Box 7, Folder 12, Document 11

Dublin Core


Box 7, Folder 12, Document 11

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I. Minority Contractor Institute Proposal. After the history,
current status and details of the Minority Contractors Institute
‘proposal were presented and discussed, the Executive Committee
approved the proposal with the understanding that an advisory
committee made up of all elements of the Coalition will be
formed and consulted. Attached is the proposal.

II. Dates of Future Steering and Executive Committee Meetings.
The attached list of dates was approved.

III. Terms of Office for Steering and Executive Committee Members.
At the present time Steering Committee members do not serve any
fixed term. The proposal was for two-year terms to be established
for all Steering Committee members and that they be eligible for

The only exceptions to the two-year rule would be for those
members who hold public office or are officers of private
organizations. Their term of office would be limited to the
term of their non-coalition position.

In order to initiate this system, it was proposed that the
Chairman be empowered to assign terms of office to all current
Steering Committee members.

The proposal was approved by the Executive Committee. A
copy is attached. :

IV. Nominating Committee Report. Three categories were presented
Mayors, Businessmen, and Mexican-Americans.

A. Mayors - Nine names representing a range of geography
and party were presented. The entire list was approved
with the authority to approach individuals as vacancies
occur until the list is exhausted.

B. Businessmen - The list was accepted with one addition
from the floor. It was also suggested that some
additional names representing the financial community
be added. This was agreed to and additional names will
be circulated.

It was also proposed to enlarge business representation
on the Executive Committee by three and on the Steering
Committee by seven. The list of names and the
enlargement of the Steering and Executive Committee was

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- Urban Coalition Executive Committee

In addition, the Executive Committee authorized the
Chairman to approach individuals on the list as
vacancies occur until the list is exhausted. Care
will be exercised in aSsuring that geography and
types of industry are fairly represented in the
complexion of the committees.

Mexican-American - Two candidates were submitted and
approved by the Executive Committee.

Announcements - An announcement of the nominees for
the Steering Committee will be made after they have
been contacted and have accepted.

V. Housing. A report of the Housing Task Force was presented
which outlined the principal effort the Task Force wished to
take in the housing field.

The report was approved by the Executive Committee, a copy
of which is attached.

Whereupon, at 5:25 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.


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