
tatives from social service agencies and other
interested groups.

The housing task force of the Greater Miami
Coalition has completed development of a cur-
riculum for a new course offered at the Univer-
sity of Miami on housing management. The 15-
week course followed by on-the-job-training
will open up new careers for disadvantaged per-
sons in the management of housing complexes.
Key feature of the plan is job commitments
for those finishing the course.

The El Paso (Tex.) Urban Coalition has been
holding open forums each month on problems
affecting the El Paso community. The forums,
officially known as Area Council Meetings for
Public Information, have dealt with such matters
as police protection, street paving, housing,
schools and public safety.

The Riverside (Calif.)Coalition, under its viva-
cious and energetic executive director, Mrs.
Ruth Pepe, has convinced the school system
that it doesn’t have to keep going to such far-
away places as Arizona and Texas to hire
minority teachers. Through a program set up as
a result of coalition efforts five black instruc-
tors have been trained and hired from within
the Riverside community.

The bail reform program of the RiversideCoa-
lition, operating since mid-September, has re-
duced the average length of jail stay from 37
to 4 days. Five coalition representatives were
among the Riverside officials attending the
national Coalition’s briefing on new approaches
to criminal justice in New York in April; liked
what they saw, convinced the Riverside police
department to give bail reform a try and since
its inception, nearly 60 persons have been re-
leased on their own recognizance under the

In San Ysidro (Calif.), a small, green colored
stucco house has been converted into a health
clinic for some 7,000 Mexican-Americans. The
clinic treats about 150 persons a week and
operates with one full-time nurse, Miss Jeannie
Powers. The San Diego Coalition played a major
role in creating the clinic and also refurbished
and furnished the entire house.

In San Antonio, (Tex.) the coalition has formed a
group that it calls the “clearinghouse committee.”
The committee is interviewing ghetto residents

to determine their major grievances. This in-
formation is presented to the businessmen on
the coalition’s steering committee, who then
take it to the city agency that can do something
about the problems uncovered in the interviews.

Three VISTA lawyers, working under a program
co-sponsored by the national Urban Coalition
began working in Denver in mid-October.
They’re working on bail reform.

”Call for Action” got off to an action packed
start in Denver in late October with radio sta-
tion KLZ getting about 150 calls in its first
week of operation.

New Urban Coalitions

Since the end of the summer local coalitions
have sprung up all over the map. The five new-
est are South Bend, Rhode Island, Wilmington,
El Paso and Chattanooga.

Officially the South Bend (Ind.) coalition is
known as the St. Joseph County Urban Coali-
tion. The local Chamber of Commerce in South
Bend is staffing the coalition while the search
goes on for a full-time executive director. The
coalition’s chairman is Frank Sullivan, chair-
man of the board of Frank Sullivan Associates,
an insurance firm.

Rhode Island shows there may be some ad-
vantages to being small, at least in the sense
of coalition. The Rhode Island coalition is the
only statewide coalition. It has an executive
director-designate, Anthony Agostinelli and a
president, Elwood E. Leonard Jr. Leonard is
president of the H & H Screw Company, and also
chairman of the United Fund Drive.

Wilmington (Del.) is looking for an executive
director. Rodney Layton, a Wilmington attorney
and vice-chairman of the United Fund in that
city is chairman of the new coalition.

In the west Texas town of El Paso they call
the coalition the Council for Social Action be-
cause that was what it was called before it be-
came a local urban coalition in the beginning of
September. Three weeks after it was recognized
as a coalition by the national, William Pearson,
E] Paso’s executive director was in Washington
with 30 other local executive directors. They
met with John W, Gardner.

The Reverend James I. Oliver is the chairman
of the coalition, which is the third in Texas.
The others are San Antonio and Corpus Christi.

In Chattanooga they had to wait more than
two years before a coalition was actually formed.
Interest in creating a coalition in that southern
city began with the August 1967 convocation
of 1,200 of the nation’s leaders that gave birth
to the national Urban Coalition.

Co-chairmen of the new Chattanooga coali-
tion are John Slack, general manager of Com-

bustion Engineering and Roy Noel, city youth
coordinator. One of the members of the Steer-
ing Committee is Mrs. Ruth S. Golden, pub-
lisher of the Chattanooga Times and sister-in-
law of Andrew Heiskell, chairman of the board
of Time, Inc. and co-chairman of the national
Urban Coalition.

See page /] for complete list of established
urban coalitions.

Miami Case Study

Last fall there were some 340 serious disturb-
ances in high schools in 38 states. One of the
most serious—in terms of potential consequen-
ces—occurred in Dade County(Miami), Florida,
where an integration dispute at Palmetto High
School threatened to escalate into a black stu-
dent boycott of the entire school system.

Trouble was averted, however, when the
school board asked the Greater Miami Coali-
tion to step in, establish the facts and make
recommendations. A panel of inquiry named by
the Coalition did so—quickly and decisively. Its
report resulted in important reforms not only
at Palmetto, but at other schools in the district,
prompting one newspaper editor to comment
that “a major breakthrough in better race re-
lations” had been made in Miami education.

A case study of the episode and its aftermath
will be published by the Urban Coalition this
year. The study will describe the dispute, its
resolution, and the key role played by the Great-
er Miami Coalition.

Copies will be available from the national of-
fice of the Urban Coalition.

“ : =
Miami Coalition Panel of Inquiry members Garth Reeves,
publisher of the Miami Times; Henry King Stanford, president
of the University of Miami; and John Halliburton, president
of the Greater Miami Urban Coalition and a vice president
of Eastern Airlines.


What They Are Saying

Frederick J. Close, chairman of the board of
the Aluminum Company of America, to the an-
nual meeting of the American Mining Congress:
“All [urban coalitions] offer the businessman
a unique opportunity to involve himself in a
grass-roots, down-to-earth operation that en-
ables him to apply his problem-solving abilities
to problems that demand solution as much as
they often seem to defy it. They help him to re-
ally understand what the problems are and what
it will take to get at them. In short, they give
the businessman a chance to show that our sys-
tem can work for everybody. It’s a chance that
many more businessmen ought to take. I think
they are taking a far bigger chance if they don’t.”

Ambassador George C. McGhee, special repre-
sentative of the chairman, the Urban Coalition,
to the St. Louis Round Table:

“A turn-around must be made and a start
towards a reordering of the priorities which
will bring up to adequate levels the basic re-
quirements for our national life. In this process
other public expenditures, which have hitherto
enjoyed high priorities, must be reduced.”

Charles W. Bowser, executive director of the
Philadelphia Urban Coalition, to a conference
of the National Municipal League:

“The direct involvement of the corporate citi-
zen in the initiation and formation of the national
Urban Coalition was clear evidence that the cor-
porate commitment to help was emanating from
self-interest, rather than the traditional chari-
table concern. This recognition of self-interest
in the solution of the nation’s urban problems is,
in my opinion, the most dramatic result of the
urban crisis of the sixties.”

Martin Stone, chairman of the board of Mon-
ogram Industries Inc. and chairman of the
Greater Los Angeles Urban Coalition, at com-
mencement exercises of Immaculate Heart

“Each day that we postpone reconciliation
of our actions with objectives motivated by a
desire to restore quality of life to our nation,
we come a step closer to inevitably extremist
solutions. Almost invariably we hide our heads
in the sand until our problems become crises
which cannot be solved without painfully ex-
treme remedies.”

Charles B. Wade Jr., vice president of R.J.
Reynolds Tobacco and chairman of the educa-
tion committee of the Winston-Salem Urban
Coalition, at the First Anniversary Meeting of
the Norfolk Urban Coalition:

“Leadership is an attitude, an ability to size
up a situation, and then make a decisive move
rather than sitting back and doing something
after the fact. It’s easy to find leaders after
something happens, they rise to the occasion,
but it’s something else to marshal people with
foresight, with the ability to see an oncoming
crisis and make a concrete move for the good
of the community to avoid a potential problem.”

Arthur Naftalin, professor of public affairs,
University of Minnesota, former mayor of
Minneapolis, and Coalition Steering Committee
member, to the conference of the National As-
sociation of Housing and Redevelopment Offi-

“A few months ago the housing authority
submitted a request to the city council to in-
crease from 250 to 500 the number of homes it
might acquire under the low-rent housing pro-
gram for scattered site housing and that ac-
quisition be permitted citywide. The council
approved the increase but refused to allow
citywide acquisition, restricting the program
to officially-declared renewal areas. This ac-
tion struck me as a rather open act of dis-
crimination and I vetoed the entire measure,
risking the loss of the additional units. At
this point our Urban Coalition of Minneapolis,
in which many top business leaders actively
Participate, called upon the council to sustain
my veto and to accede to the authority’s origi-
nal request. The council accepted the coali-
tion’s urging and we accomplished a social
gain that simply would not have been possible
without the interest of key businessmen. We
may be the only city in the nation in which pub-
lic housing is possible on an unrestricted city-
wide basis. . .”

Established Local
Urban Coalitions

California .


Los Angeles




San Diego

San Jose

Stanford Mid-Peninsula




District of Columbia



South Bend

New Orleans


New Bedford


St. Paul

Kansas City

New Jersey

New York

New York

Niagara Falls
Westchester County

North Carolina




Rhode Island



Corpus Christi
El Paso

San Antonio








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