Box 7, Folder 12, Document 18

Dublin Core


Box 7, Folder 12, Document 18

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At the current time Steering Committee members and

Executive Committee members are elected for indefinite terms,
terminated only by a wenber'ts xeeignation, death, or upon a
vote of the Steering Committee to remove him from office. In
order to assure the continued vitality of the Committees and

an orderly process of turnover, terms of office should be.

established for all members.

It is therefore recommended that the Executive Committee

approve the following policies and authorize the Chairman to

implement them, including the incorporation of changes in the

by-laws as may be necessary:

1. Except as noted in Paragraph 2, all Steering Committee
members shall be nominated to serve for a term of two
years and shall be eligible Lor re-election to additional


2. The terms of office of members who hold public office or
are officers of private organizations or businesses shall
be up to two years but shall not exceed the term of their

non-Coalition position.

3. The chairman and co-chairmen shall serve in that capacity

for 2-year terms and shall be eligible for re-election.
Executive Committee members shall be elected for a term
equivalent to their term on the Steering Committee and

shall be eligible for re-election.

The Nominating Committee shall be established as a
permanent committee of the Executive Committee. Its
members shall serve for a term equivalent to their term
on the Executive Committee and shall be eligible for .
re-election. The size of the committee shall be fixed by

the Chief Executive Officer but may not be less than five.

Individuals will be elected to the Steering Committee,
Executive Committee and the Nominating Committee by a
majority vote of the Steering Committee which may be

taken either by mail or at a regularly scheduled meeting.

The Chairman is authorized to assign terms of office to
all current members of the Steering Committee in

accordance with the policies stated above.


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