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Liberals Block G.O.P. Move
to Give Rule to States
Special to The New York Times
Democratic liberals succeeded
tonight in blocking a Republi-
can move that would shift
control of a key antipoverty
program to the states. The vote
was 231 to 163.
The action marked «a stunning
defeat for a powerful coalition
ef Republican and Southern
Democrats seeking to give
Governors control over the
community action programs.
| Earlier, Democratic leaders
had sent up a loud cheer when
they learned they had defeated
the state-control plan by a non-
recorded vote of 183 to 166,
Backers of the state-control
plan then made a final try, fail-
ing this time on the 231-to-163
roll-cal] vote.
The vbili—calling for a two-
year, $2.343-billion extension
of the antipoverty pro-
gram virtually unchanged—then
passed the House by a vote
of 276 to 117. The bill now
goes to conference with the
Senate, which passed a similar
measure earlier this fall.
Throughout the day-long de-
bate, Democratic liberals all
but conceded that they did not
have the votes to turn back
the usually dominant coalition
of Republicans and Southern
Yet they scored a double
victory, not only blocking the
state-control plan, but also suc-
ceeding in retaining $295-
million added in committee to
the Administration’s proposed
$2.048-billion’ bill.
It was apparent that- many
Republicans, confident of vic-
tery, had decided their votes
would not be needed and had;
left for home before the crucial
vote. ‘ ina
~ about six million poor in some
For days, Democratic liberals
had insisted ‘that Fresident
Nixon alone held the key to the
future of the antipeverty pro-
gram. He had called for a sim-
ple iwo-year extension of the
program, without changes.
However, with the House Re-
publican leadership firmly com-
mitted to shifting control to the
states, the President did not
personally seek to line up Re-
publican support for a simple
two-year extension.
Instead, at his news confer-
ence on Monday, Mr. Nixon
said he hoped that his anti-
poverty director, Donald Runis-
feld, could take some kind of
“accommodation? with critics
of the program.
Heeding the President's ad-
vice, sponsors of the state-
control plan modified their
earlier propesal by permitting
the director of the Office of
Economic Oppertunity greater
leeway in overriding vetoes of
Governors over local commu-
nity action programs.
They also provided the
O.E.0, director with several
metheds of by-passing slates
that failed to adequately fund
local programs,
Even with these modifica-
tions, Mr, Rumsfeld spoke out
today against the Republican
substitute proposal.
Exemptions Pile Up
In hour after hour of debate
today, several moderate Repub-|
licans. and Democratic liberals
stripped the state-control plan
even further.
The Head Start program of
pre-school training for the poor
was exempted from state con-
‘ trol by voice vote.
The family planning program
was also exempted by a vote
of 75 to 26.
And the House voted, 96 to
41, to exempt from state con-
trol all community action pro-
grams on Indian reservations.
In the end, the proposed
stae-control plan was limited
primarily to non-Indian com-
munity action programs and to
Volunteers in Service to Amer-
ica (VISTA).
Of-all the antipoverty pro-
prams: enacted five years ago
under a Democratic Adminis-
tration, community action has
drawn the most fire, particu-
larly in urban areas where the
newly’ organized poor have
staged rent strikes and other
This year, the antipoverty
agency has funded 969 commu-
nity action programs serving
2,000 counties, both urban and
The community programs
vary from place to place, offer-
ing such aid as health services,
emergency food and médical
services, aid to migrant worlk-
ers, legal services and consumer
Woshington, D, C.
Satur rday, December 13, 1969
som Y f™
. i. eer a
New | Life in
House Vot
Star Staff Writer
in an upset that startled near-
ly everyone involved, the House}
has voted to give the Office of
Economic Opportunity a two-}
yvar, $2.3 billion lease on life,
It was a rebut’ to House Re-)
former member, OFO Director
Donald Rumsfeld, and a mixed
blessing for President Nixon, i
The key vote came yesterday).
on a motion to substitute a bill
shifting most OO programs to
the states. It lost, 231 to 163.
The antipoverty measure then
was approved, 276 to i17, and
sent to a conference with the
“T am pleased and darn grate-
ful,” Rumsfeld said after the
He said he would work for
continued reform within QEO
and said the bill’s approval
shouldn’t be interpreted es full!
approval of what has gone on in
this agency.”
Alihouth Nixon had asked
Congress for a simple two-year,
$2-pillion-a-year extension of
OEO, his support inrecent days
was seen as less than enthusias-
tic. At his press conference last
Monday the President said he
backed Aumsfeld bul urged him
to seek an accommodation with
House leaders.
There was no evidence that
the White House took an active
role in lobbying for the bill.
Rumsfeld carried the fignt in
dozens of meetings with con-
gressmen, frequently urging
that he be given a chance to
correct OEO problems on his
Vote for Substitute |
On the House floor, the oppesi-
tion was led by GOP Leader
Gerald R. Ford of Michigan and
William H. Ayres of Ohio, the
top Republican on the Education
and Labor Committee.
They joined forces with South-,
ern Democrats behiad a substi-
tute bill drafted by Reps. Albert)
publican leaders, a victory for! -
H. Quie, R-Minn., and faith
Green, D-Ore., that would have
sharply changed OLO's course.
Up to the moment when House
members filed down the center
aisle in an unofficial “teller”
vote, friends and focs of QEO
alike were predicting victory for
the substitute, ;
Avres, who acted as floor lead-
er for the Quie-Green bill, salu
he knew they were losing when
‘jclusters of Republicans and con-
seryativ e Democrats joined
OEQ supporters. The “teller”
voie was 183 to 166.
Ayres called the vole & person-
al triumph for Rumsfeld ani
‘isent him a felegram: “The
Burasfeld Raiders rode again.
| lCongratulations. Good Tuck on
“ithe mess you inherited but don’t
“lsay you didn’t ask for it.”
Rep. Joe D. Waggonner,
D-La., a leader of the Southern
‘forces, said many congressmen
‘from Border Siates broke away
from the substitute bill, even
though critical of OHO, because
they. did not want to turn alti-
poverty programs over to Ne
publican governors. He men-
tioned Arkansas, West Virginia,
nee Florida and Kentuc-
Ayres said he had assumed
that nearly all Republicans, long
ieceral programs, would vote
for the substitute. In the end, 68
Republicans voted against it.
A breakdown on the key vote!
‘shows those 63 Republicans join-
ing 168 Democrats against the
substitute and 60 Democrats vot-
ing wilh 103 Republicans for it.
Both Reps. Joel T. Broyhill,
R-Va., and William Scott, R-Va.,
voted against extending the anti-
poverty program. Reps. Law-
renee J. Hogan, R-Md., and Gil-
|be:t Gude, R-Md., voted for it on
tial passage, although Hegan
voted for the earlier substitute, ,
Credit for the OEO victory!
ais¢ must go, Waggonner said,|
to OKO itself and its constituen-|
cy in urban sreas where oprosi-
iion to the substitute was orga-
nized hurriedly over the last
Telegrams, letters and tele-
phone calls from mayors all
added up. ‘‘After the pressure
was on, we never had a
chance,” he said,
Began A Week Ago
The pressure began more than
a week ago when Quie and Mrs.
Green unveiled their substitute
bill. Debate was scheduled for
the next day but Education and
Labor Committee Chairman
_ Carl D. Perkins, D-Ky., yanked
the administration bill off the
calendar to bargain for time.
As yesterday’s long day of
poverty talk began, OEO critics
were optimistic and its defend-
ers gloomy. Both Democratic
whip Hale Boggs of Louisiana
and Majority Leader Carl Albert
of Oklahoma said they did not
have the votes to win.
Perkins said strong Republi-
can support was essential for
victory. He urged at least 55
Republicans te “come forward
Jone expected that anywhere
near 63 would answer the call.
The tone of the debate reflect-
ed the prevailing attitudes. OEO
backers offfered little resistance
to the substitute. A few relative-
ly minor amendments were
adopted. There were frequent
shouts of ‘‘vote, vote” to keep
the action moving.
The substitute would have giv-
en governors a veto over VISTA
and community action programs
and would have permitted states
to establish separate agencies to
operate the anti-poverty pro-
Head Start Funds
The bill that passed Jeaves
OEO as it is and authorizes $295
million extra for Head Start, job
training and health services.
The bill now goes to confer-
ence with a similar Senate ver-
sion passed Oct. 14 that author-
izes $4.8 billion over two years.
Joining in the end-of-session
rush, the Senate Appropriations
Committee went ahead yester-
day and put nearly $2 billion into
an appropriation bill for OEO
even though final action on the
some time next week.
and support your President.” No|
By Richard
Saturday, Dec. 13, 1969
7 Ty 7
TT ay 2D ie ph aren ei S
Ltt Lei Lue Wi
L. Lyons
Washington Post Staff Writer
The House voted to extend
the war on poverty through
mid-1971 last night after rejecting—in a spectacular up-
set—a proposal to give the states contro] over most anti-
poverty programs.
The state-control plan, supported by most pee
and Southern Democrats, was defeated 231 to 163 on ;
roll call vote.
The House went on to pass
the bill extending the life of
the Office of Mconomic Oppor-
tunity by a vote of 276 to 117.
The bill now goes to a House-
Senate conference where the
major difference is a Senate
amendment giving governors
a veto over legal services for
the poor.
Rejection of the state-con-
trol plan was a shock to both
supporters and opponents. Its
approval had been conceded in
advance by almost everyone,)
especially after its sponsors
offered last-minute conces-
President Nixon had aslied
for a simple extension of the
present program. But when
}state-control plan. At his news
authorization cannot come until]:
ithe bill was taken up yesier-,
day after six months of ma-|
neuvering, his principal sup-|
port came from liberal Demvo- |
crats who distrust the ability
or will of the states to operate
meaningful antipoverty pro-
Donaid Rumsfeld, director,
of the Office of Economie Op- |
portunity, which runs the pro- |
gram, strongly opposed the
‘ence Monday night, the |
'President expressed support
for Rumsfeld, but also @X-
pressed hope that an “accom:
modation” could be reacheci.
This made it seem even more
likely that some version of
state control would pass the
Several reasons were offer-
ed for defeat of the state-con-
trol plan. One was that the
week’s delay Democrats won
when the substitute was intro-
duced last week allowed time
for a mail and personal lobby-
A\ number of conservative
Democrats from states with
Republican governors voted
jadainst turning the program
ever to them. Some Republi-
can voles probably went to
Rumsfeld, their former col-
league, as a personal matter.
And several members whol
had voted against a strong:
voting rights bill Thursday;
switched to oppose state con-:
ire}, perhaps not wishing to/
cast what could be regardedi
as votes against the poor on)
consecutive days.
On the key vote,
ecrais) and 63
voted against
168 Demoa-
state conirol,
while 103 Republicans and 60|
Demoerats voted for it.
OEO deals directly with)
communities, with a minimum]
of state supervision. The sub-;
stitute proposal would have|
- permitied governors to take}
control of most of the contro-|
versial programs that come|
under the umbrella of commu-|
! It was chiefly a desire to get
{lighter control over the local
lprograms, which the poor
‘themselves help run, that mo-
tivated the campaign for state
Supporters of state control
insisted that they were not/
trying to dismantle OEO, but
‘rather were trying to give au-
thority to stale officials who
;have a better grasp of prob-
‘lems in their _States,
ing campaign.
Republicans ,
; ‘Edueation and Labor Commit-;
nity action on the Jocal level. | |
But when-hKep. Wwunam ti
Ayres (R-Ohio), a leading cos-|
ponsor of the state-controli
plan, was asked by reporters if]
it wouldn't take away most of |
OEO’s authority, he said: |
“We are only taking away |
his (Rumsfeld's) canoe. lle’s
stil) got his paddle.”
In an effort to Te
of moderate Republicans sup-|
porting Rumsfeld, a former |
member of the House, the!
state-contro! forees offered
vesterday to make concessions
that would give him some}
power to act if states did not!
eperate cifeclive programs. |
But Rep. Carl Perkins @,
ehairman of the House
tee and floor manager of the
-adiministration’s extension bill,
called the revised substitute
“as destructive’ as the origi-
nal state-control plan.
| Speaker John W. = Me-
‘Cormack (D-Mass.) urged de-
feat of the substitute, saving
ithe issue was one of “money
values versus human values.”
Liberals Block G.O.P. Move
to Give Rule to States
Special to The New York Times
Democratic liberals succeeded
tonight in blocking a Republi-
can move that would shift
control of a key antipoverty
program to the states. The vote
was 231 to 163.
The action marked «a stunning
defeat for a powerful coalition
ef Republican and Southern
Democrats seeking to give
Governors control over the
community action programs.
| Earlier, Democratic leaders
had sent up a loud cheer when
they learned they had defeated
the state-control plan by a non-
recorded vote of 183 to 166,
Backers of the state-control
plan then made a final try, fail-
ing this time on the 231-to-163
roll-cal] vote.
The vbili—calling for a two-
year, $2.343-billion extension
of the antipoverty pro-
gram virtually unchanged—then
passed the House by a vote
of 276 to 117. The bill now
goes to conference with the
Senate, which passed a similar
measure earlier this fall.
Throughout the day-long de-
bate, Democratic liberals all
but conceded that they did not
have the votes to turn back
the usually dominant coalition
of Republicans and Southern
Yet they scored a double
victory, not only blocking the
state-control plan, but also suc-
ceeding in retaining $295-
million added in committee to
the Administration’s proposed
$2.048-billion’ bill.
It was apparent that- many
Republicans, confident of vic-
tery, had decided their votes
would not be needed and had;
left for home before the crucial
vote. ‘ ina
~ about six million poor in some
For days, Democratic liberals
had insisted ‘that Fresident
Nixon alone held the key to the
future of the antipeverty pro-
gram. He had called for a sim-
ple iwo-year extension of the
program, without changes.
However, with the House Re-
publican leadership firmly com-
mitted to shifting control to the
states, the President did not
personally seek to line up Re-
publican support for a simple
two-year extension.
Instead, at his news confer-
ence on Monday, Mr. Nixon
said he hoped that his anti-
poverty director, Donald Runis-
feld, could take some kind of
“accommodation? with critics
of the program.
Heeding the President's ad-
vice, sponsors of the state-
control plan modified their
earlier propesal by permitting
the director of the Office of
Economic Oppertunity greater
leeway in overriding vetoes of
Governors over local commu-
nity action programs.
They also provided the
O.E.0, director with several
metheds of by-passing slates
that failed to adequately fund
local programs,
Even with these modifica-
tions, Mr, Rumsfeld spoke out
today against the Republican
substitute proposal.
Exemptions Pile Up
In hour after hour of debate
today, several moderate Repub-|
licans. and Democratic liberals
stripped the state-control plan
even further.
The Head Start program of
pre-school training for the poor
was exempted from state con-
‘ trol by voice vote.
The family planning program
was also exempted by a vote
of 75 to 26.
And the House voted, 96 to
41, to exempt from state con-
trol all community action pro-
grams on Indian reservations.
In the end, the proposed
stae-control plan was limited
primarily to non-Indian com-
munity action programs and to
Volunteers in Service to Amer-
ica (VISTA).
Of-all the antipoverty pro-
prams: enacted five years ago
under a Democratic Adminis-
tration, community action has
drawn the most fire, particu-
larly in urban areas where the
newly’ organized poor have
staged rent strikes and other
This year, the antipoverty
agency has funded 969 commu-
nity action programs serving
2,000 counties, both urban and
The community programs
vary from place to place, offer-
ing such aid as health services,
emergency food and médical
services, aid to migrant worlk-
ers, legal services and consumer
Woshington, D, C.
Satur rday, December 13, 1969
som Y f™
. i. eer a
New | Life in
House Vot
Star Staff Writer
in an upset that startled near-
ly everyone involved, the House}
has voted to give the Office of
Economic Opportunity a two-}
yvar, $2.3 billion lease on life,
It was a rebut’ to House Re-)
former member, OFO Director
Donald Rumsfeld, and a mixed
blessing for President Nixon, i
The key vote came yesterday).
on a motion to substitute a bill
shifting most OO programs to
the states. It lost, 231 to 163.
The antipoverty measure then
was approved, 276 to i17, and
sent to a conference with the
“T am pleased and darn grate-
ful,” Rumsfeld said after the
He said he would work for
continued reform within QEO
and said the bill’s approval
shouldn’t be interpreted es full!
approval of what has gone on in
this agency.”
Alihouth Nixon had asked
Congress for a simple two-year,
$2-pillion-a-year extension of
OEO, his support inrecent days
was seen as less than enthusias-
tic. At his press conference last
Monday the President said he
backed Aumsfeld bul urged him
to seek an accommodation with
House leaders.
There was no evidence that
the White House took an active
role in lobbying for the bill.
Rumsfeld carried the fignt in
dozens of meetings with con-
gressmen, frequently urging
that he be given a chance to
correct OEO problems on his
Vote for Substitute |
On the House floor, the oppesi-
tion was led by GOP Leader
Gerald R. Ford of Michigan and
William H. Ayres of Ohio, the
top Republican on the Education
and Labor Committee.
They joined forces with South-,
ern Democrats behiad a substi-
tute bill drafted by Reps. Albert)
publican leaders, a victory for! -
H. Quie, R-Minn., and faith
Green, D-Ore., that would have
sharply changed OLO's course.
Up to the moment when House
members filed down the center
aisle in an unofficial “teller”
vote, friends and focs of QEO
alike were predicting victory for
the substitute, ;
Avres, who acted as floor lead-
er for the Quie-Green bill, salu
he knew they were losing when
‘jclusters of Republicans and con-
seryativ e Democrats joined
OEQ supporters. The “teller”
voie was 183 to 166.
Ayres called the vole & person-
al triumph for Rumsfeld ani
‘isent him a felegram: “The
Burasfeld Raiders rode again.
| lCongratulations. Good Tuck on
“ithe mess you inherited but don’t
“lsay you didn’t ask for it.”
Rep. Joe D. Waggonner,
D-La., a leader of the Southern
‘forces, said many congressmen
‘from Border Siates broke away
from the substitute bill, even
though critical of OHO, because
they. did not want to turn alti-
poverty programs over to Ne
publican governors. He men-
tioned Arkansas, West Virginia,
nee Florida and Kentuc-
Ayres said he had assumed
that nearly all Republicans, long
ieceral programs, would vote
for the substitute. In the end, 68
Republicans voted against it.
A breakdown on the key vote!
‘shows those 63 Republicans join-
ing 168 Democrats against the
substitute and 60 Democrats vot-
ing wilh 103 Republicans for it.
Both Reps. Joel T. Broyhill,
R-Va., and William Scott, R-Va.,
voted against extending the anti-
poverty program. Reps. Law-
renee J. Hogan, R-Md., and Gil-
|be:t Gude, R-Md., voted for it on
tial passage, although Hegan
voted for the earlier substitute, ,
Credit for the OEO victory!
ais¢ must go, Waggonner said,|
to OKO itself and its constituen-|
cy in urban sreas where oprosi-
iion to the substitute was orga-
nized hurriedly over the last
Telegrams, letters and tele-
phone calls from mayors all
added up. ‘‘After the pressure
was on, we never had a
chance,” he said,
Began A Week Ago
The pressure began more than
a week ago when Quie and Mrs.
Green unveiled their substitute
bill. Debate was scheduled for
the next day but Education and
Labor Committee Chairman
_ Carl D. Perkins, D-Ky., yanked
the administration bill off the
calendar to bargain for time.
As yesterday’s long day of
poverty talk began, OEO critics
were optimistic and its defend-
ers gloomy. Both Democratic
whip Hale Boggs of Louisiana
and Majority Leader Carl Albert
of Oklahoma said they did not
have the votes to win.
Perkins said strong Republi-
can support was essential for
victory. He urged at least 55
Republicans te “come forward
Jone expected that anywhere
near 63 would answer the call.
The tone of the debate reflect-
ed the prevailing attitudes. OEO
backers offfered little resistance
to the substitute. A few relative-
ly minor amendments were
adopted. There were frequent
shouts of ‘‘vote, vote” to keep
the action moving.
The substitute would have giv-
en governors a veto over VISTA
and community action programs
and would have permitted states
to establish separate agencies to
operate the anti-poverty pro-
Head Start Funds
The bill that passed Jeaves
OEO as it is and authorizes $295
million extra for Head Start, job
training and health services.
The bill now goes to confer-
ence with a similar Senate ver-
sion passed Oct. 14 that author-
izes $4.8 billion over two years.
Joining in the end-of-session
rush, the Senate Appropriations
Committee went ahead yester-
day and put nearly $2 billion into
an appropriation bill for OEO
even though final action on the
some time next week.
and support your President.” No|
By Richard
Saturday, Dec. 13, 1969
7 Ty 7
TT ay 2D ie ph aren ei S
Ltt Lei Lue Wi
L. Lyons
Washington Post Staff Writer
The House voted to extend
the war on poverty through
mid-1971 last night after rejecting—in a spectacular up-
set—a proposal to give the states contro] over most anti-
poverty programs.
The state-control plan, supported by most pee
and Southern Democrats, was defeated 231 to 163 on ;
roll call vote.
The House went on to pass
the bill extending the life of
the Office of Mconomic Oppor-
tunity by a vote of 276 to 117.
The bill now goes to a House-
Senate conference where the
major difference is a Senate
amendment giving governors
a veto over legal services for
the poor.
Rejection of the state-con-
trol plan was a shock to both
supporters and opponents. Its
approval had been conceded in
advance by almost everyone,)
especially after its sponsors
offered last-minute conces-
President Nixon had aslied
for a simple extension of the
present program. But when
}state-control plan. At his news
authorization cannot come until]:
ithe bill was taken up yesier-,
day after six months of ma-|
neuvering, his principal sup-|
port came from liberal Demvo- |
crats who distrust the ability
or will of the states to operate
meaningful antipoverty pro-
Donaid Rumsfeld, director,
of the Office of Economie Op- |
portunity, which runs the pro- |
gram, strongly opposed the
‘ence Monday night, the |
'President expressed support
for Rumsfeld, but also @X-
pressed hope that an “accom:
modation” could be reacheci.
This made it seem even more
likely that some version of
state control would pass the
Several reasons were offer-
ed for defeat of the state-con-
trol plan. One was that the
week’s delay Democrats won
when the substitute was intro-
duced last week allowed time
for a mail and personal lobby-
A\ number of conservative
Democrats from states with
Republican governors voted
jadainst turning the program
ever to them. Some Republi-
can voles probably went to
Rumsfeld, their former col-
league, as a personal matter.
And several members whol
had voted against a strong:
voting rights bill Thursday;
switched to oppose state con-:
ire}, perhaps not wishing to/
cast what could be regardedi
as votes against the poor on)
consecutive days.
On the key vote,
ecrais) and 63
voted against
168 Demoa-
state conirol,
while 103 Republicans and 60|
Demoerats voted for it.
OEO deals directly with)
communities, with a minimum]
of state supervision. The sub-;
stitute proposal would have|
- permitied governors to take}
control of most of the contro-|
versial programs that come|
under the umbrella of commu-|
! It was chiefly a desire to get
{lighter control over the local
lprograms, which the poor
‘themselves help run, that mo-
tivated the campaign for state
Supporters of state control
insisted that they were not/
trying to dismantle OEO, but
‘rather were trying to give au-
thority to stale officials who
;have a better grasp of prob-
‘lems in their _States,
ing campaign.
Republicans ,
; ‘Edueation and Labor Commit-;
nity action on the Jocal level. | |
But when-hKep. Wwunam ti
Ayres (R-Ohio), a leading cos-|
ponsor of the state-controli
plan, was asked by reporters if]
it wouldn't take away most of |
OEO’s authority, he said: |
“We are only taking away |
his (Rumsfeld's) canoe. lle’s
stil) got his paddle.”
In an effort to Te
of moderate Republicans sup-|
porting Rumsfeld, a former |
member of the House, the!
state-contro! forees offered
vesterday to make concessions
that would give him some}
power to act if states did not!
eperate cifeclive programs. |
But Rep. Carl Perkins @,
ehairman of the House
tee and floor manager of the
-adiministration’s extension bill,
called the revised substitute
“as destructive’ as the origi-
nal state-control plan.
| Speaker John W. = Me-
‘Cormack (D-Mass.) urged de-
feat of the substitute, saving
ithe issue was one of “money
values versus human values.”